Chapter 32: Tourmaline*

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Spencer and I returned to our hotel late and immediately went to bed, exhausted from traveling. It is now morning and I lay awake, watching Spencer breathe peacefully in the sliver of light peeking through the closed curtains. I haven't seen him sleep this peacefully in months and I don't know when that would've been, honestly. Maybe he's never slept this peacefully with me before. He's laying on his stomach, arms clutching the pillow his head is resting on, he lets out the tiniest of snores in a slow rhythm. I decide to slowly get out of bed so as not to disturb him. He doesn't even flinch or readjust in the slightest after I've successfully gotten out of bed.
       I go to the bathroom quietly and shut the door before using the bathroom and completing my normal skin and hygiene routine. It doesn't take me long and I emerge from the bathroom wearing one of the fancy robes complimentary of the hotel. Underneath I'm only in Spencer's t shirt and a pair of panties, so the luxury doesn't match the pajama choice underneath. I leave the bedroom of the suite and go into the living area and decide to look through the room service catalog and order breakfast for us so it's here when Spencer wakes up. I decide to order Spencer's favorite breakfast foods - French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon - and order myself chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and eggs over easy. I also order black coffee for the two of us with sugars and creamers as well as some mixed fruit to share.
The concierge on the line repeats the order and tells me it will be up in about 30 minutes. I thank him and hang up. I check the time for the first time this morning and realize it's 7:12 am which means it's 10:12 am back home in DC. Spencer rarely sleeps this late, unless he just got home from a long case, anyway, and I decide I will wake him up when breakfast is here with breakfast and coffee in bed. I explore the suite a bit in my free time, the suite comes with a full kitchen that was honestly unnecessary. I told Spencer I would've been fine in a room with a bed for the two of us to share and a tv and a full bathroom. Those were my only requests. As always, he goes above and beyond. I love that about him, but sometimes I wish he would be more practical about things. I suspect he just wanted to go all out for our first vacation together.
The sad thing is going from this to my parents' house is going to be a big step down. My parents aren't poor, my dad is a lawyer and my mom is a teacher but a nice middle class house in Tennessee is very different from a suite in a five star Las Vegas hotel. I decide to call my mom and catch up while I wait for room service to get here. She answers on the third ring and says "hey baby, I've missed hearing from you!" I smile and say "hey yeah sorry I've been so busy with work and with Spencer." My mom responds "well you'll be here for Christmas and that's enough for me. That reminds me I've been meaning to ask, is Spencer hoping to stay in a guest room at our house or does he have a hotel booked?" I shake my head and roll my eyes and say "no, mom, Spencer will be sleeping with me in my bedroom. I told you this."
My mom just sighs in exasperation and waits a beat before saying "it just isn't right, Lise, for you to sleep in the same bed with a man out of wedlock." I laugh at the statement "mom, you know we live together and practically have been for months. We sleep in the same bed most nights." She sighs once again and says "I know. I just don't want the grandparents to know." I sigh, mirroring her, and say "mom I love Spencer and I am proud to be dating him. I hope he stays in the picture for the rest of our lives. I rarely get to spend most nights with him when he's home because he's gone for work so often. While on vacation I want to sleep with my boyfriend. If you won't allow that then I will stay in a hotel with him."
I know I've won the battle with that and she finally relents "fine, I want my babies in the house on Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning. You are doing the explaining to the grandparents and receiving all lectures." I giggle and say "deal." Just then there's a knock at the door and a voice says "room service!" My mom overhears and says "Anneliese Grace you did not order room service! That's a racket especially in a money pit like Las Vegas!" I roll my eyes at my mom's ever present frugality and say "gotta go mom, it's time for breakfast. Love you and see you in a couple days!" I hang up before she can respond and open the door for room service.
