xxi. strike

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xxi. strike

Atlas was not going to cross the red line, thats what he kept telling himself. He was not going to do it, is what he believed. He supported the nurses on strike, and what they were standing for. He was also a suck up for the nurses. He gave them sweets and fruits whenever he had time. He was always polite and used his manners with them. He would make sure nurses didn't work his surgery's back to back — unless it was crucial. Overall, Atlas tried to make sure he was on the nurses good side, so now that majority of the nursing staff had gone on strike and they had asked him to go on strike to support — he couldn't really say no. ( he just didn't want the nurses to yell and avoid him. )

There is a large group of nurses alongside Atlas protesting. They formed a picket line in front of the hospital. Whoever crossed faced the wrath of the angry nurses.

"Fair hours, fair wages!" A few of the nurses chanted as they held up various signs higher.

Atlas catches George and Izzie standing at the end of the picket line looking at everything. Atlas can practically see the wheels turning in their heads.

"Can't. Can't, can't cross the picket line. I can't." George muttered with a shake of his head.

"I don't like it either, George, but what choice to we have? Ok you took an oath to heal. You're a healer." Izzie scolded, wanting nothing more than to walk into the hospital.

"Dad's a truck driver. Mom's a teacher. The evening news shows me crossing the picket line ... they'll outlive me just to pee on my grave." Atlas laughed at George's comment, which caused the interns to snap their heads towards the attending.

Izzie gives George a weird look well Atlas moves closer to the intern, "hey George, where my brother?"

"Uh... Work, yeah work." He stumbled over his words as he tried not to tell Atlas that Oliver was still in the car making out with Venus, the two being in the honeymoon phase of their new relationship.

"Has there been any blood yet? Heard they brought in scab nurses." Christina walks to the three.

"Hold on, C. George here was gonna tell me where my brother is. Eliza's over there holding up that sign, but Oliver is no where to be found." Atlas's eyes bore into George's.

"Yeah—yeah, he's making out with Venus in his car, okay? Now, has there been blood?"

"My brothers what?!" Atlas asked, but before he could even receive an answer he had taken off into the parking lot and towards his younger brother car.

"Your in a lot of shit!" Atlas banged his palm against the window of Oliver's car.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Cristina, Alex, Izzie and Oliver are waiting for their new resident.

"Yes, yes that's him. He's been published twice and he's flawless." Christina exclaims as a doctor walks by.

"Oh, I don't want that guy. That guy's a freak. He doesn't let you speak in the OR." Ozzie comments.

"Yeah, but he's flawless." Christina argues with Izzie's comment.

Another doctor walks by, "I think it's him. What's his name again?" Alex chirps.

"Ew no. That's mouth breather guy."

"Oh yeah, mouth breather guy. But he'll let you do a procedure on your own if he likes you."

Meredith walks up to them, "What are we doing?"

"Trying to figure out who they're going to pick for Bailey's replacement."

"Oh. Oh god, what if it's my brother. Technically he's not a resident but I bet the chief would just say screw it. He can not be our resident, Alex!" Oliver placed his hands on Alex's shoulder and shakes.

A loud booming voice sounds from the stairs causing the interns to look that way, "Yang, Stevens, Grey, O'Malley, Karev, Lee-Sunny!" A young, cheerful female doctor comes barreling over to the interns.

"I'm Sydney Heron."

"Oh thank goodness it's not Atlas."

╚═ ☆ ═╝

"You didn't cross the line." Derek points out as he sits down in the bench beside Atlas.

"We can't keep doing this Derek. I-I picked you, and then you picked her. And I don't blame you for that, for any of it anymore. But I'm with Finn now." Atlas babbled on.

"Friends, that's all I want." Derek tried.

Atlas didn't know what to say... deep down he still felt feelings towards Derek, ones that not even Finn could make him forget about. Many times Atlas was around Derek all those feelings would resurface and then Atlas was forced to push them down or find a distraction. But maybe it was for the best, maybe Atlas could learn to be friends with Derek and even Addison if he chose.

Atlas knew that Oliver would encourage this — then again his whole family would tell him that he needed to learn, try to move on from Derek.

"Friends, we can try friends." Atlas breathed.

"There's this trail I walk every morning. You could come. You could even bring Snacks. I think he might like it."

"Yeah sure, I think snacks is hating me anyways. I'm pretty sure he thinks I enjoy keeping him locked up in the house or outside in our backyard."


hello! this is a short chapter ! but anyways i hope you all enjoy!

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now