xxvi. the family has a cold

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xxvi. the family has a cold

"You little shit!"

Imagine this, a something year old man chasing his younger siblings around the house. His hair is wild and messy — looking like a birds nest. His clothes are bunched up at the calves and his shirt all wrinkled and twisted. His eyes are clouded with sleep and his nose is runny — thanks to a simple cold he had gotten, which meant he had given it to his family. His feet push off the wooden flood as he tries to catch up with his younger siblings who had ever so rudely put hair dye into his shampoo, making his hair turn into a purple.

Now, know that it's Atlas.

Atlas had gotten his entire family sick because of a cold he had brought home. And he, including his sibling were forced to stay home — that's slightly a lie, they were supposed to go to work but Bailey who knew everything had called them up and told that that there was no chance that they were aloud to come into work.

Atlas was currently chasing his younger brother and sister around, like they had done many times before. Eliza was a few steps in front of Oliver and Atlas, her having done cross county for a few years in highschool.

"Atly! Please! It was Oliver's idea!" Eliza pleaded as she looked over her shoulder only to see no one.

Atlas and her mother jumped from around the corner causing the two adults to let out a scared yelp.

Atlas and Lilla high-fived each other in victory. They watched as the twins looked over to them angered.

"Uh oh." Despite being sick, the two older adults took of running.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Atlas loved Disney movies. The old ones and even some of the newer ones. But is favourite would have to be Lilo and Stitch, it wasn't just his movie he watched on rewind when someone ( aka Derek Shepherd ) breaks up with him, but his movie be practically bagged his family to watch with him.

"Please! Please! I'll bake cupcakes!" Atlas pleaded with his brother and sister who wanted to watch a different movie.

"Nope." They wouldn't budge, even Oliver who was in the other room wouldn't.

"Pleaseeee!" Atlas whined.

"Atly. No." Eliza looked up from the remote controller.

"Atly. Yes." Atlas gave his sister a cheeky grin.

"Snacks!" Oliver came walking into the living room with popcorn and snacks ( the edible kind ) tucked into his arm, the dog snacks walking right behind the intern.

Oliver sat himself down right in between Eliza and Atlas. Snacks hopped up onto the couch and moved onto Atlas lap.

"Please, El?" Atlas pleaded one last time with high hopes that he would be aloud to watch Lilo and Stitch.

"I will call Derek! If you keep asking I will call him!" Eliza threatened in a shout as she dropped the remote and dug her phone out of her pocket.

"Don't you dare." Atlas's spoke lowly.

Atlas watched with prying eyes as Eliza typed in her phone and then placed it to her ear, before pulling it back and placing it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" Derek asked through the phone.

"Oh don't you dare. Hang up that phone." Atlas whispered.

"Eliza? El? You there?" Derek asked once more.

"Oh yeah, I'm here. Sorry." Eliza smiled sheepishly at her older brother.

"What's up then?"

"Atlas won't let us watch the movie we want." Oliver childishly told the man on the other side of the phone.

Derek let out a sigh, "really? Your all at home and you called me because Atlas won't let you watch the movie you want?"

"Well yeah."

"Hand the phone to Atlas." Derek muttered.

"Hi Der..." even though Derek couldn't see it, Atlas had a wide grin on his face.

"I am in surgery. Surgery. Brain surgery! Now, as much as I enjoy these calls, your gonna hang up, let your siblings watch what they want, and eat some soup so you can come back to work. Okay?"

"Sure thing Derek!" Atlas didn't wait for Derek to reply before he had he hung up the phone and handed it to his sister, a pout on his lips.

The twins cheered as they put on the movie they wanted.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Atlas was snugly under his blankets, a book in hand that he was reading. A small knock brought the adults attention away from his book. "Come in." He dropped the book into his lap.

Eliza walked into her brothers room and flopped down onto his bed.

"Remember when we used to make forts?" Eliza smiled sadly, she missed making forts.

"I do. You'd always come into my room late at night when you couldn't sleep asking if we could build a fort." Atlas chuckled as he thought back to when he would make forts with his sister.

"You would always sneak upstairs to grab the couch cushions. And the next morning mom always freaked out thinking someone stole her cushions, no matter now many times we told her it was us." Eliza looked at her brother, "do you think we could build a fort?"

"We can." Atlas moved out from under his blankets and grabbed them all before throwing them on the floor. He moved to his desk where there was thumbtacks he could use.

Eliza climbed onto his bed with his sheet in hand, her other hand was outreached as she waited for a tack or two. When Atlas handed her some she wasted no time in putting the sheet up.

After awhile longer the fort had begun to make progress, Atlas having snuck down stairs once again to grab couch cushions for the fort.

"I remember when you and Ol were born." Atlas suddenly said as he helped Eliza pin up some more sheets he had found.

"Really? Your remember?" Eliza looked towards her brother with a shocked expression.

"I do. Mom had gone into labour early with you two. And we all rushed to the hospital. I stayed outside in the waiting room with a nurse since none of the other family had shown up yet. Awhile after my second game of cards with the nurse, dad had come out and gotten me. And there you two where in moms arms." Atlas closed his eyes for a second as he thought of the memory.

"You were so small, and I just wanted to hold you both and never let go."

"That's sweet, Atly."

"I even brought you in for show and tell once."

"You what?!" Eliza dropped the pillows she held as she spun around to look at her older brother who only gave her a toothy smile.

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now