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"Nellie, I need clothes and a shower!" Colby yelled once again

I groaned going to his closet grabbing a shirt, sweatpants, and his boxers before unlocking the door, he looked at me and smiled.

"Oh god thank you Nellie." He said trying to walk past me

I pushed him and threw his clothes at him before shutting and locking the door then crawled back into bed. I turned the Tv on watching the reruns of Spongebob. The knock on the door ruined my peacefulness of watching the Tv making me groan again.

"Go away Colby!" I yelled

"It's Sam, theres a plate of food out here." He quietly said

I heard him walk away while I bit my lip, I got up unlocking the door going out to the kitchen where Sam was sitting on the bar stool by himself. I grabbed the plate of food and sat next to him not saying a word.

"I'm sorry." I whispered

"It's all right." He said before taking a bite from his sandwich

"Who was she?" I asked only knowing her name was Rose

Sam shrugged "What I remember is that me and Colby had to meet someone the rest was a big blur and this morning I woke up in a different apartment."

I nodded, the girl was pretty her shoulder length blonde hair, her blue ocean eyes, perfect body. Everything was just perfect about her.

"I know what your thinking." Sam said


"She not as perfect as you, your brown hair is more vibrant, bright brown chocolate eyes compare to the dull blue ones, skin glowing unlike hers, and perfect body no matter what people think. Your perfect." Sam said not looking at me

I smiled "Maybe I was overreacting a bit."

Sam laughed "Nah, Colby should of known only he calls you that, not some weird stranger. And definitely shouldn't of said you just came out of a mental hospital."

I nodded eating the food Sam made me and watch the fish swim around.

"Did someone feed him?" I asked playing with the silver necklace

"Uh I don't think so." Sam said. 

I grabbed the fish food and have it some before putting it away and going back to my own food. Once I was finished I put my plate in the sink and went to sit on the couch, footsteps were heard coming from the hallway making me sigh knowing it was Colby.

"Hey Sam did Nellie come out of my room yet?" He asked

"Yeah she's sitting on the couch." Sam said pointing at me

Colby turned to look at me but I got up and walked right back to his room shutting the door.

"You can't hide in there forever!" Colby yelled

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