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I smiled at Rose as I walked out of the hallway, Colby took her jacket and hung it over Nellie's lilac colored one.

"So is Bambi here? Can I meet her?" Rose asked looking at Colby

She really thinks her name is Bambi cause thats what i called her while I was fucking drunk.

"Uh she's had to go to the store to get a few things." I said staring at Colby

He nodded putting his hand on the small of her back "Yeah she should be back soon."

Rose nodded and all three of us walked to the livingroom sitting on the couch, Colby turned the TV on and there was a loud thud where Nellie was making me look at Colby who just shook his head. It was loud enough where even Rose heard.

"What was that?" Rose asked

"The neighbors going at it again." Colby said

Rose giggled and leaned into Colbys who wrapped his arm around her just like he does with Nellie. I frowned Colby seemed to completely forget about the other girl in the room next door that he had feeling for. I mean he turned into a softie for a reason and it wasn't for this Rose girl.

I twist and turned trying loosen to the tape a little but I fell off the bed with a loud thud.

"What was that?" That girl asked

"The neighbors going at it again." I heard Colbys voice

I turned on my stomach and pulled the ducktape off my mouth trying not to scream from the pain, after I had it off I moved my wrists loosening the tape till I was abled to pull one hand out then unwrap the tape around my other wrist.

"Yes." I whispered to myself

I sat up starting to unwrapped my ankles, I crumpled up the tape throwing it across Sam's room mumbling some unpleasant words while I stood up. I quietly opened his door and walking down the hallway hearing the Tv play while everyone talks.

"So Colbs how did you meet Bambi?" I heard the girl asked

Why did she call me by Sam's nickname, clearly she doesn't know my name.

"Sam was friends with her at first then he introduced her to me." Colby said

"That's cool." She said

There was shuffling like someone was getting off the couch.

"Where are you going baby girl?" Colbys voice said

My heart shattered he was the only one who called me that and it made my heart fluttered each time he did.

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said

"Down the hall second door on the left." Sam said sounding nervous

"Thanks Sam."

I stayed standing in the hallway waiting for her to see me, and she did. She stood there staring at me before turning around and running back down the hallway, I quickly ran after her jumping on her back making her fall to the ground.

"Who the hell are you!" She yelled at me

"I live here! Who are you!?" I yelled

Someone pulled me off as I swinged my legs and arms all over the place yelling.

"Thats the girl we were talking about." Colby said

"Ah well she's a little crazy." The girl said crossing her arms

"Yeah she just came back from the mental hospital." Colby whispered but I still heard it

The girl gave me sympathetic look "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Rose."

I nodded

"You know it's weird how your parents named you Bambi, I mean like after a kids movie." Rose tried holding in a laugh

"At least I'm not named after a flower that dies." I mumbled

"Hey babygirl be nice." He told Rose

I frowned and a few tears fell from my face making Rose look at me concerned.

"Are you ok?" She asked

I shook my head "Only he calls me that." I whispered

"Does it really matter?" She asked

"It does." I said

"Bambi come on, grow up a bit." She said

"Do not tell me to grow up, you don't know half the shit I've been through with these two fucking guys!" I yelled

She shrugged her shoulders "They seem fine to me."

"You wanna hear a story?" I asked

She nodded "Sure."

"I'm from New York and that jackass had to kidnapped me cause apparently I heard everything, it's been five months since I last seen my friends. I've been beaten, taken from other people, and almost got killed because of them. My name isn't fucking Bambi it's a pet name Sam gave me, my real name is Nellie Olson and you are with the two most wanted people right now and I did NOT just leave a mental hospital." I yelled

Sam and Colby looked at eachother wided eyed and looked at me then Rose.

"What a lie." She said

I grabbed her by her long blonde hair yanking her to the door, I opened it pushing her out before slamming the door in het face and locked it. I saw her jacket over mine, I took it and threw it out the door into the hallway.

"Nellie please listen." Colby said grabbing my wrist

I slapped him across the face "You owe me big time Brock, my wrist and ankles hurt at the moment so leave me the fuck alone."

He let go of me and I walked to his room slamming the door and locking it.

"Nellie it's my room let me in!" Colby yelled

"Fuck off, go sleep on the couch." I said

He groaned and it was quiet after that making me sigh and lay in bed.

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