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Next Morning

I rubbed my eyes again as I walked to the kitchen, hearing Sam and Colby talk as loud as they could.

"Bambi you're up!" Sam said

I sat on the stools and took a piece of toast off Sam's plate, he pouted pulling his plate more closer to him making me pout.

"I'll make you more." Colby said grabbing more bread

I finished the piece I had and waited for Colby to make me more.

"So Nellie, we gotta tell you something." Sam said slowly

"Ok." I said swinging my legs

"You can leave, if you want." Sam said quickly making Colby look away

"W-what?" I said disbelief

It had to be a joke just one they think is funny but neither of them were showing emotions making me worry.

"We are letting you leave, we won't keep you hostage anymore." Sam said

I never thought they treated me like one in the beginning I mean yeah they did a little but soon got over it and treated me differently especially Colby.

"W-what if I want to stay?" I asked

Sam looked at Colby who wasn't looking at anyone at the moment, he didn't even pay attention to the toast that popped up.

"I guess it's all up to you but if you choose to stay, there's no promises you'll go back home." Sam said

I nodded "I want to stay, you both are now like family to me."

Sam seemed surprised by it and smiled "Really?"

I nodded "You're like a brother."

He smiled and leaned over giving me a hug, when we pulled apart Colby finished my toast and pushed the plate towards me and smiled. He never smiles and if he does it's very little.

"Welcome to the gang Nellie." Colby said

His whole mood changed when he said that making me think I just made a deal with the devil and his partner.

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