The Honeymoon

978 59 0

The honeymoon had been nothing less than perfect. Every morning you woke between the two men who made you feel stronger than you ever had before. You had all made sure to have time together as well as apart. Today you and Bucky took a walk through the streets of the Greek village that had helped you once before.

"Do you remember when I left with Thor?" You asked as Bucky hung his metal arm over your shoulder, your fingers interlocked together.

He looked down at you, a small smile on his face. "It's not something I like to remember doll." As much as he'd loved his time here with Loki, it was hard without you. The memory wasn't exactly one of his favourites.

You smiled up at him. "You brought Loki here didn't you."

"How do you know that?"

You unlinked your fingers, pointing up to a small villa hidden in the hills above you. "You see that villa on top of the hill?"

Bucky squinted slightly, looking to find what you were pointing at. When he did he pulled you closer with a shake of his head. "You're kidding me?"

"Nope," you let out a small laugh at his reaction. "The day I did that show where you sent in the video. I'd actually seen you both walking past this little shop." You admitted, remembering every moment of that day. The day that had led you back to your husbands.

Bucky remembered the day, he had every moment of that day committed to memory. You both stopped outside the shop you were talking about. The items in the window were different but Bucky looked at them as if nothing had changed. His memory almost overtaking what was sat in front of you both. "He wanted to buy you this awful dress." He chuckled remembering how he pulled Loki away.

You leaned further into his side, looking at the items in the window. "You stopped him buying it." You looked up at him, smiling. "I never thanked you for that." You placed a kiss on his jaw, the stubble scratching against your lips.

"I didn't want you strangling him in his sleep." Bucky jokes as you turn to carry on walking. It felt like forever since you'd just had you and Bucky time and you were enjoying every second. Especially with how Loki was acting at the moment.

"I still might if he doesn't stop blaming himself for Thanos." You mumbled, more to yourself than Bucky, but he heard in all the same. He let out a small laugh, knowing how frustrated you were with Loki. Bucky had felt it too, making his thoughts known on more than one occasion. Usually resulting in Loki with an ass a deeper shade of red than anything he'd seen before. Just the thought is enough to make his cock twitch in his jeans.

"Give him time," Bucky smiled down at you. "Besides his way of making up for it is fun."

You hummed in agreement. "Can't deny that." You smiled, remembering the amount of times he's made you cum since arriving on the honeymoon. You'd lost count.


Walking along the beach with Loki watching the sunset had been perfect. After your afternoon with Bucky, Loki was more than ready for some time with just the two of you. As you headed back to the hotel, you expected to head straight to the restuarant where you knew Bucky was waiting. So when Loki teleported the both of you into your room, you chuckled.

"Loki! We're supposed to be meeting Bucky for dinner."

"I want you to myself for five minutes." He pushed you up against the wall, a dark glimmer in his eyes.

"Only five?" You pulled him closer to you, your hands wrapping around his neck.

"Okay, maybe more than five." He admitted, his lips crashing against yours.

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