lxxix. valentine's day

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lxxix. valentine's day

Derek Lee-Sunny ( shepherd ) and Atlas Lee-Sunny ( shepherd ) were both seated in the front of their car as they headed towards a restaurant for their Valentine's Day dinner.

Lilla had been kind enough to watch Starlee, she had claimed that she hasn't had enough time with her granddaughter since Atlas adopted her.

Anyways, Atlas and Derek didn't mind and were glad to have some time to themselves as their first Valentine's Day as a married couple.

"You gonna have pasta?" Derek questioned as he pulled into a parking space.

Atlas hummed as he grabbed his wallet and phone from the back seat, him having thrown it back there along with his jacket. Once he had evening he needed, he moved around the car so he was standing beside Derek. "You ready? First Valentine's Day as a married couple." Atlas asked as held Derek's hand.

"Just like any others," Derek took a step forward before he tugged Atlas's hand. "Wait."

"Yeah? What's up?" Atlas quickly let go of his husbands hand and turned towards him, his hands now resting on Derek's shoulders. "You okay?"

A sad look washed over Derek's face. "It's our first Valentine's Day without Starlee. Maybe we should call your mom."

Atlas chuckled, but nonetheless he picked up his phone and started to dial his mother, moving closer to the car as he did so. The phone buzzed and rang before Lilla's voice echoed from the speaker.

"Hi my baby! What's up?"

Atlas looked to Derek, handing him the phone. "Hey, Li. Just wanted to say hi to Starlee."

"Of course! Oh, me and her are having so much fun! We even started hand painting."

"Thanks, ma. Love you!" Atlas hung the phone up before he rested his head against Derek's shoulder. "See, everything okay."

And just like that, the want for a phone call may have saved their lives. Because ahead of them, the roof to the restaurant, Grandinetti's, collapsed.

"Oh! Holy shit!" Atlas exclaimed with bulging eyes, his hands were quick to pull Derek towards him. "So much for dinner."

"We're doctors! We can help!"

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Atlas stood beside a gurney as the paramedics wheeled him into the E.R. The patient was a thirty year old woman who has a extreme chest wound.

Atlas liked to think that the lady would have died if he wasn't there.

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" Atlas asked the lady who was blinking up at him.

The lady nodded, "I-I can."

Atlas smiled down at her, other staff now standing beside him as they wheeled her towards the elevator so they could take her to surgery. "That's great, ma'am."

"Mr. Shepherd!" April Kepner yelled out as she rushed forward, a clip board help against her chest.

Atlas whipped his head towards the resident, his hand reaching out to hold the elevator for her. "Huh?"

"Chief Shepherd wanted me to ask you about the trustees' breakfast in the morning." April continued on as she stepped inside the elevator. "Will you be going with him to the breakfast or meeting him there?"

Atlas grinned excitedly, "I'll meet him there."

The elevator door dinged and April Kepner was the first to step out. She beamed at the cardio chief, "Thank you! Now, will you need me to pick you up an outfit from your home?"

"From home?" Atlas blinked at the resident as he started to walk with the gurney. "My home?"

Christina chuckled, "No, from Joes bar."

April continued to beam, her vibrant personally alive as ever. "Yes your home! Chief Shepherd has given me a key to retrieve an outfit for himself, along with one for you if you needed it."

"Oh gosh, yeah okay."

╚═ ☆ ═╝

The next morning, after many surgeries, Atlas had made his way towards his cubby in the attending's lounge where he was hoping whatever outfit April had grabbed was there.

News flash, it wasn't.

But there was a little note and key saying that it was placed neatly in his husbands office. So Atlas grabbed whatever he needed from his cubby and made his way towards his husbands office.

In the office, like informed, was a nicely laid out tux that was indeed from Atlases side of the closet.

In little to no time, Atlas had changed and started his journey out towards his brothers car knowing that Derek had taken theirs. His brother, Olly, had given him permission to use the car.

Half way towards the breakfast, Atlas stopped at a local grocery store. Why? Because he needed to get a special little thing.

Flowers! Atlas had gotten a bundle of flowers for his husband. Many colours, many sizes and many different kinds.

Oh, and he got a special little card too.

When Atlas arrived at the location the breakfasts as being held at, the doors were still open and people were still walking in. The cardio surgeon rushed towards the doors quickly, his card and flowers in hand as he did so.

When he stepped inside he looked around, not spotting his husband anywhere. But sure enough, Derek stood there tall as he shook peoples hands.

Atlas got into the semi-line and walked towards his husband with everything he had gotten.

"Hey, love." Atlas greeted as he held the flowers and congratulations card out to his husband.

"Atly, you made it!" Oliver cheered loudly as he and Meredith stepped closer towards Derek and Atlas.

Atlas looked towards his brother instead of his husband, "Olly?!"

"That's me! El is here somewhere too! So is mom and Starlee. Had to support the family!" Oliver cheered as he sung his arm around Derek and grabbed ahold of the flowers. "Oo. Pretty."

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heya! i have an essay to write for my english class, but once that's done i will work on the next 6-7 chapters of act 3. and then we'll be on to act 4.

who is excited! i am. more updates coming soon, i promise.

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now