Chapter 4: The Pink Lotus

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After my quick pep talk in the car, I begin my fake confidence walk towards Spencer, standing in front of the bar. He catches sight of me pretty quickly and I stop and think "okay no turning back now or he will think you're crazy," so I power through the insecurities swirling around in my brain like an out of control washing machine. Spencer smiles and waves at me. I smile and wave back he goes to open the door for me and I give him a point internally in my head for his chivalry.
He smiles at me and says "wow, you look stunning!" In response, I giggle and turn to him and say "thanks, you look pretty great yourself, being healthy looks good on you," punctuating my statement with a quick wink. His face immediately turns pink with a shy blush. I give another mental point in favor of Spencer Reid. It's sad to say a guy holding the door for you in any capacity, in addition to complimenting you in any capacity, sets him apart from the other guys. He's not out of the woods yet, though.
He looks at me and asks "um would you rather sit at the bar or get a table?" I hum in response for a moment and say "we would get served faster at the bar, but a table is more private, don't you think?" He stammers for a second and says "ye-yeah that that sounds good." I chuckle at his bashfulness and find a booth for us with some privacy from other people so we don't have to worry about anybody listening in or distracting us.
We sit and immediately a very flamboyant waiter comes to take our order "well hello there! And what will you two cuties be having tonight?" I make eye contact with Spencer before saying "I'll have a rum and Diet Coke with lemon, please and thank you" smiling at the waiter. He writes that down, smiling back at me, then turns to look at Spencer, smiling and says "and what will you be having, sweetie?" Spencer gets visibly nervous and says he will have a whiskey on the rocks. The waiter nods as he writes down Spencer's order and then asks "and will we be having any appetizers or meals tonight or are we just having drinks?" I look at Spencer before smiling and saying "um just drinks for now, thank you!" He smiles and nods before sauntering away to get our drinks.
We sit in a semi comfortable silence before Spencer asks me "so how was the rest of your day at work after I saw you?" I smile and say it was a good day with nothing too crazy following that, just a bit more attention than normal from the hospital staff. Then I ask him how his day was. He blushes while scratching the back of his neck and says "yeah, sorry about that, um I was running out of options that didn't include pulling in our technical analyst for the team. She could've easily gotten your number and any other information I needed on you, but I felt like that was cheating." I laugh in response saying "yes I think that would be cheating. Already talking about another woman on our first date, huh Spencer?" I say with a smile hoping he catches my joke. He doesn't and begins to ramble an apology to me. I stop him before he can get too far and tell him I was only joking. He visibly relaxes and I find his nervousness endearing.
I tell him "anything you want to know from now on you can just ask me without including your technical analyst, I'm an open book." He smiles and asks "in that case, why did you meet me here instead of letting me pick you up?" I smile, raising my eyebrow at him, and respond by saying "well, Mr. FBI agent, as much as I want to believe you won't murder me after this first date, I have to be careful when I first meet a guy and go on dates with him." He seemingly nods in approval saying "That's smart. I was hoping that was your answer." I giggle and tell him I watch too many crime shows and listen to too many true crime podcasts to not be extra careful in general, but especially when dating.
Just then our waiter returns with our drinks and says "okay you two, I'll check on you in a bit in case you need more drinks or you change your mind about getting some food." We both smile and thank him. As he walks away, he turns back to me and smiles, mouthing "he's cute!" while giving me a thumbs up. I smile and blush. Spencer of course notices my blush and asks what he missed. I giggle and say "oh nothing, just remembered something funny." I can tell he doesn't believe me, but he drops the topic, thankfully.
He tells me about his day at work and how he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on after being in the hospital so long. I nod along, listening intently. He tells me about his team and I can tell how much they mean to him. Especially Morgan, who I met while he was in the hospital. I learn that the man who was very stern is named Aaron Hotchner, Hotch for short, and is their unit chief. There's an older Italian man named David Rossi who cofounded his unit at the FBI, and the technical analyst he mentioned is named Penelope Garcia. There's also yet another beautiful woman on the team named Jennifer Jareau, JJ for short, which, I know it's irrational, makes me feel a slight twinge of jealousy. I think Spencer somehow catches on to this and grabs my hand from across the table and says "I'm really glad you decided to let me take you out. I'm having a great time." And I smile and blush in response saying I'm glad I did, too.
So I ask him what exactly it is he does because I'm still not quite sure. He says "we catch serial killers and other criminals by studying their behavior and also by the use of statistics. We build a profile to determine things about them and narrow down the suspect pool so we can catch them and put them away for good." I am in a bit of shock at this answer, but also very intrigued. I look at him, wide eyed, and say "wow, isn't that very dangerous?" He chuckles a bit and responds, saying "yes it is, I've been in dangerous situations more times than I can count, but without them I never would've met you." I blush in response and tell him "now that's just cheesy, Dr. Reid" he laughs and shakes his head. He says "I know, but it's the truth."
We talk about anything and everything for the next couple of hours. My cheeks hurt from my smiling and laughing so much. I learn that he loves "Doctor Who," which I have never seen, while he's never seen "Game of Thrones." I tell him I'll watch "Doctor Who" with him if he will watch "Game of Thrones" with me. We also have similar interests as well as political beliefs and values which is important to me. He's respectful even when we don't completely agree on different topics. He doesn't condescend and tear me down for daring to have a different opinion of my own. He sees me as an equal and not somebody below him on a hierarchy. It's beyond refreshing to feel like a human to a man on the first date in this day and age.
The time has flown by on this date. After two drinks each and two waters - we both have to work in the morning and it's a week night - we notice the bar is almost totally empty, most of the tables have been cleaned, and the chairs have been stacked. Spencer asks for the check even though I insist on paying for my drinks. He waves his hand, saying "absolutely not, this is a date and it's the least I can do after you played such a big part in my recovery." I blush and give him a soft smile which he returns.
After Spencer pays and leaves what I noticed to be a very generous tip, I tell him I'm going to run to the restroom before we leave. He nods, saying in response "okay, take your time." As I'm leaving the bathroom I bump into our waiter and he says to me "honey, if you don't pounce on that man like an African wild cat I will have no choice but to report you to the proper authorities." I giggle and tell him I'll keep that in mind. He doesn't need to know that that's not my plan, well not tonight, anyway.
As I return to Spencer's field of view, I visibly see his face light up and I feel the long forgotten feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Or is it the alcohol? Probably butterflies because I only had two drinks and I'm not a lightweight, but the alcohol sure isn't hurting the butterflies. He offers me his hand, which I gladly take and we walk out to the parking lot. It is much more sparse now than when we arrived. He lets me lead him over to my car and as we arrive I turn and say "thank you for a great night, I had a lot of fun." He smiles and nods saying "I had a lot of fun, too. Would you ever want to do this again?" I smile, responding with "yes of course, it doesn't have to be drinks either. I'm down for whatever" I punctuate with a giggle.
Spencer smiles and slowly moves his hand from mine, putting both of his hands on my hips with a slow ginger touch looking into my eyes and watching my body language for approval. I smile and nod, watching his smile grow as I place my hands around his neck, resting my arms on his shoulders. As he gets a bit closer, he asks very quietly "can I kiss you?" At first I'm shocked for the briefest of seconds before nodding and responding with a breathless "yes." With my permission he slowly moves in, capturing my mouth with his own. Our lips move together in synchronicity as his tongue begs for entrance, which I don't put up much of a fight against. The kiss lasts until we absolutely have to come up for air. I smile breathlessly and tell him I should be getting back home.
He takes a step back and smiles, opening my car door for me, he gives me one last chaste kiss on the lips, and says "hey, send me a text when you get home safe. I had a great time and I can't wait to see you again." I giggle and say "yes sir, I will do that." His expression turns dark in an unreadable expression for a moment, and then he says good night before he walks to his own car. The butterflies are flapping wildly now, almost all existence of the alcohol in my system gone. I watch him get in his car and watch the car start before I leave. I turn my music on shuffle and of course the song that comes on first is "Kiss You" by One Direction. I laugh and think that it's such a throwback but sing along to it on the short drive home.
After walking into my apartment complex with my hand on my pepper spray ready to go since it was so late at night, I make it into my apartment. I go let Ryder out of his crate, and he is very excited to see me. I quickly get him ready to go outside one last time before bed to the pet relief area at my apartment complex. After getting in safely for good for the night I go to text Spencer.


