Chapter 45: Adventures in Babysitting

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       Spencer's headaches are getting better now that we've tried different ways to manage his stress. He's been drinking more tea instead of coffee, he's been trying to get more sleep, he tries to relax more when he's home from cases, and I try to help him relax in other ways when he's home. It's now been a few weeks since Spencer's headache hiatus and he's doing well acclimating back to work at the BAU. It's Monday in early February and I'm working in my office on updating some patient charts after lunch.
I hear a knock on the doorframe and look up to see Killian in the doorway. I smile at her and say "hey, Kil, what's up?" She smiles back and sits down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. She looks at me and asks "can I call in a favor?" I furrow my brow and say "of course! Is everything okay?" She nods and says "oh yeah everything's fine. More than fine, actually. I was hoping you could help babysit this weekend?"
I give her a quizzical look and ask "what's happening this weekend?" She laughs uncomfortably and says "I was talking to JJ and she said it's been quite a long time since she and Will had any time to themselves without Henry getting in the way and Aaron and I have been having similar problems with Jack. I was hoping that you and Spencer could stay with the boys this weekend at JJ's house while Aaron and I go somewhere for the weekend and JJ and Will go somewhere else, entirely separate, for the weekend."
I tell her "I'd have to ask Spencer and make sure he's okay with it, but other than that I don't see why not!" She beams at my response and says "I think Aaron and JJ are greasing the wheels of asking Spencer at work today, actually, so hopefully that part is already handled." I chuckle and nod "if he's down, I'm down. It'll be pretty great practice for us." Killian nods "I hope not practice for any time soon, but yes." She thanks me and smiles as she leaves my office to get back to work. Alison comes in moments after and asks why Killian was there. I smile and fill her in on the details. She laughs "I hope you'll do the same for Luke and I when our baby arrives." I give her a warm smile and nod "absolutely we will. I'm sure Spencer and I will both want practice with a newborn. How far along are you now?"
She smiles and looks down at her belly, mindlessly rubbing her hand over it, and says "11 weeks! I'm not even showing yet but the morning sickness has been brutal. They say it's the worst in the first trimester." I give her a tight lipped smile and nod as I listen. I tell her "well if there's anything I can do be sure to let me know. Maybe try keeping saltine crackers and ginger ale here to help with the morning sickness? I know they won't cure it, but maybe they can make it more manageable." Alison nods and let's out a breath before saying "I think I'm going to try to wrap up as much as I can and then head out an hour or so early."
I smile and nod "if there's anything you want to hand off to me I'm happy to take it!" She smiles and nods. She then asks "could you actually do the feeding in the NICU today? The smell of the formula in there has been making me sick every time I try to do it." I smile and nod, locking up my computer and making sure my badge is clipped on before standing to leave. I tell her "I'll do it right now," and we both leave my office so I can lock it up.
I head up a couple floors on the elevator to the NICU to do the feeding for one of our preemies who has had difficulties with swallowing. She was fed through a tube for the first few weeks of her life and now we are working on her swallowing and feeding skills. It's actually one of my favorite parts of speech therapy, if I'm being honest. She was born about a month and a half early due to some complications so she's had a difficult start in life so far. She has to stay in her incubator so I feed her with gloves through the little holes in the incubator and try to facilitate correct swallowing and feeding movements.
It's very fulfilling and spending a good 10 or 20 minutes just slowing down and focusing on the life of a little baby is actually very therapeutic to me. She does fairly well and takes nearly half a bottle of formula which is more than she's taken since she had the feeding tube removed. I get ready to leave the NICU and feel pretty accomplished. The parents stop me with questions that I happily answer. We get to talking and I help calm some of their anxieties regarding their baby girl's development. I tell them she's progressing beautifully and I will keep them updated as much as I can. I can't make any empty promises on when she will be able to go home for the first time or that she won't have any issues feeding again. I give them my card so they can contact me whenever and head back to my office.
After documenting the treatment in the NICU I only have about an hour or so left before I have to leave and I have the majority of my work for the day done. I spend about another 30 minutes working on documenting treatments from today. I check the charts on some of my patients and my email to make sure there's not something urgent that requires my attention before I leave. After I ensure I have all of that sorted out, I start organizing my patient charts for tomorrow so they're ready when I come in in the morning. I leave around 4 pm and head home to Ryder, not expecting Spencer until about 5:30.
I get home to an empty apartment, save for an excited Ryder. I change into some warm active wear and take him for a walk to get his energy out that's been cooped up in the crate all day. Ever since the mugging I also try to only be out with him during daylight hours as well. We walk for a good 40 minutes or so and head home. I decide to start on some laundry and do the dishes, it's honestly never ending, and wait for Spencer to come home before I decide to do anything more permanent. He comes in a little after 5:30, as expected on days he doesn't get sent away on a case. He smiles at me from the door as I'm folding laundry in front of the tv in the living room. He comes over to me and I stand to give him a hug and kiss. He asks "how was your day?" I smile and say "good! I got a lot accomplished. What about yours, bubs?"
He smiles and nods "same here. I got a lot of paperwork finished that we've been behind on recently. Do you want some help?" I tell him "oh you've had a long day, you don't have to help, Spence." He chuckles "you've had a long day, too. Many hands make light work. Hand me a pile of clothes, Annie." I chuckle and nod. We spend about 20 minutes folding laundry and talking and laughing together. I'm the happiest I've been all day. After the laundry is put away I ask him "what do you want for dinner?" Spencer hums "what do you want to cook?" I shrug and say "what about that chicken, broccoli, cheese, and rice bake? It's easy and healthy and good for a cold day like today."
Spencer nods "sounds good, just let me know how I can help." We both make our way to the kitchen and quickly whip up the dish and leave it baking in the oven. Spencer is now sitting at the island and I'm standing on the other side, across from him. I decide I want a glass of wine and Spencer actually joins me this time. I pour us each a glass of white wine I already had opened in the fridge. He looks down at the glass after I hand it to him and says "so JJ asked me something today." I swallow my sip of wine, I had fully expected this, and said "oh? What did she ask you?" He sighs and says "she asked me if we could watch Jack and Henry this weekend while she and Hotch and their significant others have an early Valentine's Day."
I say "oh, what did you say?" He shrugs and says "I said I'd have to ask you if that was okay." I hum and say "good answer, bubs." He looks up at me and asks "so what do you think?" I smile and say "Killian already asked me. I'm happy to do it so they can have some uninterrupted adult time." Spencer's face lights up and he asks "really?" I giggle and nod "yes, Spence. I think it will be fun and good practice for when we have kids one day." Spencer nods and smiles. He then says "it'll probably be some good birth control for a while." I laugh and agree with his statement. Just then the oven goes off and our dinner is ready. I pull it out of the oven so Spencer and I can enjoy a peaceful dinner, just the two of us, and Ryder of course.

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