My pack keeps me safe

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Walking through the compound you ignored everyone that was trying to get your attention. Your focus was on getting to Loki. You ran out of the elevator as soon as it reached your floor. Throwing your bag down as you entered your room, you found Loki laying on the sofa. He was so consumed with his thoughts that he hadn't heard you come up. His head was resting on top of his arm as he laid across the sofa. You crept up behind him, softly placing your hands over his eyes. "Guess who."

Loki smiled, the softness of your hands giving away who it was before you'd spoken. "My Queen." He said with a smile as you moved your hands away. You could see the worried look in his eyes, not moving from behind him you sat next to the sofa. "What's going on Loki? You didn't come to London, Bucky said Thor needed you."
Loki huffed staring out at nothing in particular, he knew you weren't going to take the news well. "Odin wants me to go to Asgard."

You felt the anger in you rising, the way Odin had treated Loki made your blood boil. "Can't you just tell him to fuck off?" You began trailing your fingers up and down his arms in an attempt to calm both him and you down. Loki looked up at you with a smile, only you would consider telling the King of Asgard to fuck off. "I'm serious Loki. He's never been any sort of father to you."

Loki knew you were right but as Prince of Asgard, he didn't have much choice in the matter. He hated the idea of going back there, with his mother gone there was nothing left for him on Asgard. "I have to go darling, he may be an awful father, but he's still my King."

"I'm your Queen. Doesn't that count for something? I don't want you to go." You pout at him. Loki places his hand against your face, making you feel his love for you flowing through it. "You'll always be my Queen love. I don't want to leave you and Bucky."

You knew he loved you both and he didn't want to leave but you pouted some more anyway. You'd only just got back and he was leaving you. "I could kick his ass, problem solved." You offered with a smile causing Loki to laugh. He knew you'd do it too. "I don't doubt that you would." He placed a kiss to your lips, his tongue diving straight into your mouth. You'd missed the taste of him, the mint and fresh spice that he always tasted of, it was addictive. You pulled away for a moment so you could climb over the sofa and join him on it. You snuggled into him smiling as he drew small circles on your back.

"You know it's really hard to be mad at you when you do that." You smiled against him. Loki chuckled and placed a kiss on your head. "I know darling, why do you think I do it?" You can hear the smirk on his face. Sitting up slightly you nuzzle your nose against his. "I love you Loki."
"I love you too my darling, more than you know."

He kisses you again, with more urgency, like he can't get enough of you. His hands soon find their way to your breasts as he rolls you underneath him. You moan into his mouth as he starts rubbing himself against you, you can feel him hardening through his sweatpants. Loki pulls away from you smiling as he pulls his jumper from you. "I was looking for this."
You stick your tongue out at him, not moving quick enough before he bites the end of it.

Bucky stands at the door watching both of you with a smile. He heard Loki explain everything, so he took a moment to enjoy the two people he loves more than anything enjoying themselves.

Once Loki sees that you're not wearing a bra under your thin vest top, he nearly loses his mind. Grabbing the thin bit of fabric he rips it open, enjoying the sound it made disintegrating in his hands. He wastes no time in wrapping his mouth around your nipple, pinching at the other one, switching back and forth, giving each one equal attention.

Your hands find their way into his hair, moaning his name. You don't hear Bucky moving behind you, as you moan again the sound is lost, Bucky swallowing it with a kiss. He slides his vibranium arm around your throat, gripping lightly as he devours your mouth. Loki looks up at him and you kissing, the sight making him harder.

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