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"Did you bring a gun or something?" Sam asked

I smirked "I always do."

Nellie kept looking out the window as cop cars starting pulling up "What is happening?"

"Well babygirl we've been spotted and now there after us." I said getting up

Sam and Nellie got up and just then the police busted through the door pointing their guns at us. I grabbed Nellie wrapping my arm around her neck as I grabbed my gun and pointed it at her temple.

"Don't move or I'll blow her fucking brains out!" I yelled

"C-colby." She cried

"Let her go Colby, you want nothing to do with her." One officer said

I shook my head then looked to a officer that seemed scared so I pointed my gun at him.

"You give me your gun or I'll shoot you and her." I said

The guy looked around hesitanting to give me the gun but soon slid it on the ground and Sam got it picking it up.

"Now we're going to walk out back and leave." I said starting to back away with Nellie

The officer started to walk closer to us and Sam pointed his gun at him making him stop and look at Sam.

"You boys don't know what trouble you got yourself into." The guy said shaking his head "Especially taking Nellie."

I shook my head "We haven't harmed her at all, we've fed her and gave her new clothes whenever she needed them."

I felt tears drop onto my arm from Nellie silently crying, no matter what goes down they will not take Nellie away and I won't go to jail along with Sam he just escape back from Texas.

"Just hand her over and we'll let you leave." He said looking at her

I shook my head "No one is taking her away from me again."

"Colby just do as they say, I'll visit both you and Sam." Nellie whispered

"Shut up Nellie, I'm not going to jail." I said

Me and Sam looked at each other before I pushed Nellie behind me and we both started shooting the place up making sure we at least injured some of the people. We stopped and I grabbed Nellie walking to the back and leaving, we got into the car and started to drive away.

"I fucking hate you Colby." Nellie whimpered as she rubbed her neck

I sighed "I know Nellie."

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