      The cart comes in and everything is presented so beautifully on trays. I thank the man for bringing the cart and hand him some cash I had prepared for a tip. After he leaves I get Spencer's breakfast ready on a tray with his coffee made just right and piping hot. Before carrying the tray in, I quietly tip toe to the door and gently open it as silently as possible. I tip toe over to the window and lightly tug the curtains open just enough to bathe the room in natural light so we can see what we eat. Spencer still doesn't stir and I bring the tray in and set it on a table near the bed. I gently nudge Spencer and in my soft voice I say "Spence, baby, wake up. It's almost 11 am in DC."
     Spencer stirs lightly and I gently bend down and grab the tray I had abandoned. He rolls over and looks at me with a half awake smile and sleep in his eyes. I smile at him and say "I ordered your favorite so you can have breakfast in bed." He smiles wider at that and stretches, saying "thank you, baby, you didn't have to do that," in a somewhat strained voice from the stretching. I shrug my shoulders and say "you always do nice breakfasts and other meals for me. It's fitting that I return the favor." He smiles and accepts the tray. I lean down and kiss him good morning before saying "I'll go get my food and we can eat in bed together, sound good?" He smiles warmly and nods "sounds perfect."
       I do as I say and ditch the robe before climbing into bed with Spencer. We happily eat our breakfast and sip our coffee as we talk, mainly about the logistics for the day. Spencer says "we will get lunch from one of mom's favorite local places and meet her at Bennington and eat with her again. Then tonight, we are going to go to a nice dinner and then anywhere your heart desires after that." I smile and get excited as I nod my head in approval. I say "Spencer, anywhere we can go that has alcohol and dancing is fine with me. I know you don't like to dance but none of the team is here to make you feel self conscious." He chuckles and nods "I did say anything your heart desires and I meant it." I smile with a giddy grin and finish my breakfast.
      Spencer finishes breakfast before I do and already removes his tray and put it back in the living room and when I'm finished he takes mine in there, too, before returning to bed with me. The slight natural light is just enough that I can see his facial features and his expressions but it's not blinding. He climbs into the bed and hovers over me slightly from the side, caressing circles into my side under the t shirt with his free hand. He leans down and gently kisses me as I caress his cheek with my hand. Not long after, the kiss becomes heated. Spencer pulls away before it can go too far though and says "are you feeling well enough? I know the traveling made you feel sick." I caress his cheek with my hand and say "yes, Spence, I'm fine now. I was fine last night but you were really tired."
      He nods and says "well I'm glad to have you back at 100%, princess," as he kisses down my neck, causing me to moan. Spencer says "you've been so good for me, you followed directions without complaints and you were so sweet bringing in breakfast this morning." He trails a hand under my shirt towards my breast as he's talking and my breathing picks up as I nod in agreement. Spencer chuckles somewhat darkly and says "do you want your reward now or later?" I whimper and say "now, please." Spencer says "now, please, what?" I bite my lip and say "now, please, daddy."
       The nickname is something we had been slowly integrating since the night of our apology dinner. Spencer groans in response, affected by the nickname. Now I feel him hardening against my thigh. He says "yes, baby, good girl." I smile at the praise and readjust slightly to be more comfortable as he settles on top of me, lower body resting between my legs. He trails his hands under my shirt and up my torso, lightly teasing my breasts with a feather light touch. I quietly moan in pleasure. He lightly grips the hem of my, well technically his, t shirt and pulls it up and over my head, leaving me almost fully bare beneath him.
He looks at my body with an adoring and lust filled gaze before returning his gaze to mine. We smile at each other and he says "I love you, baby, thank you for taking the time to come to Vegas and visit my mom." He kisses my neck, moving down towards my clavicle and then sternum. I say with a faster than normal breathing rate "of course, Spencer, thank you for letting me join." I moan out as he attaches his teeth to my shoulder and then continue "I know that you might have preferred this visit to be more...ah...private." He pulls away from my body to say "I prefer you being here with me. If I could pack you up and take you on every case and simultaneously keep you safe, I would do it."
