Chapter 52: Anniversary*

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I wake up a few hours later, completely disoriented. I look around and find Spencer sitting next to me, on his laptop. He looks over at me and smiles "hey, baby, how are you feeling?" I stretch and groan and tell him "I feel pretty good. Rested." Spencer shuts his laptop and sets it in his bag next to the bed. I yawn again and ask him "what were you working on?" Spencer responds "hmm? Oh the team wanted me to consult on the case. They were hitting a bit of a dead end. Nothing too major, though, I think we got it figured out."
        I close my eyes again as I tell him "that sounds good, bubs." Spencer seems nervous as he asks me " just wanted to ask you what you remember from before you fell asleep?" I open my eyes, a bit concerned by the question. I tell him "uh we had an intense scene. You spanked me and then used my throat like a flesh light. Then you put aloe on my ass and we went to sleep." Spencer looks relieved and says "okay, good." I sit up now, very worried about why Spencer felt the need to ask me that. I ask him "why? Why wouldn't I remember that?"
        Spencer sighs and says "I was just afraid I pushed you too hard. I think you were in sub space after everything was over." I furrow my brow and ask "sub space?" Spencer nods and begins to ramble to me "it's the state of like a-a heightened euphoria a submissive partner can get during a BDSM scene, like a high. Y-you'll feel...feel like you're floating and just totally submit and trust in your dominating partner. It-it's a good thing, but you have to be extremely careful with it because it can really alter consent for the submissive. Does that all..make sense?" He gulps after his rambling comes to an end.
        I nod slowly and ask " you think I had this-this high after everything was done?" Spencer nods quickly and says "you didn't exhibit signs until the aftercare stage. It's just strange to see you um..relaxed..after a scene like that in which you did not have an orgasm." I nod, understanding his concern now. I tell him "I mean, I felt fine the whole time. I felt like I had control for the most part because I know it takes one word from me and we stop whatever it is we are doing. I know you aren't going to hurt me. Well...not in a way I don't want you to, anyway." Spencer chuckles in response and looks down briefly. He responds, looking back to me, "yes, I would never hurt you. Not in a non BDSM kinky way."
I get up and go to straddle him again, looping my arms around his neck "and I love you for that." Spencer loops his arms around my back, holding me close. He tells me "I love you, too, Annie." We gently lock our lips, nothing but love between us in that moment. Eventually, we pull away and I ask Spencer "what time is it?" He says "it's a little after 4 pm. Our dinner reservations are at 6 and the show starts at 8. While you were asleep, your brother texted you and told you he got the tickets handled. He also said the show starts at 8 and if we are late they won't let us in." I nod, sounds about right.
I absolutely don't mind at all that he checked my phone while I was sleeping. We have a very trusting relationship. A lot of times I have to check his phone while he's busy in case he gets called in for work and needs to know as soon as possible. It's only fair he knows my passcode and can check mine when I get time sensitive notifications. He's never abused that privilege and neither have I. Even when I was afraid he was cheating on me when he was really just planning the proposal and acting weird.
I move to get off his lap and tell him "I better start to get ready then. How far are our reservations?" Spencer hums "we should probably leave here by 5:30 to get there with a few minutes to spare. So shoot to be ready by 5:15." He shoots me a wink at that and I narrow my eyes a bit at his insinuation that I tend to run late. He's not wrong, I do tend to run late, I just don't appreciate the insinuation. I go to the bathroom and start on my hair and makeup, still in just Spencer's t shirt, while I hear him pull his laptop back out and start typing away. I decide to listen to the music from Chicago while I get ready so I can hype myself up. My favorite song from the musical is "Cell Block Tango" and I can't wait for Spencer's reaction to that song. Honestly the entire musical is kind of sexy so his reaction to the entire thing will be interesting to see.
       I'm singing along to it and dancing while I am putting on my makeup. Spencer comes around the corner after a few minutes and says with a shocked look "'some guys just can't hold their arsenic'?!" I giggle and say "the moral of this song is don't cheat on your girl." Spencer shakes his head "no no, the first one killed her husband for 'popping' his gum?" I nod as I look in the mirror, applying my blush. I tell him "yeah that was a bit extra, I will admit. So you know nothing about this musical?" He scoffs and says "well now I know it's about women who are murderers in Chicago." I point my makeup brush in my hand at him and say "bingo. Good inferencing." Spencer chuckles and shakes his head, walking back into the bedroom.
        I continue putting on my makeup. By the time I'm applying eyeshadow, the Hungarian girl is speaking in the song. I've never really known what she says but I know she is presumed to be the only innocent woman in the song. Spencer comes around the corner and says "sounds like she was trying to proclaim her innocence and not confessing to the crime like the other women." I nod "yeah, she's innocent." Spencer furrows his brow "do you speak Hungarian?" I shake my head "google is a wonderful wonderful thing, Spence." He rolls his eyes at me and starts to walk back into the bedroom. I then ask him "wait, do you speak Hungarian?" Spencer shrugs "I know enough to make inferences but I'm not fluent." My jaw drops in surprise. I tell him "add that to the list of things I still didn't know about you."