Hey, Spence, it's Anneliese. I just got in to my apartment for good for tonight. Thank you so much for such a fun night; I can't wait to see you again soon!

I start to get ready for bed, I take off my makeup, wash my face, brush and floss my teeth, and am in the middle of my skin care routine when I notice I missed a notification from Spencer. I let out a little squeal of excitement and do a little dance before checking my phone.


Hey, I was getting worried when I didn't hear from you after a while but I'm glad you made it home safe! If I don't get called away on a case are you busy Saturday?


I will be on call, but I should be available for most of the day. What did you have in mind?


I was hoping you'd want to go with me to the new Smithsonian Air and Space Museum exhibits?


As long as you're there to explain the things I don't understand with your cute rambling I'm down ;) let me know the details closer to time and let me know if you get called away on a case any time soon. Sweet dreams, Spence.


Is it okay if I text you tomorrow?


Absolutely :)


Great I'll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Anneliese. :)

And with that I put my phone on the charger after setting my alarms for the morning, change into my silk pajama set, turn on the fan and the tv to a random Netflix show, and finally get into bed with Ryder. Ryder is already fast asleep and already encroaching on my personal space, like usual. I laugh and roll my eyes, getting comfortable. I shortly drift off and dream of brown curly hair and amber colored eyes throughout the night.

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