Chapter 20: Blood & Scares

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      I wake up the next morning feeling awful. My body aches and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I go to move and feel sticky between my legs. Crap. I look under the covers and realize I got my period in the middle of the night. It's Sunday today so it is right on time according to my birth control pack. Spencer wakes up to my movement and rolls over to face me and follows my gaze.
      I suddenly become very embarrassed and overwhelmed and run to the bathroom before he can say anything. I quickly strip my clothes and jump in the shower. I start tearing up from embarrassment and try not to be too loud because I don't want Spencer to think I'm being dramatic on my period. After a minute I hear a knock on the door. I freeze and don't answer. Spencer knocks again and says "baby, can I come in?" I don't answer and I hear Spencer say "baby I can hear you crying, I'm coming in, okay?"
       I hear the door open and Spencer walks in the bathroom and says "baby, I started the sheets in cold water, I'm going to take your clothes and put them in with them. You okay?" I sniffle and nod before saying "yeah, Spence, I'll be right out, thank you." He hesitates like he's going to say something, but ultimately decides to take the clothes and leave. I'm grateful for the moment of privacy and let the tears fall and I let myself cry for a couple minutes before actually starting the cleaning part of the shower. I quickly shower and put a tampon in before going out to my room to get dressed. I'm relieved to see Spencer isn't in my bedroom. I get dressed in sweat pants and a  big t shirt and walk out to join Spencer.
        I find him on the couch in the living room with Ryder. He turns to me and smiles softly and says "hey, how are you feeling?" I thought I was fine, but my lips start quivering when I go to talk to him. Through a choked sob I say "I'm so sorry." He looks shocked and pulls me in to sit on his lap and says "hey hey what's wrong?" I sniffle and say "I'm so embarrassed." Spencer looks at me confused and says "why? Menstruation is a very normal occurrence. I'd be more worried if you didn't have a period."
       I sniffle again and say "I bled all over the bed while we were sleeping." He chuckles and says "baby, you couldn't help that. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." I look at him shocked and say "you aren't grossed out?" He laughs slightly and shakes his head before saying "First of all, again, it's perfectly normal and not something you have any control over. Second of all, I see blood and more gruesome scenes almost every day. Third of all, I literally had blood from your vagina on my dick a little over a week ago and that didn't bother me at all so neither should this."
       My jaw drops at that last statement and he laughs and then I laugh. He wipes the tears that are left on my face with his thumbs and says "do you feel better now?" I nod and say "thank you, Spence. Most guys wouldn't have handled that situation so well." He smiles and says "I'm not most guys." I smile and say "thank you for starting the laundry." He laughs and says "it sounds like the bar was low before me." I nod before saying "low and on fire." He lets out a hearty laugh at that statement and I look at him and say "but you've exceeded any and all expectations I've ever had for a guy." He gives me a quick kiss and says "I'm glad. You've also exceeded all of my expectations, especially after Lila." I return the kiss before I hear a beeping in the kitchen.
       Spencer gently picks me up and moves me to sit on the couch before going to the kitchen. He looks at me in the process and says "I started cooking breakfast while you were in the shower because I didn't think you would want to go out or cook after the unexpected start to your morning." I get up to follow him to the kitchen and see that he's made toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and has mixed fruit ready for me. He hands me a fresh cup of coffee made just how I like it. I look at the spread in front of me and back at Spencer before my lip starts quivering again.
       He looks at me panicked and says "what's wrong, baby?" I start crying and say "no man has ever made me breakfast before especially not just because I had a rough morning." He chuckles lightly when he realizes and goes to hold me while I cry. I apologize when the feelings pass and he says "it's okay, baby, you've got a lot of hormonal things happening today. I understand." I think to myself that I need to get it together because my periods are never this bad.
       I apologize again and say "I'm not usually so emotional on my period, I promise this isn't normal. I've had like 3 other periods since we've been together and you had no idea." He doesn't say anything. I notice immediately that he didn't say anything. I look at him and say "what?" He laughs a bit and says "I um figured it out when you were on your periods before this one." I look at him, completely astounded, and say "how?
      He laughs and says "well, for one, you sport this particular outfit a lot when you are on your period. You also eat more takeout on your period which actually isn't good when you're on your period because it increases your sodium intake and worsens your water retention and makes you bloat more so that's why I cooked you breakfast instead of having it brought in. When you are on your period you watch your shows and movies that make you cry instead of ones that make you laugh or your serious shows. You also bake a lot if you aren't working too much and you nap and sleep in more and opt to not work out more even though exercise is supposed to help ease unwanted period side effects like bloating and cramping."
       I look at him shocked but impressed at all of his deductions. I say "you knew each time?" He laughs and says "that's what I just said, yes." I look at him and say "and you didn't say anything?" He shakes his head and says "it can be a very personal thing so I didn't want to bring it up if I didn't have to, but those are the weeks I would bring you ice cream and call you more to remind you to drink water and just to check in more because I knew you would probably be more sensitive then."
       I shake my head and tell him "Spencer, I don't want to be the girl who is insane and emotional on her period. I don't want to be the girlfriend you have to walk on eggshells around for a week." He chuckles and says "Annie, I don't walk on egg shells around you when you're on your period I just try to take care of you. I love you and I don't want you to be more uncomfortable than you already are when you're on your period. I can't take the pain and endure it for you, but I can do what I can to make it more bearable for you."
      Spencer wipes the tears on my face, yet again, and smiles sweetly at me before saying "let's eat, hmm?" We sit and eat and the food is actually so good. Spencer knows how to make my coffee just right and we spend the breakfast talking and laughing. I sit there and think how I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than sitting here eating breakfast with this man.
       After we eat breakfast, Spencer gets the midol from my cabinet and gives me a pill without my asking him before taking my plate to the sink to do the dishes. He tells me from the sink "now I know you just want to stay in bed all day, but we should at least go for a walk at some point or we could go to the gym." I groan slightly and say "sometimes I wish my boyfriend wasn't a genius." He chuckles and says "I'm just trying to help your cramps. A good workout can really help." I look at Spencer and say "I have to bribe you with my ass for you to go to the gym with me normally."
     Spencer laughs and says "I'm just trying to help. If you really don't want to go to the gym or go for a walk I will support you in your laziness." I smile and nod and say "good. Back to bed we go." Spencer laughs and grabs clean sheets from the linen closet on the way down the hall.
       We set up the bed and crawl back into bed together. Spencer turns on Steel Magnolias on the tv before pulling me in right to lay against him. He uses his hands to massage my lower back. I say "Spence?" He hums in response. "I don't think I have ever loved you more than I do in this moment." He chuckles and tells me to just watch the movie and relax.

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