        Spencer chuckles "when I was even more introverted than I am now, I used to try to learn languages for fun. My pronunciations may not be good for most other languages, but I can understand and read them fairly well for the most part." I nod "your eidetic memory has got to help you with that. I learned some Spanish in high school, like most teens do, but I'm far from fluent after years of classes and training. I went on mission trips in college and my basic understanding helped a lot. I was one of the translators for our group, but that's mainly because I had the most training of the group from the United States. The people who were native to the countries we visited and were like in charge of the mission trip were the main translators. I just helped in a pinch."
        Spencer smiles "I never knew you could speak Spanish." I laugh "again, not fluently, just a basic understanding is all." Spencer continues smiling and says "that's still pretty cool." I turn to him and scoff "you're such a nerd, knowledge is so sexy to you." Spencer looks down and does that thing where he covers his teeth with his mouth and makes a straight line smile. After a beat he nods and I giggle, turning and kissing him on the cheek.  I tell him "me too, that's one of the reasons I'm so attracted to you." Spencer blushes and asks "was it my looks or my knowledge that first got your attention?" I hum "well probably your personality more than anything. You were practically dying in a hospital bed when I met you the first time so my first immediate thought definitely wasn't 'I want to jump this man's bones right this second,' because you probably would have died and that's also very unprofessional. Though, I will admit, my first time seeing you not as a patient, you did take my breath away."
          Spencer's face is bright pink now and he starts to ramble "I-I'm glad it wasn't my knowledge or my l-looks that first got your attention because if I get old or ever develop schizophrenia, th-then my personality on my good days might be the only thing I'll have left that I can depend on." I turn to him and lift his chin so he will look into my eyes. I tell him "Spencer, you don't know if that's going to happen. I understand your concern, I really do. Even if you do end up with a diagnosis, your mom kept her intelligence and her looks. Yes, the schizophrenia definitely has taken a toll on her, but she's still the same brilliant woman. You're 28 now and you've never exhibited any signs, so that's good. Even if you get diagnosed with it one day, I will always be right here. I will never leave your side. Ever. We will figure it all out like we have everything else thus far in our relationship, together."
Spencer nods, his eyes watering. I smile up at him and tell him "if you cry, then I cry and I just finished my makeup." He laughs and nods wiping his eyes and his cheeks. I lean up, kissing him just once on the lips and tell him "I love you, Spence. I'm not going anywhere. You are stuck with me for the rest of our lives. Women typically live longer than men, statistically, so you probably are stuck with me until the end of your life. Then I'll just have to find a way to manage without you." Spencer chuckles and says "I can't imagine life without you anymore." I smile softly "hopefully you never have to. Okay let me get changed and then we can head out." Spencer nods, stepping aside so I could exit the bathroom.
        I am wearing a long sleeved light green mini dress that's satin and ruched throughout the majority of the dress. I'm wearing my Louboutins from Rossi and my long black coat. I opt for one pair of simple dangly earrings and the tourmaline necklace from Spencer. I wear three stacked bangles on my left hand and, of course, my engagement ring. Spencer is in gray dress pants, his black button down, and his red bottoms. I make sure the first few buttons are undone on the shirt and the collar is bloused a bit. He also has a long black coat to wear over his clothes. He's styled his hair just how I like it and he looks amazing.
        I bite my lip and eye him up and down, not hiding my lust in the slightest. Spencer chuckles at my gawking and says "take a picture, it'll last longer." I nod and pull out my phone, taking a picture of him standing there. He just rolls his eyes and offers me his hand. Spencer tells me as I walk over to him "you look absolutely beautiful, baby." I blush and thank him. I have a small crossbody bag over my left shoulder that just holds some lipstick, my mini wallet with my ID, one card, some cash, and the room key, and my phone. Spencer is on my right, holding my hand, as we leave the hotel room and head to our anniversary dinner.
        Spencer calls an Uber on his phone while we walk and I ask him "I guess we have to decide which anniversary will be like our actual anniversary. This is the anniversary of when we first met. Our anniversary of being 'official' isn't for another few weeks." Spencer shrugs "who says we can't celebrate both?" I smile at the idea. I tell him "well, after we get married that will probably be the only anniversary we celebrate every year." Spencer nods, "if that's what you want. I'm always looking for reasons to celebrate you, though." I smile shyly and feel my cheeks heat up at that. The Uber pulls up and Spencer asks him "who are you picking up?" The Uber driver is a woman who looks to be around 30 or 40. She responds "hi! I'm picking up Spencer." Spencer nods and opens the back door of the car for me, ever the gentleman.
