Chapter 25: Nightmares

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After I've stormed off to my room Spencer quickly follows and knocks. He says from the other side of the door "baby, can we please talk about this? If you're still mad at me after we talk I promise I'll go. Please unlock the door and talk to me." Against my better judgment I decide to let him talk. I get up from where I had been sitting on the bed with Ryder and go open the door. He's standing on the other side with a frantic expression. He doesn't say anything at first. I'm still livid with him "you wanted to talk, Spencer, so talk before I change my mind." He nods quickly "okay, I'm sorry I put you on the spot out there. I got carried away, I shouldn't have done that."
I nod before saying "you just had to go look like a big shot player in front of all your buddies. You didn't think about how that might have been uncomfortable for me. I know you guys have been close for a long time but I'm still trying to win their approval." Spencer shakes his head "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was thinking selfishly about how they would finally quit treating me like a child." I nod "Spencer, they joke about your age but they know you're not a child. You hope they're going to treat you like the man, but they're going to look at me like I'm a slut or something now." Spencer shakes his head "no baby, they know that you waited until our relationship. You told them that tonight. They're not going to think you're a slut. They're just going to think that I know what I'm doing."
I walk back into the bedroom and sit on the bed, Spencer follows with tentative footsteps, but doesn't sit with me. I just look down and say "Spencer, I was raised in the height of purity culture in the south. In a place where girls get looked down on for sleeping with guys, or even just one guy, and guys get praised by their friends and even older men for having a high body count. I mean I'm very open about most things, but I didn't think they would ask me such direct questions about our sex life. Whether or not we have sex and like how many times a week maybe I expected but not how many orgasms I have in a day. I just felt exposed and alone because you cared more about looking like a sex God in front of everybody than making me feel safe."
Spencer nods and sits next to me on the bed, he pulls me in an embrace and I stiffen slightly at the physical contact. He notices but he doesn't want to make matters worse. I pull back and look at Spencer "I'm not so upset that I want to break up, nothing like that. I still want you to move in with me here. I just need some space tonight, okay? You hurt me and upset me and I just want to be alone. Give me some space tonight and we can talk more about it in the morning." He looks defeated but nods in agreement "okay, I understand. I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." He stands from his seat on the bed and goes to gather everything he needs for his night routine to take it to the guest bath. As he's about to leave the room I stop him and kiss him on the cheek "I still love you, Spence, just give me some space to work through these feelings and we can talk in the morning. I'll leave the door unlocked, just honor my wishes tonight, okay?"
He nods "I love you, too, Annie. I understand. You know where I'll be if you need me." I nod my head. "Night, Spence," and shut the door behind him. Ryder sits on the bed with his head to the side, as if asking why I kicked his dad out. I feel like I'm being irrational, but I can't control how I feel. It wasn't cool of Spencer to put me on the spot like that in front of his friends. It also wasn't cool of them to ask me that either, but him egging them on like he did is what bothered me the most. I felt like I couldn't use a skip even though I wanted to use one. In a way I feel somewhat violated, but I know that none of them are going to think less of me for having sex with my boyfriend. They see much worse things and deal with worse people every day. I keep arguing with myself in my head over whether or not I'm over reacting over the whole thing. I tell myself that my feelings are valid and to just sleep tonight and worry about it in the morning.


I'm running through the maze house again, looking for somebody, I still don't know who. I'm frantically looking in every room and continually find that it's empty. I get towards the end of one of the halls before I hear somebody call out my name from the opposite direction. At first I'm hopeful it's the person I'm looking for. As soon as I hear the voice, chills of fear run down my spine. This isn't who I'm looking for, it's who I'm running from. I quickly run in to the nearest room and look for a hiding spot to avoid being found. I can either choose under the bed or in the closet. I choose the closet and try my best to sit in the corner and camouflage with the clothes and shoes in here.
     I sit very still with a hand over my mouth trying to control the volume of my breathing. Trying not to get caught before I can get out. I hear footsteps and I hear the man call out my name again "Anneliese? Are you in here?" I stay quiet and hold my breath. I hear him looking through the room before I hear the footsteps coming towards the closet. The door swings open and he aggressively looks through the closet. He pulls back the clothes that were hiding me from view and smiles evilly before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder forcefully. I scream "No! Let me go! Put me down!" over and over again and he just laughs as he carries me over to the bed.
     He throws me on the bed and quickly climbs on top of me, pinning me down. I'm crying and begging him to let me go. "Please I won't say anything, just let me go." He chuckles "you expect me to believe that? You expect me to believe your FBI agent boyfriend won't hunt me down after he sees your mangled body when I'm through with you? I'm going to enjoy my time with you before I have to be on the run." I'm sobbing and screaming and thrashing. I can't get away. He shushes me "it'll be just like old times, lise, just sit back and enjoy yourself."
     I shake my head and scream "no, please don't. Please don't touch me." He laughs and I mentally call out for Spencer. He starts to mock me "Spencer, Spencer, save me!" What I thought was in my head I was screaming out loud. I continue to scream "Spencer! Spencer, help me!" I'm sobbing and the man still has me pinned down as he rips my clothes off of my body one by one and I'm screaming out "please stop, please don't hurt me. Spencer, help me!" He starts to shake me and screams "Annie! Annie!"

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