Chapter 38: Solidarity*

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      Spencer and I settled back into our normal routine back in our apartment very easily after being gone. The team is on a mandatory holiday leave as they haven't had any mandated vacation time for the entire year. They were quite literally forced to take a break by the director. I'm definitely not complaining. All they're doing now until after New Year's is catching up on paperwork in their own time, which apparently they're very behind on, and consulting from the BAU headquarters when absolutely necessary. I've started back at work, so Spencer has been doing stuff from the apartment, hanging out with Ryder, and finalizing everything with his official move to my place.
      I'm very relieved it's going to be official with him being on the lease with me and all that but it's also terrifying. It's just such an adult thing and I don't feel like an adult most days. I don't want anybody or anything different, though. Some of the best things in life are scary and I have Spencer to do it all with me. That's the best part in all honesty. Today is December 30th so only two more days until it's officially official that we are living together.
       I'm laying in bed, thinking about all this, as I wait for my alarm to go off. I don't know why but this morning I woke up well before my alarm and just decided to stay in bed next to Spencer until I had to get up even though he's asleep. He's laying on his left side, facing me, as he sleeps, breathing slowly in and out in a calm rhythm. Ryder is curled up in a ball of fur at the foot of the bed between us. I'm very content in this moment and never want it to end.
       I turn to look at my alarm clock, it reads 6:48 am and I have to get up at 7. I decide to go ahead and get up and get ready so I'm not as rushed since I'm already awake. I move to get out of bed and feel Spencer stir behind me. I stop in my tracks, hoping he will go back to sleep. Instead I'm met with his arms wrapping around me, pulling my back to his front. He settles me back into his embrace and I giggle softly "Spence, I have to get up. I have work at 8." He hums and says "or you could just not go and stay here with me all morning." I giggle again "that sounds amazing Spence, but we essentially did that every day for a week. So, now I need to go to work and make us some money."
       Spencer shakes his head and kisses my neck. "I make plenty of money, you don't have to go to work." I hum "I know you make plenty of money, but I also like having my own money and I also enjoy my job." Spencer hums again and asks "you enjoy it more than staying in bed all morning with me?" I scoff "Spencer, I could ask you the same thing about all the times you've left in the middle of more intense scenes than this because you got called in to work." Spencer groans and says "yes but I'm saving lives." I pull away and turn to look at him "oh so you're saying your work is more important than mine? So I should quit my job and stay home and wait for you to come home from your job that has you jet setting all over the country all the time?"
      Spencer looks confused and says "what, no? That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I make plenty of money and you don't have to work unless you really want to. I was just teasing about the other stuff. I'm sorry if it came out wrong. Your work is just as important as mine." I nod and give a quiet "thank you" in return before getting out of bed to get ready for work. I go to brush my teeth and Spencer follows shortly after. He slowly walks in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me tight against him. He gives a soft kiss to my temple and says "I really am sorry. I didn't mean it to come out that way. I don't want to start the day off fighting, Annie." I continue brushing my teeth and eventually spit my toothpaste out, rinse my mouth and dry it off before turning to face Spencer and wrapping him in an embrace.
      "You're forgiven, Spencer. I don't want to fight either. I'm sorry I over reacted and jumped to conclusions so quickly." I say while still holding him. Spencer shakes his head "what I said isn't okay, and I truly am sorry." I shake my head and say "you do save lives, but I enhance them." He smiles softly and pushes some hair out of my face. "That's a good way of putting it. Both jobs are equally important." I nod and smile before walking away. "Now let me get ready for work, baby. Can you take Ryder out for me?" He hums an affirmative response and goes to put some more clothes on before taking Ryder out. I wash my face and do my skin care routine before tackling my hair. I just brush out my hair, put some dry shampoo in it, and put it in a pony tail before going to my vanity. I just dab on some concealer and mascara and blush and apply some tinted chapstick.
      I opt for glasses today because I don't feel like dealing with contacts. I put my scrubs and tennis shoes on and apply deodorant before getting my stuff together to get ready to leave. I'm fixing my coffee and toasting a bagel to eat on the way to work when Spencer comes back in with Ryder after taking him outside. Once Spencer sees me in my scrubs he lets out a low whistle and says "you're sure I can't convince you to stay? You know what those scrubs do to me." I chuckle and tell him "Spence, I can't help that my work uniform makes you horny. I really can't be late for work so it'll have to wait until after, okay?"
      He pouts in disappointment. I laugh "quit pouting, bubs. You know if it was up to me I'd say yes and let you bang me seven ways to Sunday, but I have to go to work. So that will have to wait, I'm sorry." He laughs a bit at my choice of words and it makes me happy that I got rid of his pout. I lean down and pet Ryder, telling him goodbye before I leave. Then I lean up on my tiptoes and plant a kiss on Spencer's lips before grabbing my coffee, bagel, and bag and head out the door. I say "I love you, have a good day!" on my way out.
