Chapter 33: Prying Eyes

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Spencer and I arrive at the restaurant. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen and I can't believe that it's a restaurant and not an extension of the Louvre or the Met. I am lightly holding on to Spencer's left arm as we approach the hostess. She looks up and smiles at the both of us, but especially Spencer. I try not to notice. Spencer smiles back at her, most likely oblivious at the special attention the hostess is paying to him, and says "Good evening, I have reservations under Reid for 2 at 7?"
The woman briefly diverts her eye contact to me before looking down at the book in front of her and hums briefly before saying "yes, sir, I have you right here. If you both will follow me, please." She's again paying special attention to my boyfriend and it irks me. She leads us through a few different dining rooms to one smaller than the others, but still not totally private. After the hostess leaves, finally, Spencer pulls my chair out for me and pushes it in to the table like a gentleman. He smiles as he sits in his chair in front of me.
I smile back and decide to not bring up the flirtatious hostess and spoil our night. Spencer asks "so what are we drinking tonight?" I rest my chin in my palm and look up, humming, and say "why don't you pick tonight, Dr. Reid. I trust your judgment and knowledge of wine more than my own." He smiles and nods. I ask "what are you getting for dinner, Spence?" He hums and says "I would be torn between the salmon and the lobster, but I still want to be able to kiss you tonight." I hum, happy to know he really does remember my shellfish allergy, and say "good choice, baby." He asks me what I want. I say "I think I want the baked ravioli and a side salad."
Spencer nods and agrees that the entree sounds good to him as well. Just then our waiter approaches the table and fills our water glasses. He looks between the two of us before settling his eyes on me and says "good evening, I'm Eric, I will be your server this evening. Would you like to begin your meal with a cocktail or some wine?" Spencer clears his throat, the man finally breaking eye contact with me to look at Spencer. Spencer says "we will take a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, please." The man nods and glances at me again, looks down, and then looks back up at me before leaving.
I look down to see if I had something on my dress or something, why was he looking down at my dress so much? I look up at Spencer to ask if I missed something and notice he is seething. I tilt my head to the side and gently grab his hand "Spence, what is wrong, baby?" He's breathing heavily and says "he couldn't keep his eyes off of you." At first I am going to ask if I spilled something and then it finally dawns on me why Spencer is so angry - the man was staring at my dress because he was checking me out. I don't know what to say to make this better. I wore the dress for Spencer, not for some random young and dumb waiter.
I say "Spencer, I'm going home with you tonight. Not him." Spencer is still seething and says "he didn't even acknowledge me." I chuckle slightly which pisses Spencer off more. I notice quickly and say "Spencer, the same thing just happened with the hostess who showed us to our table. She only had eyes for you." Spencer shakes his head and says "she was not eyeing me like that man was eyeing you." I laugh a little bit too loudly and say "Spencer she was eyeing you like you were on the menu for this place. You just didn't notice. I didn't notice that he was eyeing me that way. I was checking my dress to make sure I didn't spill anything on it before I noticed how livid you were."
Spencer is in shock and doesn't say anything. I look at him and gently say "let's not let some strangers ruin our night, okay? After we get our food we won't have to see either of them for a while." Spencer nods and breathes deeply. I tell Spencer my official order after a while so he can order for us, and assert his dominance I guess, when the waiter comes back. The waiter comes back and pours a tasting glass for each of us. It tastes amazingly crisp and dry to me so I nod at Spencer and Spencer nods to the waiter. Spencer orders for us as I sip my wine and look only at Spencer, smiling.
After Spencer gets a glass of wine in his system he's visibly more relaxed. We talk and laugh, fully enjoying each other's company without fear of either of us being called away to work. Between the two of us we finish the bottle shortly before the food arrives. Our food arrives and the waiter asks us if we would like another bottle. I shake my head no at Spencer and he tells him we are fine with just water for now. The food is delicious, and it damn well should be at the prices on the menu. I eat a small amount of my dinner before all the wine hits me and I have to take a trip to the ladies room. Spencer tells me to not be too long as I stand and make my way to the ladies room towards the front of the restaurant.
After I've quickly done my business and fixed my lipstick I leave the restroom. As I'm walking back I quickly get grabbed and thrown into a nearby wall. At first I'm hoping it's Spencer just playing a joke on me, but I'm proven wrong when I look up and see Eric the waiter standing in front of me. He looks at me and says "don't say a word," as he begins to grope me. I shake my head and thrash saying "get off me! Don't touch me!" I go into survival mode and try to kick him but I can't get my leg back enough to kick him with enough force. I decide to use my stilettos for good use and take my foot up and stomp hard on his foot. He cries out in pain but still doesn't release me. I'm thrashing and telling him to let me go but he doesn't.
He says in my ear "you don't have a ring, so you're fair game to me even if you are with that weakling." I shake my head and begin to say something before I hear the cock of a gun and Spencer say "FBI get your hands off of her!" The man spins me around, using me as a human shield. He says to Spencer "why is she with you any way? I'm so much hotter than you are." I laugh loudly at that and say "you must have a fun house mirror at home then." The man throws me back into the wall, I hit my head pretty hard, but don't pass out. As soon as the man moved from using me as a human shield, Spencer and some police officers I hadn't noticed come in go to arrest the man. As soon as Spencer was sure he was arrested and not getting free he rushes over to me.
I grumble in pain as I grab my head. Spencer is holding me in his arms and asks frantically "are you okay, Annie?" I nod and say "yeah my head just hurts really bad." Spencer nods and says "let's get you to the hospital." Everything is a blur as Spencer carries me through the restaurant and out the door to a waiting ambulance. He sets me down on the stretcher in the ambulance and tells the paramedics "25 year old female, possible concussion, allergies to amoxicillin and shellfish, no chronic health conditions."
They nod and thank him for the information as they start their work up on me as we begin our drive to the nearest hospital. I grab Spencer's hand and squeeze tight. He squeezes back and says "you're gonna be okay, Annie, it's okay, I'm here. I need you to stay awake, baby, please." I nod and try to stay calm and awake, but everything is going fuzzy and I soon feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

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