Chapter 54: My Friend, Too

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Spencer slowly begins to go back to normal after many reassurances from me that I'm fine. After our shower, we get ready for bed and eventually snuggle up under the covers, ready to finally rest after a long week of fun in New York City. I'm laying against Spencer's side, my legs wrapped up with his, holding his waist tight with my left arm. Our breathing nearly syncs as we fall asleep to the quiet murmur of the tv on in the background and the fan blowing in the corner.
Very early in the morning, an ungodly hour, Spencer's phone is ringing. He grabs it from the night stand and answers it "Reid." I hear a deep voice on the other end and just know it's Hotch. Spencer groans and says "yeah, I'll be right there," then hangs up the phone. He tries to gently move my hand and slip out of the bed, but I hold onto him tightly so he can't move. He chuckles and tells me "Annie, I gotta go, that was Hotch." I groan in response, I had hoped I was wrong even though I knew I was right. I ask him "where are you going this time?" He hums and says "that's the good news, it's a local case." I yawn and quietly cheer "yay!" with my eyes closed. I then ask Spencer "what time is it?" He chuckles "about 10:30 in the morning." My eyes shoot open, surprised, fully having expected it to be like 3 am after we just got back and settled in from our trip.
Spencer chuckles and walks over to the curtains, opening them to reveal the late morning light. I hiss and immerse myself under the covers. I tell Spencer "I swear to God, Spence, if you don't close those curtains I will kick you in the balls again and this time they won't come back down." Spencer chuckles and follows my orders "yes, ma'am. Hey, make a deal with me?" I hum. He asks "will you be nicer when I come home later?" I huff, still under the covers and tell him "if you let me go back to sleep then maybe I will." Spencer laughs and says "good enough for me, go back to sleep, grumpy." I fall back asleep to the sound of him rummaging around the room for his essentials. The last thing I remember before falling back asleep is a quick "I love you" and a kiss on the forehead from Spencer.


I wake up a few hours later, a little after 1 pm. I had slept nearly 14 hours and I was in shock. The trip must have worn me out and I'm sure it did Spencer, too. Hopefully this case will be easy to wrap up and we can both be home together tonight and enjoy dinner together alone. Because the pet lodge charges extra on Sunday's for pick ups, we have decided to just take the extra day to rest and get reacquainted for the week. So, if we don't get our dinner alone without Ryder tonight, there's no telling when we won't have a dog begging for our attention again in our apartment. Don't get me wrong, I love Ryder, but sometimes I feel guilty picking between the two of them and it's easiest when the choice is made for me.
I spend the day unpacking all of our stuff and honestly just lazing around the apartment. All the chores had been up to date before we left so no sense in cleaning things that are already clean. I curl up in my fluffy pajamas and catch up on the "Grey's Anatomy" episodes I had missed these last few weeks in all the excitement we've had. I keep an eye on my phone all day, hearing nothing from Spencer. I track his location to see if he's out in the field, but find that he's still at the BAU headquarters and has been all day. That does make me feel a little better, honestly. He's probably just busy.
Around 8 pm I still haven't heard from him and decide to make my own dinner, a frozen pizza in the oven. When Spencer gets home, what's left will be an easy reheat if he's hungry. I pour myself a glass of wine with the pizza and fall asleep to the news on the tv around 9:30 pm. At least the FBI hadn't been on the news like it has in the past when there were local cases Spencer worked on with the team. I wake to the slight movement of my blanket and the soft lips kissing the top of my head. I stir and look up to see Spencer smiling softly at me. I smile warmly in response, happy to have my fiancé home with me.
I tell him "hey, you're home! There's leftover pizza if you're hungry." Spencer smiles and tells me "you always think of my needs before I even know I need them. I love you so much." I smile and look at him a bit skeptically, that was a little sappy, even for him. I decide not to press it because I'm too tired and I am a little afraid of what he will say. He leaves my side and I hear the beeping of the microwave. He returns with a plate of warmed pizza and sits on the couch, lifting my legs and placing them in his lap so he can be close to me.
       I ask him "what happened with the case? You said it was local but I haven't seen anything on the news except for weather alerts about the storm coming." Spencer hums "yeah that was one of the weirdest parts. It was two families that had died and both houses burned down within a few miles of each other. Very out of character for this area. We have a few leads, but no answers. I have to go back in early in the morning to continue working on it."
I nod and think to myself that we will have to get Ryder tomorrow afternoon after work then because we both have to work early and I don't want to pick him up just to leave him at home all day. I nod at Spencer and ask him "did everybody tease you about our trip?" Spencer shakes his head "no, not really. They were actually endearing and asked a lot of questions. Don't worry, I left our kinkiness out of it." I giggle and tell him "Spencer, I don't care anymore. If you want to tell them you throw me around like a rag doll I don't care anymore. I know Morgan treats you like you don't know anything about sex." Spencer's jaw clenches a bit and he says after a beat of silence "he says since you were a virgin before we ever dated, that you probably wouldn't know it was bad and would stay because it was better than nothing."
        Honestly that pisses me off. I look at him, fuming, and ask "when did he say that?" Spencer shrugs "one of the last times we were talking about our weekends before our trip. He always does that." I decide right then and there I'm going to let Derek Morgan have it next time I see him. Spencer looks at me, reading my mind, "Annie, don't say anything. It doesn't bother me anymore. He's treated me like a virgin since day 1. Well, on our day 1 I was a virgin, but I've come a long way since then." I look at Spencer and tell him "I make no promises." Spencer sighs and rolls his eyes "please don't make it worse." I give Spencer a half smile and tell him "next time I get Derek alone we are going to have a little talk and he will stop making virgin jokes at you or I will hurt him. We've been training together for a couple months now. He knows what I can do." Spencer chuckles and says "just don't kill him before our wedding." I nod "okay, deal."

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