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Not long after Nellie came and layed down on top of me, Colby came bursting out of his room angerer then ever.

"What the fuck Nellie!" Colby yelled

Ripping her off me and onto to the floor where he sat on her gripping her wrists.

"What did you do Nellie! You are going to get us fucking caught!" He yelled

"C-Colby stop!" She yelled kicking her legs

"Why did you call him! Now I might have to kill him!"

"N-no C-colby." She sobbed starting to give up

"Colby get off of her." I said trying to pull him off

He kept yelling at Nellie making her sob even more where the tears were starting to stain her face.

He got off of her pulling her up with him and slammed her into the wall gripping her forearms.

"What did you tell him?" He said

"N-nothing." She whispered

"Don't lie to me Nellie, you know what I could do to you." He said

She started crying shaking her head.

"I could beat you, starve you, rape you, and the best thing kill you." He said letting her letting go "And Sam can do the same thing."

I watched as he walked out the door with a pleasant look on his face.

"Nellie." I said coming near her

"Stop! Don't came near me!" She yelled curling into a ball and cried even more


It was hours before Nellie stopped crying and hours before Colby came back with bags in his hands.

"Didn't know you liked shopping as much as girls did." I said smirking

He rolled his eyes "For your information half of it is food and the rest is for Nellie."

"Ah so you go out and get her things so she shuts her mouth that you almost killed her."

"I didn't almost kill her." He said as he set the bags on the counter "Where is she anyway?"

"I don't know, I let her cry her eyes out for almost four hours." I said

"Four hours really? Pathetic."

"I don't call it pathetic I mean if I were her and you told me you would starve, beat, and rape me then slam my head in the wall a second time I would surely cry."

"Go set her clothes in my room."

"Nope, you can do that then go make things better with Nellie or she'll really run away."

He groaned and walked away, I started to put the food away but heard the door open and shut but when I looked no one was there but had a feeling that it wasn't good.

"She isn't in here!" Colby yelled


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