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The person crouched down making my eyes go wide but once I saw who it was they didn't but there's did before they smiled.

"Holy shit Bambi." Sam said

He backed away and I crawled out hugging him with the file still in my hands.

"I thought you were going to kill me." I said

He let out a laugh "I would never."

We hugged a bit longer before letting me go and looking down at me.

"Do you have the file?"

I nodded.

"Do you know what Colby is up to?"

I shook my head "All he told me was to get the file."

Sam nodded "Let's go before someone comes and sees us."

We ran out of the room going to the stairwell, as we were running down voices her heard coming out way.

"Did you hear that Mr.Brocks son was spotted here today?"

"Really? I haven't seen him in years."

Sam pushed me a door that said seven on it, we quickly walked down the hallway hoping not to run into anyone.

"Hide that file so no body doesn't see it." Sam whispered in my ear

I tucked it in the waistband of my skirt and covered it with my shirt. As we walked we ran into a group of people standing in the hallway talking.

"I can't believe his son is back."

"I wonder what he did with that poor girl."

"Probably raped her then killed her dumping her body somewhere."

We slowly turned around and started walking back till someone yelled at us.

"Who the hell are you two?" One buff guy asked

"We're Mr.Brocks new assistants." Sam said

"You can't be." The guy said

We nodded our heads "Yes we are."

"Wait that's Colbys girl!" A women yelled pointing at me

"Run." Sam said turning around and started running

I did too after they started to come after me, I followed Sam back down where we first came going down the stairwell.

"Bambi go down another flight, I'll find you." Sam said

I nodded going down another flight, slowly opening the door nobody was around making me sigh in relief. I walked down the hallway taking different turns here and there only to end up where I first started or so I thought.

I shook my head and started to head back to the stairwell only to not find it where I thought it was, only thinking that I was starting to go insane I kept walking forward trying to retrace my steps but as I went doors were being seen less and less making me wonder.

Where the hell am I?

Babygirl {C.B Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now