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Next Morning

I woke up to my head pounding, I hissed from the pain pulling the blankets off of me only to realize this wasn't my room. I got up walking out of the room finding the kitchen and thats when I realized.

This wasn't even our apartment.

Footsteps were heard and Colby came into view with only his sweatpants on.

"Bro my head hurts like a bitch." He said squinting his eyes

"Same, where the hell are we?" I asked him

He looked around for a moment confused.

"Wait this isn't our apartment?" He said

I shook my head.

"Fuck then I don't know." He said

I leaned up on the kitchen counter before another pair of footsteps were heard making us both look up.

"Great you both are up." The girl said

I stared at her before shaking my head and looked at the ground but for Colby he kept staring at the girl, the same way he stares at Nellie. Yeah the girl was pretty but her hair wasn't as vibrant as Nellie's and her skin wasn't glowing either, her green eyes were dull unlike Nellie's bright chocolate eyes.

Nellie, she's still at home all by herself she probably worried about us or even worse she ran off on us and called the police.

"You two want breakfast?" The girl asked

"Uh no I'm good." I said but Colby nodded his head

"Um can you tell us what happened last night?" I asked

She laughed "I'm not surprised you guys don't remember anything."

Me and Colby didn't laugh and she stopped once she realized we were serious about it.

"Oh um you guys were at a bar and when I walked in you two were saying how someone played you or something." She said raising a eyebrow

We were at a bar?

"As the night went on and the more you started to drink, Colby pointed to me and started talking gibberish about how if you didn't have this girl on your backs everything would be going the way it should. Then you started going on about some girl named bambi you had to get back too."

"What was I saying about her?" I asked hoping I didn't say we kidnapped her

"That it was her birthday yesterday and how you both should've brought her with instead of leaving her at your place, but a few times you called her something else but I can't remember it." She said

I nodded thanking myself that I didn't say anything that would result in her knowing we took Nellie.

"How did we get here?" Colby asked

"Well I saw you both sitting on the sidewalk, so I asked if you wanted to come home with me and you both agreed." She said shrugging her shoulders

"Um Colby can I talk to you, alone?" I asked

He nodded and we went to the bedroom I was in closing the door behind me.

"We need to leave." I demanded

Colby shook his head "Lets just stay for a few hours, she helped us."

"Colby do you remember we have a girl named Nellie at home who has separation anxiety and is probably planning her escape at the moment." I said

"I do remember but she can wait a few more hours." He said

I rolled my eyes "Whatever I'm going home."

"We don't have our car." He said as I opened the door

"I'll call a uber." I said walking back to the kitchen

"Sam!" Colby called

"Look uh-" I said trying to remember her name

"Rose." She said giggling a little

"Yeah Rose, I would love to stay but I need to leave to check on something." I said trying to put my shoes on without falling over

"Is it whoever that Bambi person is? I would love to meet her." Rose said smiling

"Yeah maybe next time you can." I said opening the door and waving

Lets just hope she doesn't have to meet her.

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