Chapter 14: Surprises*

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At 8 am I woke up to my alarm on my watch to get ready for work. Spencer stays sleeping after I've gently wriggled my way out of his grasp. I know he tends to not sleep much if at all while on cases and tends to crash for a day or two after getting back if he can. I know he doesn't have to work today unless he gets called in for a case so I leave him asleep in my bed as I shower and dress for work.
I take Ryder out for a quick walk so he won't wake Spencer after I leave. All the while I'm reminiscing on the night before. Spencer was so gentle and patient with me; his constant checking in with me made me feel so safe and loved. It was like I'd always hoped it would be. I get Ryder back inside and leave a note on the counter with my spare key on it in case Spencer has to leave before I get home for the day. He's had my code to get into the building for weeks now, but he hasn't had his own key.
I have a feeling Spencer will sleep until dinner, eat a big meal, and sleep until morning. I get Ryder set up for the day with food and water in my room. After he eats some of his food he jumps into bed and curls up with Spencer and goes back to sleep. It's the cutest sight. I walk over to Spencer's sleeping figure and brush his hair back with my finger tips. He lightly stirs and looks at me with sleep in his eyes.
I kiss him on the forehead and say "I'm going to work, sleepy head, stay as long as you like." He grumbles something incoherent as I go to leave, shutting the bedroom door behind me. I grab my purse and my therapy bag and leave, locking the door behind me. On the short drive over to the hospital I feel nothing but content at the events of last night and leaving my boyfriend asleep in my bed after he's worked so hard.
Today is one of my shorter work days, I work 10-4. I don't plan on going home for lunch today especially since Spencer is still at home asleep. I'll know if he ends up leaving because of the doorbell camera. Ryder can usually go 8 hours between outings at least so he should be fine out with Spencer all day.
I make my way to my office and sit down to look at my patient list for today. I don't have any new patients yet, just checking in with old patients. As I sit there looking through my patient list and planning out the order in which I make my rounds Alison comes in with her coffee and yogurt to catch up with me as she has her mid morning snack. She came in for the early shift that started at 7 today.
She's sitting there with her yogurt, having a moment of silence before saying "so what's new with you?" I hesitate for a moment before saying "not much, you?" She cocks her head and looks at me for a minute and says "oh you're not telling me something." I give her a shocked scoff and say "what?" She looks at me as she leans in and says "you, my dear Anneliese, have a tell. Spill."
I try to play dumb one more time before she says "want me to call Killian? She's more relentless than I am." I groan as I say "no, fine I'll tell you. Shut the door." Alison's eyes widen as she does as I say. She sits back down, scooting the chair closer to my desk and says "what is so secretive that the door must be closed?"
My expressions betray me as I feel my face heat up with a blush and my mouth contorts into a satisfied smirk. I look at her and say "Spencer and I...fooled around...for the first time last night." Alison leans in and says "wait what exactly does that mean. Did you have sex?" I shake my head and say "no, not yet. I told him that I finally felt comfortable moving forward a bit and he did not disappoint."
Alison quietly squeals and says "okay I need more details." I look at her shocked and say "um what do you mean?" She laughs and says "just tell me what happened! Was it good?" I blush and nod before saying "it was amazing. I don't think it would've been if he hadn't taken such good care of me and continuously checked in with me. That's all I'm saying."
She pouts at me and says "tell me one last thing: is he big?" I scoff and say "I haven't actually seen 'it' yet, he said last night was about me." She gives me an incredulous look and says "damn he should talk to my husband then and give him some pointers." I laugh as I say "okay, now that we've gossiped we should get back to work." She nods and throws away her yogurt cup before leaving my office.


I finish my rounds on my patients and pack up for the day, heading home to Spencer and Ryder. According to my doorbell camera he hasn't left all day. I walk into my apartment and check in on Spencer. I see he's at least adjusted some and he's curled up with Ryder. Until Ryder hears me come in anyway. Ryder excitedly comes to greet me and I take him into the living room to get his excitement out without waking up Spencer and take him out.
When I get back in I decide to cook some dinner because I know Spencer will be ravenous when he finally wakes up enough to realize he's hungry. I decide to make chicken and dumplings, a southern staple, and mac and cheese. I also decide to make sweet tea, something I rarely make due to its high sugar content, but I decide to make it to surprise Spencer. After I've thoroughly worn Ryder out with his walk he curls up in his bed I keep in the kitchen specifically for him to relax in while I cook.
I spend about an hour cooking before I hear the bedroom door open and slow footsteps walk out into the hallway. He walks into the kitchen, still in just his sweatpants and no shirt, and comes to wrap his arms around my waist from behind as I stand at the stove, getting the mac and cheese ready to bake in the oven.
He tucks his nose into the crook of my neck as I say "morning, sleepy head, feel better?" He nods his head and says "my nose woke me up." I chuckle at the sentiment as I go to put the mac and cheese in the oven. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck and tell him "food will be ready in about 10 minutes. Do you want to take a shower before dinner or are you still tired and just want to eat in bed and go back to sleep?" He says "a shower sounds nice but I'm so tired I just want to go back to sleep."
I nod my head and tell him "okay bubs, I'll make you a plate when it's ready, go back to bed and get comfy." He nods his head as I hear him pad back to bed. Once the food is ready I make him a plate and a glass of sweet tea and take it back to him in bed. He looks at me as I go to leave and he says "don't leave!" I chuckle and tell him I'm just going to make my own plate and I'll be right back.
We both get comfy in my bed as I pull up Game of Thrones for us to watch while we eat. He inhales his food before settling back down into bed. He tries to stay awake and finish the episode but ultimately fails. I laugh softly at his efforts and turn off Game of Thrones before turning on a comfort show of mine to have on in the background.
As I get comfy in bed, I feel Spencer gravitate towards me in his sleep, pulling me in tight. I don't know if this is because of the case or if this is just what makes him feel better, but I like that he feels pulled to me even in his sleep. I sit on my phone online shopping for a while before I slowly move to get out of bed and get some things done before I go to sleep. I get some laundry done and do the dishes from dinner.
      I decide to watch Tik Tok on my phone in the living room instead of in the bedroom so I don't wake Spencer. After about 15 minutes of watching Tik toks I hear Spencer slowly walk out of my bedroom and towards the living room. He rubs his eyes sleepily and says "you left me. I woke up and you were gone." I give him a pouty lip and get up to follow him back to bed.
      I get in bed with him and ask "you want me to stay with you in bed, hmm?" He nods with his eyes closed. I haven't seen him this exhausted in a while. It must be a combination of the case and Haley's death that has him so tired. After a while he says "I sleep so much better when you're with me. You keep the bad dreams away." I laugh softly and say "okay I'll stay this time," as I kiss him on the nose and nuzzle into his neck and go to sleep.

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