It's a soulmate connection

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Loki found you sitting on the ground outside. The wind blowing through your hair as you breathe in the fresh air surrounding you. The smell was different to Asgard, you noted. The air on Asgard was pure, almost like breathing in pure chemicals. There was no life to it. Here you could smell the flowers in the fields below you, the rough notes from the fumes of the cars in the city below. He watched you playing with a blade of grass at your feet.

You know he's watching you, there is nothing you want more than to run into his arms, but knowing what you do, you hug your knees close to your chest. Loki's heart breaks as he watches you. He wants to pull you into his arms, tell you that it will all be ok, but he knows you won't let him. Not yet. He needs to explain everything, hoping you'll understand.

"Why Loki? Why didn't you just tell me?" You hold onto your legs like they are your lifeline.
Loki conjures up a green blanket, wrapping it around himself. He may be a frost giant but he still felt the cold, the winter air biting through you both. "Would you have believed me?" He asks sincerely. You were hardly the most trusting person on the planet.

You turn to him, a sad smile crossing your lips. "Probably not." You admit, trying not to smile at him. "Finding out the you love was told to enter your life." You pause attempting to hold back the tears threatening to fall. "It hurts Loki, gods it hurts so much. You didn't choose me. That is heartbreaking."

"That's not exactly how it happened it happened love." Loki admits, remembering the day he saw you on that street. How Heimdall had sent him into your path, he was still running from the Avengers at the time but his father had found him long before.

Your heart doesn't know whether it's coming or going. You can feel it breaking the more you sit beside him, the lack of touch is killing you, but you know you need answers before you can even consider anything else. "Please Loki." You all but beg. "I'm barely holding it together here."

Sighing, he turns slightly to you, knowing that he needs to be completely honest to gain back your trust. "The day I left Asgard, the only thing that concerned me, was staying out of that cell." He smiles remembering the day he saw you. The way your hair floated in the breeze, your hips swinging as you listened to your music through your headphones, and the determination in your eyes as you stalked your target. "You were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, I still feel that way to this day. There is not a soul in any of the 9 realms that compares to you my love."

Your heart flutters at his words. "Keep going." You smile, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. The winter chill nips through the air, pulling you from your thoughts. It nips at your skin, causing you to rub your arms, trying to control the cold. "Preferably before I freeze to death." You know you're being melodramatic, but after the last few days, you figured you had a free pass.

Loki smiles at you, making the magic blanket he has wrapped around him, wrap around you too. You ignore the warmth coming from both him and the blanket. You ignore the pounding in your heart as you fight against every thought that tells you to lean into him.

Loki can see the battle in your eyes and it takes every ounce of control he has not to pull you into his arms. "When I looked into your mind that day, and saw the control." He turns his body to face you as he continues. "I knew I had to help you. After that, I couldn't leave you alone. Not even if I wanted to." You can't help but smile at him as he talks, his voice soothing you in a way you never thought possible. "I also knew I couldn't take him to you. I couldn't let you be a pawn in his game, like I was. So I shrouded you in magic to keep you safe, Heimdall would never be able to find you as long as I was around you." Your interested piques as you face him, listening to every word he says. He takes your hand in his. "Then I fell in love with you and I knew I'd protect you until my last breath." You watch as he thinks about you and Bucky. His eyes glossing over in the most beautiful way. "He never forced me to love you, or Bucky. I chose that, and I'd choose it over and over again my love. You two have made me a better man, I'd do anything to protect you."

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