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Welcome to Georgia

I sighed as another one of the those signs passed, we've been driving the whole day. My head was killing me and I couldn't sleep without of the fear of one of them killing me and throw me in the ditch.

It was quiet the whole time, both of the boys would only take a glance at me before whispering something to each other.

They pulled up to a gas station and got out while I stayed in not knowing what to do but had the feeling I should make a run for it while their backs are turned. Of course the brown haired boy turned around and groaned running back to the car opening the door and grabbed my wrist.

"You try running away, I'll kill you in front of everyone." He whispered

I looked down at the ground as he dragged me through the gas station grabbing different food and drinks.

"Hold this and this, oh also this." He said as he gave me different things as as I followed him like a lost puppy

"Colby she isn't your maid." Sam said

So that's what his name is.

"And plus did you get her any food or drinks we can't starve her."

I set the things on the counter as the worker looked me up and down before looking at the side of my head. There was probably dried blood there still.

"No she's fine." Colby said

Sam shook his head "What do you want."

I shrugged my shoulders.

He left then came back with a bag of cookies and a Coke also setting them on the counter. Colby paid then grabbed the bag walking out while me and Sam tried to catch up.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to Sam

"Right now the goal is Florida which we'll probably be there sometime tomorrow."

"So we are staying somewhere?"

He nodded "A few more miles there's a hotel we'll stay at."

I nodded and got in the back once again putting my seat belt on.

"Here." Sam said handing me my things

"You better savor it, I'm not feeding you all the time." The brown haired boy said

"Colby shut up, you wouldn't do that your a fucking softie and you know it." Sam said

"I am not! I am the most feared person with you at second!" Colby yelled

"Yeah! And you are still the worlds most wanted! Unlike me."

They bickered back and forth while I sat and ate my food like it's the best movie in the world.

"I could kill you right now!"

"So can I!" Sam yelled opening the glove box taking out a gun pointing it at him

"You'd be useless if you killed me, save your time and kill the girl."

Well that made me lose my appetite.

"I'm not killing her and neither are you, she could be my new bestfriend."

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