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After hours of driving Sam stopped at a hotel, Sam going in before coming back out and grabbing different bags along with Colby. They went in leaving me out in the car making my eyes go wide.

They didn't just do that? They'll come back of course.

Minutes passed and no one came and luckily for them no one passed the car and saw me. I sighed before seeing golden hair running to the car and opened the door.

"I can't believe Colby left you." He mumbled

He ripped the tape off of me and helped he stand before going back to the hotel.

"What happened between you and Colby?" He asked

"Nothing." I mumbled

He sighed and unlocked the door we walked in and Colby layed on the bed, I went to my bags grabbing some clothes before going to the bathroom to shower.


I walked out seeing Colby and Sam were watching Tv, I was still mad at Colby for snapping at me so I grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor before laying down facing the wall.

"You're fucking with me." I heard Colby say

"What?" Sam asked

"She's sleeping on the ground!" Colby said

Sam didn't say anything.

"Nellie get up on the bed, you could get sick again." Colby said

I didn't answer.

"So what did you do this time?" Sam asked

"I-i snapped at her while we were at the store." He mumbled

"Once again letting your anger get the best of you." Sam said

Colby groaned "Fuck Sam, I know! I hate hurting her the guilt punched me right in the face after I did it."

"You have feelings for her that you don't want to admit." Sam whispered where it was almost not audible

Colby stumbled over is words before mumbling "I do not."

"Yeah whatever you just don't want to show you turned into a big softie for her." Sam said letting out a snort

"I didn't turn into a softie." Colby said

"Yeah so what would happen if Nellie's fish died and she wouldn't stop crying about it?" Sam asked

"I would get her a new one." Colby grumbled knowing Sam was right

"Thats what I thought, I big softie you turned into. I never thought you lose your sanity over a girl." Sam said

After that I fell asleep and whatever they were talking about I didn't hear anymore.

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