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Sam was right about every little thing, I had feelings for Nellie and I just don't want admit it and of course Nellie wouldn't have feelings for me. I took her and ruined her life taking everything she ever loved away from her. I groaned looking over the bed seeing her curled up in a little ball with her eyes shut, taking the covers off of me I went to pick Nellie up to set her in the bed.

Nellie startled awake trying to push herself our of my arms, I layed her down and pushed the hair away from her face.

"Nellie baby it's just me." I cooed

She stopped and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Was it a nightmare?

"Come here." I said with my arms out

She leaned into me and cryed soon we layed down and she was still in my arms softly crying. I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.

"Was it a nightmare?" I whispered

I felt her nodded gripping onto my shirt.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked

She shook her head.

"Ok I understand." I said

All that was heard was sniffling and coughing here and there before it went silent telling me she fell back to sleep.

Whatever she dreamed about clearly traumatized her, but it seemed something personal. I would ask in the morning if she was up to it.

"What was that all about?" Sam rasped

"Uh nightmares." I said quietly

He hummed and must of fell back asleep, and soon I did too.

Next Morning

Nellie was clearly tired still once she woke up she had bloodshot eyes and her skin wasn't glowing but pale, Sam went down to get her toast she didn't touch it. We both sighed as we packed bags, setting them near the door to make sure we had everything.

"You have everything Nellie?" I asked

She hummed and nodded.

"I'll start taking bags down." Sam said

I nodded then looked back down at Nellie.

"Ready to go?" I asked

"Carry me." She said

I laughed a little "Fine."

She smiled and stood up on the bed wrapping her arms around my neck then her legs around my waist. My arms wrapped around her to support her, as she digged her face into my neck.

"Happy?" I asked

She nodded.

We waited for Sam who was surprised when he walked in, he grabbed the last couple of bags then he went down to the car.

Nellie sat in the backseats while Sam drove again and I sat in the passenger seat.

"When will we get to Kansas?" Nellie asked

"Probaby by tonight." Sam said pulling out of the parking lot

She hummed looking out the window as the music softly played then it went silent.

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