Chapter 57: Hide & Seek

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There is sensitive content ahead. Annie will face a lot of things in this chapter that could potentially be triggering to readers. If you have been in an abusive relationship or any traumatic situation and do not wish to read, I will post a synopsis of this chapter before the next chapter is posted!

       I come to with a searing pain in my head. I open my eyes, blinking them open, looking around to find myself tied to an antique chair. I am in a fairly large room. It's hardwood but there's a red rug with a gold border and a gold design throughout it. Surrounding me is what looks to be furniture covered with white sheets. I gulp and my breathing starts picking up as I search the room for whoever brought me here. I can't search behind me any more than I already have without straining my neck too much. There's nobody in my line of sight right now, that might be a good thing. I try to slow my breathing down, I don't want to alert anybody who's here that I have regained consciousness. I look around trying to take in all of my surroundings and look for possible exits and escapes.
The chair I'm tied to has arms that are fairly high up so I do what I can to move my mouth down to my wrist, trying to use my teeth to loosen the rope as quietly as possible. Somewhere in the house I hear a door shut and footsteps. I've hardly gotten anywhere on the rope so I decide to just pretend to still be unconscious. Instead of letting my erratic breathing give me away I force myself to breathe in for three seconds and out for three seconds so it looks like I'm still unconscious. The person walks forward and inspects me, lifting my head up and turning it side to side. He opens one of my eyes and I try my best to not look anywhere in particular. The man turns to somebody else and asks "what did you do to her? She should be awake by now. Did you give her the chloroform like I instructed?"
A smaller, feminine voice responds "she saw me coming so I couldn't use the chloroform. I hit her in the head with the butt of the gun you gave me." The man drops my head and I hear him turn on the carpet. He asks her angrily "you did what? For all we know now, she could be concussed!" The woman breaks down and cries. She says "I'm so sorry, Harrison. I panicked I didn't know what to do! Please don't hurt me!" Harrison. Fuck. I hear him shush her and I feel my skin crawl at the same time. He shushes her and I assume he hugs her as he says "it's okay, I'm here. I still love you. I'm the only one who loves you. Who else could love a sorry fuck up like you?" She sobs even harder and my heart breaks for her.
He says in a soft voice "go to your room and get in your waiting position. We are going to deal with your inability to follow directions now." She scurries off out of the room to somewhere in the house I presume. Harrison steps towards me and lifts my head again "I hope she didn't ruin all the fun for me. It's so much more fun when they're alive, especially when they fight back. I'll be back to check on you, Lise." I hear him walk out of the room and I hear a door shut. The footsteps continue on to the other side of the door. I keep in the same position for another few minutes before I'm sure he's actually gone and not just testing me. I still just barely open one eye and scan the room for anybody in here. When I'm sure the coast is clear, I go back to trying to bite the ropes loose.
Every now and then I hear steps above me and I also hear faint screaming every now and then as well. That cannot be a good sign at all. I know I don't have long while he abuses that girl. My jaw and teeth are sore, but I finally get the rope loose enough to pull my right hand free. I quickly move to my left hand and try to bite at the rope while also using my right hand to pull it loose. This takes a lot less time and I get it loose in about ten minutes. All the while I hear the steps and the screaming, sometimes I hear loud crashing like something has been thrown or broken. I reach down and move to untie my feet. Using both hands I get them untied fast.
I stand and look around, trying to gain a better idea of my surroundings. I think I'm at Harrison's grandparents' house. They both moved into assisted living when I was in high school and Harrison and Megan would sometimes use this house for parties when I was younger. I look down and still see my fuzzy slippers on my feet. I quickly remove them and stash them under one of the sheets. If he's looking for me and looking for fuzzy slippers maybe, just maybe, that can buy me some amount of time. I have no idea what time it is and I look around for a clock but have no luck. There's no time, I quietly creep to the door barefoot. I open the door just enough to squeeze out and thankfully it doesn't creak much, just enough though to make me nervous.
I hear nothing so I decide to keep moving. I don't plan to go upstairs because that's where I heard the noises coming from. This house always confused me, there's multiple staircases, multiple levels, and not a lot of windows. Almost every time I was here as a teenager, I was wasted, too, so that doesn't help my already confused memories of this giant house from nearly a decade ago. I curse silently as I tiptoe around the room towards a hallway. I hope I'm on the main level and can somehow exit the building. I go down a long hallway of bedrooms and parlors. I find a kitchenette at one point and decide I need to get water and something to eat if I can, there's no telling how long I'll be trapped here if he catches me. I wouldn't put it past Harrison to dehydrate me or starve me for fun.
I down a water bottle and grab a few pieces of stale bread from a tray. I scarf them down and keep moving. Eventually I find a window and find that it's boarded up. This can't be good. If every window is boarded up, then he prepared for this for a long time. I shiver at the implications but know I can't stop moving. I hear the sound of footsteps above me and look to my left to see a staircase tucked in a corner, it was probably in mind for the help when it was built. The footsteps are getting closer and I quickly tuck myself in a cabinet, slowly pulling the cabinet closed and trying not to make a sound. I hear the footsteps pass by me and I hear crying from upstairs.
When the footsteps have passed, I quickly and quietly get out of the cabinet and rush up the stairs, careful to be light on my feet. I pass a door that's slightly ajar and see a girl kneeling on the edge of a bed, back facing me, hands tied to the top of the foot posts of the four poster bed. She's been whipped, very badly whipped, open wounds bleeding profusely down her back. I want to help her so bad, but based on her behavior and submission from earlier, she would likely just rat me out and trap us both here for who knows how long.
I quietly continue moving, trying not to cry as my possible fate is becoming nearly inescapable more so by the minute. I keep moving, trying to think of everything Spencer has told me from his cases. Harrison is a narcissist so I can use that to my advantage if he does catch me. Fuck, I have no idea what I'm doing. Hopefully my parents noticed I didn't come back inside and they called the police. Hopefully Spencer has called the team in to look for me. Hopefully somebody is doing something while I play the most intense and scariest game of hide and seek of my life.

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