oxi. judy dolls

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oxi. judy dolls

Atlas had gotten into his car and drove, at first he was just driving, but then it's like his mind flipped a switch and he headed out towards Dereks trailer.

Atlas jumps out of his car and walks up to the trailer door and knocks. "Derek!" He yells out loudly.

Derek opens the door. He looks fine, sad, but not drunk like Atlas was earlier that day.

"Atlas..." Derek doesn't know what to say, how to approach the situation, how to apologize.

Atlas walks backwards abit so he's leaning against his car, Derek sitting on the porch steps.

"What happened?" Atlas breaks the silence, his voice sad and empty.

"One night I parked my car. I unlock my front door, go inside my house, and something 's different. Nothing's different, everything's the same, but yet, still, something's different. And I stand there for a while. And then I know. See, there are moments for me, you know, usually when I'm in the OR, when I just know what's gonna happen next. So I go upstairs. As I'm walking down the hall, I trying to prepare myself for what I'm gonna see when I go into my bedroom."

Derek takes a breath, before continuing.

"I step on a man's jacket that doesn't belong to me. And everything I think I know just shifts. Because the jacket that doesn't belong to me is a jacket that I recognize. And what I know now is that when I go into my bedroom, I'm not just gonna see that my wife is cheating on me. I'm gonna see that my wife is cheating on me with Mark, who happened to be my best friend. It's just so pedestrian, common and dirty, and cruel. Mostly just cruel. I left, came out here." Derek finished telling Atlas the story behind it all.

"Then you met me. You wiggled your way into my life." Atlas says, a faint smile resting on his lips.

"I did."

Atlas doesn't say anything else, they just stand there in silence. Atlas moves back toward the driver side of the door. Before he enters he turns towards Derek.

"I-I need to know what I was to you? The guy you screwed to get over being screwed? T-the guy who you dated to forget the wife?" It pains both men to speak and hear the words.

"You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me. That's all I know." Derek answers.

"I-I don't think that's enough. I'm sorry."

Atlas gets into his car and leaves.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Atlas was lying across the couch in the Lee-Sunny family living room, Lilo and stitch was playing as he ate spoonful after spoon full of ice cream. He had done nothing but sit and watch Lilo and stitch over and over again—it was his comfort movie, his favourite movie.

His mother had left the house a few hours ago to go and get groceries and some break up items for her son. Or that's what she said, Atlas wouldn't be surprised if his younger brother came home yelling that Lilla had shown up to the hospital and started to freak out on Atlas ex-boyfriend. But at this point in the day, Atlas didn't really care.

There was a loud knock at the door which made Atlas groan. Was he going to get up from his blanket cocoon? No he wasn't. "Go away!" He yelled over the sound of his movie and the occasional sniffle from the cardio surgeon.

"Atlas Peter Lee-Sunny, if you don't open this door in the next minute, I swear I'll kick your ass so far into Canada, you'll freeze." Miranda Bailey yelled from the other side of the locked entrance door.

Atlas froze, slightly scare on how the resident had gotten his home address—he figured that she bribed Oliver into giving it to her.

"Go away, bails!" Atlas paused his move as he yelled, he was not in the mood for a Bailey talk or a Bailey ass kicking.

"Five! Four! Three!" Atlas jumped up, all his blankets and the empty container of ice cream falling off his chest to the floor. He ran right towards the door and twisted the handle and threw it open fast. If the door was human, it would have gotten whiplash.

"About time." Bailey chuckled as she moved into the home, a chart in her hands. The resident moved around the home until she entered the living room where she stared at the mess in shock.

"Atlas! Look at this mess!" She waved her hands widely, pointing to the ice cream containers — yes, plural. She dumped the chart into Atlas's hands before starting to clean up the living room.

Atlas took a seat on the floor, his legs stretched out far infront of him as he started to read the chart. His eyes moved over each page, his finger flipping the chart pages back and forth.

"This man, swallowed judy dolls?!" Atlas exclaimed loudly, which scared Miranda, causing her to drop the garage she held to the floor.

"Oh my! Don't do that!" She said as she picked up the garbage she had dropped, Miranda turned around to face the attending.

"I know your hurt. But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't drag you by the ear and give you a case."

"This is mine?!"

"Only if you get up." Atlas moved faster than ever and clutched the chart to his chest as he ran out the front door, forgetting all about Bailey who was standing in the living room.

"Bails! Let's go!"

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Doctor. Bailey watched from afar as Oliver, Christina and Atlas all started a conversation. The surgery to remove the judy dolls had gone well. They all (Cristina and Oliver) were happily telling the older surgeon about their day and whatever had happened.

Miranda watched as a smile spread across Atlas face. She saw him happy, finally happy since the news of Derek being married.

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now