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Nobody was home.

It wasn't normal they would be home by now making sure I didn't escape. I sighed as I sat on the bar stool watching as my new fish swimmed around in his tank. There was a knock on the door making me stand up walking to the door.

"Hurry bambi." I heard Sam's voice

I quickly unlocked it opening the door seeing a pale Sam walking in, he threw himself on the couch covering himself with the blanket I had.

"Sammy? Where were you, where's Colby?" I asked

"I don't remember." He said rubbing his forehead

I walked to the bathroom grabbing tylenol and a cup of water walking back to where he was laying.

"Take this." I said handing it to him

He smiled and sat up taking the pills and swallowing them with the water before laying back down.

"Sorry that we left you alone all night." He sadly said

I looked at him sadly "It's fine."

Sam's phone started ringing making him groan but answered it anyway.

"What?" He said

It was quiet before he looked at me.

"No Colby I'm not doing that."

"I don't care tell her she can't come over."

"Ugh Colby you fucking own the both of us."

Sam got up going down to Colbys room before coming back with a roll of ducktape.

"Sam? What are you doing with that?" I asked staring at it

"I'm sorry Nellie just for a few hours." He said

I starting backing away from him but Sam tackled me to the ground, I twist and turned trying to get away he sat on me taping my wrist tight before moving down to my ankles.

"S-sam stop!" I cried

"I said I'm sorry." He said before putting tape over my mouth

Once he was done he grabbed my ankles dragging me down the hallway to his room, he picked me up gently laying me down on the bed.

"Just for a few hours." He whispered

He left leaving me to look up at the ceiling and cry before hearing the door open and close.

"Hey Sam!" I girl voiced yelled

Who is she?

Babygirl {C.B Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now