      I giggle as he returns his mouth now down to my sternum and say "I don't think my patients would like that very much, telehealth and hospital patients don't mix well." Spencer hums in agreement "very true." I gasp as he nips at a particularly sensitive spot on my chest and I say "sometimes the 'I missed you sex' makes up for missing you so much while you're gone." Spencer chuckles "absence makes the heart grow fonder." He kisses down my chest and my stomach. When he comes to the hem of my panties he stops to look up at me for permission before going further.
      I smile and bite my lip as I nod my approval, saying "go ahead." He grins and lightly tugs my underwear down as I lift my hips to help him remove them faster. I look at Spencer with a pout and say "you are wearing too many clothes." He chuckles as I take my hands to the hem of his t shirt and start to tug it up. He pulls it the rest of the way and looks at me, saying "happy now?" I smile "I'll be happier when you're just as naked as I am." He chuckles and gets up to remove his pajama pants and boxers, releasing the erection that was straining against them.
      He climbs back onto the bed and hovers over me. I put my arms on his shoulder and wrap my fingers in his hair. I tug slightly and he groans before saying "you love to tug on my hair." I giggle and say "you tug on my hair, too, Dr. Reid." He nods before capturing my lips in his, kissing me deeply. I am enjoying the kiss immensely before he pulls away and begins kissing down my body again. I groan in disappointment and Spencer chuckles "you shouldn't be making sounds like that, princess. Not when I'm about to make you cum so hard you'll see stars."
      He lightly blows on my heat and my hands immediately go to wrap in his hair. He pulls my hands off of him and holds them together with one hand against my stomach. He gives me a stern look and says "don't make me get the cuffs, Annie." My eyes grow wide with excitement "you have the cuffs?" He shakes his head and chuckles "yes, I always have the cuffs." I bite my lip with anticipation "so...can we use them?" He shakes his head again and gets up to get them from his bag. He whips them out and comes around the bed and says "there's nothing to attach them to on the headboard so you're just going to have to be a good girl and keep them above your head."
      I pout slightly before changing my expression and nodding. He smiles "good girl." He attaches the cuffs and walks away again. He comes back with a towel and lifts my lower body off the bed before laying the towel down beneath me. I chuckle and say "I don't know what I liked better just now, watching you walk away or watching you come back." He chuckles as he settles between my legs once again. He asks me "tell me your safe words, princess." I take a deep breath and say "green for keep going, yellow for stop what you're doing and try something else, red for stop everything."
      He smiles and says "good girl, Annie," before lowering his face down to my heat. He takes my legs and puts them on his shoulders, wrapping his arms around my hips. He lightly rubs circles on my clit, making me gasp and slightly move my arms before remembering to leave them above my head. I hope Spencer doesn't notice, but I'm disappointed when he says "good girl, Annie. If you don't keep your arms still you'll be punished." I bite my lip and nod, deciding to be good and not challenge him. He smiles and says "now how long has it been now, princess?" I groan "a week."
       He hums in acknowledgment "yes, a week, because I was gone on a case and then you worked late. Then we traveled here and you weren't feeling well. I hope you were good and didn't touch yourself while I was gone?" I nod my head and say "no, I didn't." He hums and says "good girl, I guess that punishment really worked." I moan as he takes his mouth to my core and finally begins to put his tongue to good use. I retort to his comment and say "I know you don't make empty threats, but I still didn't cum for a week even without disobeying you." Spencer hums against me, his mouth sending vibrations through my body and making me groan in pleasure. He pulls away and says "I'll make it up to you. I always do, princess, don't I?"
      He immediately takes his mouth back to my core and continues working magic against me with his tongue before I can respond. He continues moving his fingers in circles against my clit and I feel the orgasm growing within me. I gasp for air and say "please, can I cum?" Spencer says "you don't have to ask permission today baby, just tell me when." I nod and say "I'm so close, please don't stop." He hums and continues his actions. I feel my toes start to curl and my orgasm splinters throughout my whole body, making me shake and cry out in pleasure. Spencer continues working his hands and doesn't stop or slow down in the slightest.
