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Nellie laughed again, me and Nellie went to a near by Target while Sam waited in the car. Getting hair dye, food, clothes, and girl products Nellie needed even letting her get some hair products and makeup which made her happy.

"Stop laughing." I repeated adding more red

"You look like a bloody tampon." She said laughing

Sam laughed washing the bleach out of his hair.

"Seriously stop, it's not that bad." I said

"Yes it is, wait till you wash it out." Sam said drying his hair

"Wait I want to blow dry it." Nellie said getting off the counter

Sam handed her the blow dryer, she turned it on and started running her fingers through his hair making Sam look at me and smile, clearly he liked it when she did that.

I went to the tub washing out my own hair dye and waited till I was able to us the hair dryer.

Now you're probably wondering where the hell we are staying, well the apartment and houses we were looking at we bought a apartment. It's two bedroom but Nellie said she didn't mind sharing a room, two bathrooms, then one big kitchen and livingroom along with a balcony showing off the city.

Nellie absolutely adored the place walking around getting used to where all the different rooms where before putting her things in the room we decided to share.

"Ok Colby your turn." Nellie said

Sam hair now looked golden there was a hint of brown in some places showing he didn't spread the bleach very well. I sat on the chair for Nellie to reach, she moved the dryer before she started running her hands through my hair too, Sam was right it did feel nice.


"What about that tattoo?" Nellie said pointing to the one that said 25 on my thigh

I sighed "After we graduated highschool there was a list of things me and Sam wanted to do before we turned 25, even if it was our greatest fear we had to do it. No half-assing it but of course it didn't work out."

"Does Sam have one too?" She asked

I nodded "In the same place to, I did his and I did mine myself for a surprise for him."

"Thats sweet." Nellie said leaning into me

"Yeah." I said

Her finger traced the ink on my arm before stopping at a different one, the one where two skulls where smashed together.

"That one I got to show me and Sam's friendship." I said

"Sam was right you are a big softie." Nellie said

I looked at Sam curled on the big bean bag staring at the Tv, I was never a softie and I'm still not one even though little by little Nellie is breaking me down into one. Now I don't ever want her to leave but I know I'll have to let her go back, I noticed no one doesn't say anything about Nellie on the Tv anymore. Clearly they think she's really gone or just dead, but of cousre I ain't going to tell Nellie that just so she still has hope people care about her.

"Can I go to bed." She whispered

I looked at the time which showed twelve in the morning.

"Yeah of course." I said

She squeezed my arm once more before getting up and leaving, I sighed and layed down on the couch.

"Softie." Sam said looking at me

"Am not." I said

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