My drive to work is completely uneventful, for which I'm grateful. I make my way into my office and settle in for the day as I get my patient charts together and everything prepped for the day. As I'm working on an updated plan of care for January for one of my patients, there's a knock on my door frame. Killian is standing there looking nervous. I give her a concerned look and ask "hey, what's up, Kil?" She's playing with her hands and comes to sit in one of the chairs in front of my desk after shutting the door. She says "Aaron wants me to come with him to JJ and Will's party tomorrow night." I look at her and say "okay, you came to the Christmas party the other night and that's much more formal than JJ's house. I don't understand why you're so nervous for a pajama party?"
She nods but doesn't say anything. I wait in silence for a minute, trying to give her the time and space to say what she came to say. "This is just moving so fast and I'm scared. I've never been in a relationship like this. I mean he has a kid!" I furrow my brow "Killian you were amazing with Jack the other night and I can see how much you love him. How much you love both of them. You seemed so comfortable the other night. Where is this coming from?" She looks up at me and says "I...I think I'm pregnant."
My eyes widen at the statement. "I thought you had an IUD?" She nods and says "yes I did, but I had to get it taken out to get it replaced. I was just going to get a new one inserted right after getting the old one out, but I had so much pain from a complication with the removal she advised me to wait to get a new one put in. I hadn't told Aaron and when he got in from a case a few days later I completely forgot and I'm sure you can figure out what happened from there." I give her an understanding nod. "Have you taken a test?" She shakes her head no. "What symptoms do you have?" She sighs before answering. "I mean my periods have been irregular and almost nonexistent since I got the IUD so if I were late I wouldn't know it. I've been really hormonal lately, I have been nauseous, and I've been having some weird cravings."
I nod and say "Killian that could possibly be your body and hormones just adjusting to the removal of the IUD. The hormone imbalances and stuff especially after having the same one for years. It could just be a big coincidence." She mumbles something incoherent in response. I ask her "when you take the test, do you want it to be positive or negative?" She looks up at me and says "I honestly don't know. I love Aaron and would love to have a baby with him, but it hasn't even been 6 months yet." I nod in understanding. I tell her "I never told y'all this but I had a pregnancy scare with Spencer in October. I skipped an entire period and everything, but two tests came back negative. I got an IUD after that so I wouldn't have to worry about that again."
She looks at me, intently listening. She asks "did you tell Spencer about the scare?" I nod and say "yes, I waited for him to get home from a case to tell him and then took the tests after I told him. He was very sweet and supportive. I highly highly doubt Aaron would be anything less than excited about it, Killian." She asks "do you think so?" I laugh slightly and ask her "Killian, is that what you're so afraid of? Telling Hotch?" She nods and a tear runs down her cheek. I immediately get up to sit next to her and pull her into a hug. I say "I know Hotch can be intimidating, but I figured you would be he his Achilles heel."
She just shrugs and says "we have a very egalitarian relationship. I mean we are both switches so we just switch roles back and forth in the bedroom when necessary so who's the more dominant one isn't constant at all in all aspects of our relationship. He's never hurt me. I don't think he would ever lay a hand on me or Jack." I nod and rub her back. "Do you love him?" I ask her softly. She nods her head without hesitation "it's terrifying how much I love both him and Jack." I nod and smile "that's a good thing." She says "I just wanted more time with just the two of us, plus Jack I guess, before having a baby." I nod "Spencer and I have had a similar conversation. Sometimes we wish the scare hadn't been a scare at all, but we both want time together without a baby first so I get that."
Suddenly there's a knock on the door and I tell them to come in, fully expecting Alison. My suspicions were correct as she comes in holding a patient chart. She's about to say something until she notices Killian's presence and tear streaked face. She shuts the door behind her and asks "Killian, what's wrong, honey?" She just looks at me and then back at Alison before saying "I think I'm pregnant." Alison looks very confused. She asks "does Aaron know?" I whip my head at her "how long have you known?" Alison shrugs "since it began. She didn't want to upset you or get your hopes up because it was just a friends with benefits situation at first." My facial expression softens and I nod in understanding.
Alison asks "have you taken a test yet?" She shakes her head no. I look at her and say "how about we all take one in solidarity so it's less scary." Alison says "yeah I'm down with that." Killian nods but doesn't say anything. I tell her "go back to work, get your mind off of it, and on my lunch I'll get us some pregnancy tests and we can take them this afternoon. No matter what happens it is all going to be okay." She sniffles and nods before thanking me and heading out the door without another word. Alison gives me a sad look and says "I hate seeing her like that. Aaron would probably love to have another baby." I nod "I know. He's a great dad."

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