xli. breakfast in bed

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xli. breakfast in bed

"Breakfast in bed?" Derek walked into Atlas's bedroom ( some might say Atlas's and Dereks ) with a plate full of food Lilla had made. "It looks delicious and smells amazing."

Atlas only nodded, he was slowly starting to not push himself so hard now, he was eating well. There were some times when he would get the "he died and they brought him back to life" glance.

Taking a bite of the food, Atlas moaned in delight, the food practically melting on his tongue. Atlas swallowed his food, "Thank you, Der."

Derek leaned over and placed a kiss to Atlas's cheek, "of course, love."

╚═ ☆ ═╝

"Mrs. Rogerson, according to your CT, you have severe internal bleeding. It was probably caused by your anti- inflammatory medication." Callie told the patient, Cathy.

Nina the daughter of Cathy shook her head, "Does that require surgery because she can't have any."

"Obviously, any surgical procedure could cause more bone growth or do more damage than good. That's why Dr. Lee is here." The ortho resident looked to Atlas.

Callie enjoyed Atlas presence, the attending always having something nice to say, having a calming vibe, or even the fact that he was kind and worked hard.

"What we can do is inset a line into your groin and then float a catheter up and embalize the area." Atlas told Cathy, Nina listing too.

"That's minimally invasive?" The daughter scoffed, not convinced with the procedure being "minimally invasive".

"As minimally invasive as possible but with your condition even this is risky." Cathy had a case of FOP, also known as Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. A rare genetic condition that consisted of abnormal bone growth in areas where bones typically don't grow.

"I'm 41 years old. Most FOP patients don't live to 45. I'm down to the use of my face and hands, pretty soon I won't have anything. So, what would happen if I refuse the surgery?" The patient asked.

Callies eyes saddened, "You will bleed to death... within a day or two."

"Is that painful?"

"Mom, stop, ok?" Nina interrupted.

"Nina, please let me think, I..."

"The reason you've gotten this far...our treatment plan works. It will work." The daughter insisted.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Now, Atlas was having a good day so far. Derek had brought him breakfast in bed, he had gotten a lot of kisses from his boyfriend. And then was invited onto a case that he was very excited to work on. Then Izzie Stevens approached him.

"I had s*x last night...with the wrong person. But the thing is it didn't feel wrong at the time. It felt like everything was falling into place. So, what do I do?" Izzie rambled to the attending.

Atlas's jaw dropped, "What the fuck, am I the go to person for everyone now?!"

Izzie blinked at his reaction, "No...no...I just...I just don't know what to do."

Atlas waved his hands above his head, "Stop! You stop, that's what you do."

Izzie didn't like that, "Are you sure? How do you know, that it feels so right because it's gods plan?"

Atlas's eyes widened visibly, "God wants you to be an adulterer?"

"God got a virgin pregnant by magic. God is not playing by the rules."

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Richard walked into the conference room Derek was seated in. "No coffee. One more thing for Marlow to tweak. Please tell me you're not coming up with a ten-year plan for this hospital." The older man pleaded.

"You can come up with all the plans you want but in the end their just... it's doesn't make one bit of difference. Things happen, people just..."

"Drown? Collapse?

"Yeah, you know when I caught him after he had pulled Meredith out of the water, he was like ice. I close my eyes for a minute and it's like he's back on the cement dying. I'm up at night and I just listen to him breath, you know? Just in case he stops. I can come up with plans for the hospital but if they ask me where I'm gonna be in 10 years..." The neurosurgeon trailed off.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

"How's it looking?" Atlas asked out loud for anyone to answer.

"Still see bleeding." A doctor announced.

"Platinum microcoils, they aren't holding." Atlas shook his head and racked his brain for any solution that would work.

"What about using an gelatin sponge?" Callie suggested.

"I've already tried polyvinyl alcohol, glue, micro-coils. Nothings working." Atlas replied and looked down at the patient.

"BP's dropping to 62 systolic." Izzie announced.

"We're gonna have to open her up." Atlas spoke.

"If you open her up she's dead."

"If we don't she's dead." He argued back.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

"Miss. Rogerson." Atlas addressed Nina, Cathys daughter.

"Is my mother okay? How'd the surgery go?" The young adult jumped up from her chair.

Atlas shook his head sadly, "I'm so sorry for your lost. We tried to get her back. But unfortunately your mother passed away."

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Well Mark was inside talking with the board, Atlas and a few other attending's who were fighting for the position were sayings outside spying.

"Wait, now they're laughing." Addison muttered.

"Laughing?" Derek asked.

"They're laughing." Addison confirmed.

Derek shook his head, "Well, they can't be laughing with him, they have to be laughing at him."

Bailey walked up to the two and stood beside Atlas. "I'm surprised you don't have a shot glass pressed up against that window."

Everyone moves as Mark, Webber and the board all exit the conference room.

"Let me show you the new clinic." Mark smiled and started to show the board where the clinic was.

"Chief?" Burke stopped Richard from going further anymore.

"Hmm?" Richard hummed.


"If you ask me, you all could stand to borrow a page from Dr. Sloan's book." Richard had a small smirk on his lips.

"Sloan? You're kidding, right? That's a joke." Derek deadpanned.

"He didn't get caught up in this whole ten-year plan foolishness. He said he had a "right now" plan for Seattle Grace." Richard told the group and Atlas snickered into his arm only for Bailey to elbow him.

"The "right now" plan." Burke repeated.

"The "right now" plan?" Bailey looks over at Mark who smiles, "Is that right?"She says agitated.

"Board ate it up, tell you the truth, so did I." Richard told them before walking away.

Atlas laughed and swung an arm around his saddened boyfriends waist.

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now