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Soon Colby came back with a bag in his hands, he opened the door gently giving the bag to Sam who opened it looking inside before looking at Colby who was shutting his door.

"Can I look?" I asked

"No." Colby said quickly when Sam was starting to open it

Sam quickly closed it and set it between his feet on the car floor before looking back up and out the window.

"Where are we going?" I asked

No one answered making me frown and look at the window but decided to try again.

"Hello earth to boys, where are we going?" I asked

Sam shrugged.

"We ignored you for a reason." Colby said

"Well I just want to know, what if you kill me I would like to know where I would die." I said crossing my arms

"Why would we kill you on your birthday?" Colby asked taking a turn out of the city

"I don't know, I think a lot of murderers would if they found out they were killing you on your birthday." I said

"Well lucky you, we aren't gonna kill you." Colby said smirking

I sighed and leaned back into the seats staring out the window and the buildings passed by.


Colby stopped on a hill turning the car off, him and Sam both got out with me following along. Colby went to the trunk and grabbed a blanket then layed it nicely on the ground while I watched.

"Are you going to sit bambi?" Sam asked looking up at me

I nodded and sat in between them, Colby dumped out the bag showing different candy and a container of cupcakes, I smiled and grabbed a pack of m&ms opening the package.

"Thanks guys, it's nice of you two to do this for me." I said smiling

I picked threw the different colors of the candy before having the same color in my hand.

"Colbs." I said

"What?" He mumbled with food in his mouth

"Open your hand." I said

He looked at me confused but opened his hand anyway, I dumped the green m&ms in his hands smiling up at him before grabbing something else.

"Aren't you going to eat these." He said motioning the green candy

I shook my head "I don't like the green ones they taste different, and before you say they all taste the same I don't think they do." I rambled

I was going to start up again before Colby cut me off.

"Yeah I get it." He said eating them

I smiled before going back to my candy and looking at the view in front of me.

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