What have I done?

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Loki's POV

As I walk up to Stark tower I pause to take a breath, I know what I'm about to do will have dire consequences, but my need to protect her comes above all else. I feel the sun beat on my skin which will most likely be the last time for a while, it will be worth it to end that woman that threatened Y/N and Bucky, no one will take them from me.

Walking into the lab where Stark has kept the sceptre, I can feel the energy pouring off it in comforting waves. It reminds me of a time when my goal in life was to finally be Thor's equal. Until he took that and made it something he could control. I know there is a chance that when I pick up that weapon, he will take control again, but I hope I will have time to negotiate with him. He can have me, if he protects Y/N and Bucky, I won't fight it if he can promise to keep them safe.
Picking up the weapon, the cool of the metal on my skin, power flooding through me, I can't help but smile.

As I walk through Stark Tower the last person I expected to find was her brother, I didn't have time for this. I only had a limited window before Thanos would take control of my mind. Tony looked at the sceptre in my hands and there was no ignoring the roll of his eyes as he saw me. As he walked down the stairs towards me, I knew he was holding back from doing what he wanted for his sister's sake. "Haven't we been here before Reindeer Games?"
My grip on the sceptre tightens as I start to feel the control I have slipping away. "I have to protect her." I turn to the window, not wanting to see the judgement in his eyes. He never approved of me with Y/N but he had to know there was a reason beyond myself for what I was doing.
"And you think that thing is going to help?" I didn't have to look at him to know he was pointing towards the weapon in my hands. I could feel the control on my mind slipping as the words left my lips, whilst I held the sceptre, swapping it from one hand to the other. "It does feel good to have it back again." I could hear the way my voice changed. It went unnoticed by Stark, not that I was surprised about that. The only people that would have picked up on that weren't here. I knew Y/N and Bucky were probably in bed, their limbs tangled together and he would be fucking her to the point she couldn't remember her own name. I had to shake the image away, it threatened to take me back to them, rather than completing what I had set out to do.

"You realise she won't forgive you for this." He warned me, but it was useless. I knew she wouldn't but I had no choice, my need to protect her and Bucky came first. My grip on the sceptre tightened, I was losing this battle, I had one job to complete before I lost control and he was stopping me from doing it. Had I been paying more attention I would've noticed him alerting Y/N to what I was doing.
"When I eliminate the threat she'll understand. They both will."

"No she won't." He took a step towards me. "She'll be heartbroken. They both will." He was trying to get through to me, to change my mind for the sake of his sister. Little did he know the only person that would be able to do that was her, and she wasn't here.
"You need to put that down and let us handle this."
I couldn't look at him, the guilt starting to eat away at me. "I can't." I muttered more to myself than him.

"Yes you can." I turned around to see Y/N staring at me, anger in her eyes as she stalked towards me. "And you will or you lose me for good." She stood right in front of me, not many people would have the guts to do that with this weapon in my hands but it didn't phase her. She all but ripped it from my grasp, her eyes glowing that beautiful blue. I knew she was angry but I didn't care. Even without the sceptre in my grip I could feel Thanos gaining control, the weapon was too close.
"Please Y/N. It's too late." I plead as she passes the sceptre to Tony who takes it away from me. I can feel the heartbreak pouring out from her eyes as her hand finds my cheek. The sting from her slap throbs through me. I knew I deserved it but that wasn't what hurt me, it was the look in her eyes. The heartbreak as the guards placed the cuffs around my wrists. The betrayal as she turned from me and ran to her brother.

What have I done?


A/N: I know this chapter is short but I wanted to have a small insight into why Loki chose to act the way he did

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