Chapter 8: ER

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      It's Monday and I've been at work at the hospital for a few hours. It's not a bad day, it's just a Monday. Just feels like it's dragging on. I see my patients and talk with coworkers like normal and the day drags on until about 6 pm, right before I'm supposed to leave, I get paged to the ER. Which is weird because I rarely get paged to the ER.
      I make my way down there quicker than I would to other areas of the hospital because, you know, it's an emergency. I get down there and see Dr. Reynolds, the chief trauma surgeon, gesturing for me to come talk with him in private in his office. Weird.
      Dr. Reynolds tells me to go in his office and I see Spencer's friends, Morgan and Hotchner are there. I start to feel panic creep through my body. Something's wrong. Morgan looks at me when I walk in and the first thing he says is "Spencer is okay," and I feel relief course through my body. But then why am I here? Why are they here? At my place of work? Hotchner seems to read my thoughts and says "he was shot, but he's going to be okay. They're treating him now. We just wanted you to hear it from us due to the fact that you are now involved with him and this is your place of work."
      The panic starts to creep back in and I slowly sit down in the nearest chair. Morgan kneels in front of me and tells me to focus on him and breathe with him before I have full blown panic attack. Hotchner leaves to talk to the doctor. After a few minutes of deep breathing I calm down and turn to Morgan and say "what the fuck Morgan?! You guys scared me so bad! What the fuck happened?!" Morgan is shocked at my profanity and chuckles a bit before saying "he was shot in the knee protecting a victim from an unsub." I look at him and say "unsub?"
       Morgan nods and says "the guys we catch are called unsubs for unknown subjects. He saved a man's life today. That man was a trauma surgeon so he probably saved a lot more lives than just him. He's okay. We just wanted you to hear it from us since you work here. We didn't want your work to be affected." I nod and say thank you. Then ask "when can I see him?" Morgan checks his watch and says "he should be coming out of surgery any minute." I exhale a bit and ask "is it okay if I sit with him after he gets out while he's coming out from the anesthesia?" Morgan smiles and nods "sure, baby girl. He really likes you, you know? He's been talking about you nonstop since he got discharged and recovered from the anthrax exposure. You make him really happy. So thank you."
     I laugh and say "well he's about to get an earful from me for getting shot right after getting over anthrax poisoning. Hero or not." Morgan chuckles and nods and leads me to Spencer's recovery room on the second floor. As soon as the elevator opens I see them wheeling Spencer into his hospital room and I feel relief flood my body just seeing him and knowing he's alive. I pull up a chair next to his hospital bed and grab his hand. The heart rate monitor is steadily beeping indicating he's stable and sleeping.
     I suddenly remember Ryder is at home and needs somebody to stay with him while I'm here. I ask Morgan to sit next to Spencer for a minute while I go make some phone calls. I call every neighbor and they're all busy and none can help me out. I groan in exasperation and walk back into Spencer's room. Morgan asks "what's wrong?" I look at him with a furrowed brow and say "how is it all of you can read my mind and predict what I'm going to say?" He chuckles lightly and responds saying "well, no offense, baby girl, but you kinda wear your feelings on your facial expressions. It may not be obvious to other people, but to profilers it's like you broadcast every little feeling to us." I nod in understanding. I can definitely believe that.
      He says "but seriously what's wrong?" I sigh and say "nobody can take care of my dog so I probably have to go home for a bit and I'll just hope he doesn't wake up before I can get back." Morgan shakes his head and says "hey now somebody on the team can go take care of him and you stay here. You should be here when he wakes up." I smile and nod and say "okay. None of your team will rob me will they?" Morgan laughs and says "the only thing you have to worry about is if they fall in love with your dog. You'll never get rid of them, then." I laugh in response and say "hey, I have a guest room and they can make themselves at home." Morgan nods and leaves the room and says "okay let me make some phone calls."
      I sit down and take Spencer's hand again and say a silent prayer for him to be okay and come back to me. Morgan comes back in asking for my key and tells me that Garcia and Prentiss, Prentiss I know I met before, are going to go take care of Ryder for me while I sit with Spencer. I give him my key and my access code to the apartment complex and sit back down taking Spencer's hand again. As I sit there listening to the steady beeping of the monitors and caress his hand I slowly start to fall asleep with my head laid on the bed next to him.

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