       We sit quietly in the back. The woman is very personable and asking questions, I let Spencer do most of the talking while I watch the night life. He's much more careful about what information we should or shouldn't divulge. At one point the woman asks "are you two staying at that hotel?" Before I can respond, Spencer squeezes my hand and tells her "no actually, we were just visiting some friends there before dinner. They'll be joining us later tonight." I keep my face neutral and decide to ask him about that lie later. The woman tells us she's an actress but she walks dogs and drives for Uber in addition to a few other odd jobs to make ends meet when she's not working in a show or play.
         We arrive at our destination and Spencer and I exit the car, thanking the woman. We walk up to the restaurant and I tell Spencer "be sure to tip her, she was nice and friendly." Spencer nods "she asked a lot of questions, though." I nod and say "yeah I didn't think much of it. What the heck was with that lie, though?" Spencer gives me a serious expression as he tells me "we don't need anybody knowing where we are staying and, just in case she wasn't as harmless as she seemed, we needed to be sure she thought we would be missed by somebody later." I nod, makes sense. Spencer continues "it may be over the top, but I don't want a repeat of anything like Vegas." I give him a soft, sad smile and nod as we make our way to the hostess station of the restaurant.
         Spencer tells the hostess "Reid, party of 2" when she asks for his name. She flashes a smile and nods, leading us to our table. The room is dimly lit, but not so dim that you can't see to walk to your table or around the room. There's a few other tables and some light instrumental music. The table has a white table cloth and a candle lit in the center of it. Spencer pulls my chair out and pushes it in for me, then moves to sit in his chair after. I smile and gently grab his hand on the table. I tell him "this place is beautiful, I love it already, Spence." He tells me "it's not as beautiful as you." I blush and tell him "you are so cheesy...but I love it." Spencer smirks, not looking back up, "I know you do."
         We look through the menu. After a few minutes, Spencer asks me if I want to drink wine or just get something nonalcoholic. I tell him "let's each get a glass of wine and some water. You pick what kind, you definitely know wine better than I do." Spencer smiles and nods, now looking through the wine list. Our waiter approaches, an older man with white hair, a white mustache, and rectangular rimless glasses. He smiles at us and tells us his name is Frank before asking us what we would like to drink. Spencer orders us two glasses of a white wine, a Riesling I think, in some language I don't know. Again, I trust his judgment.
        Frank smiles and nods, walking away to get our drink order. I ask Spencer what he wants to get. He tells me "I think the filet. What looks good to you, angel?" I blush at the nickname and look down as I respond "I think I want this chicken pasta dish." Spencer nods, not at all surprised by my choice. Spencer asks me "why don't you like steak? You always order chicken or fish." I shrug "I can be a very cheap date, I guess. I just don't like the taste of beef or pork as much for the most part. I'm always very happy with chicken and pasta." Spencer smiles and nods, ready to give our orders when the waiter returns.
         When the waiter returns, Spencer orders for us. Spencer requests the filet cooked medium rare with a side of asparagus and potatoes. My order consists of the chicken pasta dish with a side Caesar salad. Frank doesn't write anything down and goes to take our order back to the kitchen. I look at Spencer and laugh "his memory is way better than mine is." Spencer gives me a smirk before saying "but it's not better than mine." I narrow my eyes at him and laugh at the lack of humility he has. I slowly sip the wine, I hope it wasn't very expensive because it's not that good to me. Spencer and I talk about our trip and also some wedding things. He asks me "so I'm surprised you changed your mind about bridesmaids. Emily, JJ, and Garcia are your bridesmaids as well now?"
       I nod "initially I wanted it small, but we've become so close I can't imagine not including them. Who are you having as groomsmen?" Spencer responds "Morgan will be my best man, and then Hotch, Rossi, and I actually wanted to ask your brothers if they wanted to be included?" I smile softly "that's so sweet, Spence. I'm sure they would love to be included." Spencer blushes and smiles in response. He then tells me "I want to invite Gideon, but I'm not sure he will come." I furrow my brow as I sip my wine. I ask "why not?" Spencer fumbles with his words before he says "he's just kind of a introverted guy. I haven't really seen him since he left the team." I nod "well, invite him and we can hope for the best. The ball will be in his court then." Spencer narrows his eyes at me "you know I hate sports analogies." I laugh in response as our food arrives.
        Frank didn't miss anything, the food is perfect. After Spencer and I have both taken our first bite, Frank returns and asks "so how is everything?" I respond "it's absolutely amazing. You did a great job remembering everything." Frank chuckles "years of practice, my dear. Can I get you two folks anything else for the time being?" Spencer and I lock eyes with each other and shake our heads. Frank smiles and says "okay then, I'll check back with you two in a little bit, then." We thank him and continue eating our meal.
         The dinner was absolutely divine, everything was delectable. Spencer and I have long since finished our wine and are sipping our water. Spencer has requested the check from Frank and we are just waiting on him to leave for the musical. It's 7:15 at the moment so we have plenty of time. The theater is actually within walking distance, so after we pay the bill, Spencer and I walk hand in hand to the theater to claim our tickets and watch the show together.

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