      Spencer switches his mouth to my clit and his fingers to my heat, never missing a beat and continuing at the same pace. I'm clutching the sheets above my head for dear life, trying to keep my hands from tangling in his hair. It doesn't take long before another orgasm rips through my body and I barely have the time to tell him before it happens. This one lasts just as long with Spencer not letting up with his tongue or his hand. My legs are shaking uncontrollably and I feel tears in my eyes from the overstimulation. I look at Spencer and say "please, I can't take it." He says "one more then we can take a break." I nod and hold on for dear life as I know what's coming.
       I feel the orgasm growing, fighting it's way to the surface at Spencer's constant stimulation, I'm moaning so loud the neighbors are probably very annoyed. As I feel the orgasm about to hit me head on, I curl my toes and all of a sudden a Charlie horse cramp takes hold of my leg instead of an orgasm. I cry out in pain before screaming "Yellow! Yellow!" Spencer immediately pulls back and away from my body, quickly looking it over to see what he had done wrong. He also immediately unlocks the cuffs and I then clutch my leg. He says frantically "what's wrong, Annie?" I cry out and say "leg cramp," he sighs in relief before taking the leg I gestured to and tries to massage it to relieve the tension from the cramp.
      The tension and pain finally starts to dissipate and I finally can relax. Spencer doesn't push to keep going, he stays with me and gently caresses my body with light touches to comfort me. After a beat he reaches over and grabs a bottle of water from the nightstand and hands it to me. He says "here, sit up and drink some water." I nod and follow his instructions. I look at Spencer, I feel slightly embarrassed, and say "I'm sorry for having to use a safe word." Spencer chuckles and shakes his head "that's exactly what they're there for, princess. Don't be sorry for using them when you need them. I'd honestly be more upset if you don't use them when you need to stop or change something."
      I nod and sip my water. I say "I have never felt unsafe or uncomfortable with you. I just had no control over that cramp and it was so painful." Spencer chuckles slightly and nods "I'm glad to hear it. Hopefully this is a somewhat positive experience for using the safe words, baby." I nod and say "I appreciate how you immediately listened and stopped what you were doing." He chuckles "that's what you're supposed to do when someone uses a safe word." Spencer has been lightly caressing my body since the cramp dissipated and I can feel him trying to ease my body back in to our previous activities.
      He says after a beat "I know you said yellow and not red, but do you still want to keep going? We can stop here if you want." I shake my head and say "let's keep going." He grins and says "why don't we get down to the main event then, hmm?" I grin back and nod, excited to continue. I assume Spencer is going to want to change positions somehow, but he doesn't. He lines himself up at my entrance and looks at me, looking for permission, I nod and grin at him. He begins to push into me and I gasp at the intrusion. It's only been a week, but his absence only makes the initial contact that much sweeter.
He moves slower than normal, which I appreciate, and I moan in pleasure at the feeling. I lean forward slightly and take his hands in my face, bringing his lips to mine. We kiss passionately as Spencer picks up the pace. I'm letting out soft whimpers and moans into his mouth which seem to drive him more. He moves faster and takes my hands from his face, interlocking our fingers together. I cry out "faster," he says "what do you say?" I gulp and say "please, daddy, faster." He smiles and says "that's my girl." He drives into me faster and I wrap my legs around his waist so he can hit the right spots just the right way.
I pull away from the kiss and moan out loudly at the feeling. He asks me "are you close, princess?" All I can manage is a nod and a whimper. He then releases my left hand and takes his right hand down to rub hard and fast circles on my clit, never slowing down his pace. I arch my back and scream out in pleasure. I say "please can I come, daddy?" He takes his mouth to my neck and says "come for me, kitten." My orgasm crashes into me with such force and I'm shaking from head to toe. Towards the end of my orgasm, I feel Spencer twitch inside of me before he fills me with his warmth.
He slows down his thrusts and stays inside of me and lays on top of me with his head in the crook of my neck. I play with his hair as we both level out our breathing. After a minute of comfortable silence I tell Spencer "thank you." He hums "thank you for what?" I smile and say "for all of this. You make me feel so safe and loved, Spence." He hums again and says "you make me feel safe and loved, too, Annie." My heart warms at the statement and I smile even though he can't see it. We lay like that, wrapped up in each other, for about twenty minutes.
I break the silence and say "Spencer, we should probably move or clean up or something." He groans an incoherent protest and tightens his hold around my body. I chuckle and say "we can cuddle after a shower, baby." He groans again and says "but that requires movement and I just wanna stay right here forever." He kisses my neck after his statement, making me want to melt and give in to his wishes. I chuckle and say "Spence, if we go take a shower now, then we can have shower sex?" He whips his head up and says "you sure?" I smile and nod as I bite my lower lip.
He says "every time you bite your lip it makes me want to bite it harder." I laugh and say "well, why don't you, Dr. Reid?" He doesn't even say anything, just immediately latches his lips onto mine for a rough kiss. When he pulls away I say "we are only going for round two in the shower, final answer." He groans and nods as he sits up and begins to lightly pull out of me. My body grips him tight at the new movement, making him stop and moan in pleasure before he continues pulling out the rest of the way. We get up and I walk to the bathroom on wobbly legs following Spencer.
He starts the shower with hot water. Once he's sure it's the right temperature he takes my hand and helps me step into the shower. He immediately tries to get down to it and I stop him saying "if we are going to have sex again can we at least do it with clean hair?" He chuckles and nods. I grab his shampoo and pour some into my hand. I tell him to bend down because I can barely reach his hair when he's standing up straight. He obliges and I quickly wash his hair, he loves the feeling of my nails on his scalp.
After I finish washing his hair he turns around to do mine, I also love the feeling of his strong hands massaging the shampoo and conditioner into my hair. After I rinse my hair out for the final time he cocks an eyebrow at me before looking me up and down. I giggle and ask "okay, Dr. Reid, where do you want me?" He positions me so my right leg is up on the corner of the tub and I'm holding on to the shower railing to brace myself. He lightly moves all my hair to my left shoulder and says in my right ear "ready for round 2, princess?" I giggle and say "yes sir." He wastes no time and slams into me. I'm so grateful he positioned me holding the railing because I would've fallen over if he hadn't. He holds on to the railing with his left hand and holds my right hip as he continually thrusts into me with an unforgiving pace.
He snakes his right hand around my hip and begins to rub my clit in circular motions again making me let out a high pitched squeal of pleasure. Spencer chuckles and says "I think I've found one of your weaknesses, kitten." He continues his fast thrusts and never slows down on my clit. I hold on to the railing for dear life as he takes his mouth to my right ear and says "you gonna cum for me?" I nod and whimper. He briefly removes his left hand from the railing and slaps my ass, making me jump in surprise. He says "use your words, princess." I take in a shuddering breath and say "yes daddy, please can I come?" He latches his mouth on to my neck briefly and then says "yes, princess, cum for me."
I hold on for dear life as I feel my orgasm come crashing down. Spencer doesn't slow down and I'm on the brink of overstimulation before he finishes inside of me for the second time this morning. My legs are shaky as he pulls out of me and lightly helps me return to standing. He kisses me briefly and says "you did such a good job, baby, let me clean you up." I nod and let him take the loofah and lather me up with soap before having me stand under the water. He washes his own body, I don't have the energy to protest, and switches me from under the water so he can rinse off the soap.
I grab a towel and wrap my hair up in it and grab a second towel for my body. I dry off before putting the fancy robe back on and then I go lay down on the bed to rest for a minute. Spencer comes out with a towel around his waist, using another towel to dry his hair. He chuckles at the sight of me and says "I wear you out that much already, Annie?" I hum an affirmative response and say "sex always makes me sleepy." He chuckles and says "because your hormones are dropping, baby. Take a little bit to rest, we have to get going soon for lunch with mom." I nod and get comfortable in the bed. Soon after Spencer gets in bed in only his boxers and says "take a nap, baby, I'll wake you up when you need to get ready." I nod and snuggle into his side before quickly drifting off to sleep.

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