Chapter 49: Orderly File*

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My parents ended up staying for the weekend. Spencer was feeling better the next day so we took them to the Smithsonian in the morning. He talked about the exhibits to my parents and me so much he wore himself out. We drove home from the museum and he was nodding off in the front seat. Instead of getting dinner somewhere I decided we would just go back to the apartment and have some takeout delivered before driving my parents to the airport in a few hours.
        We make it back to the apartment and as my parents get out of the car I gently shake Spencer awake. He wakes with a start and I can immediately read remorse on his face. He says "shit I didn't mean to fall asleep I'm so sorry." I give him a soft smile and tell him "baby you are still getting back to 100%. It's perfectly understandable." He gives me a soft smile but I can still see himself internally beating himself up over it. We all walk into the complex and file into the elevator. Spencer tells my parents "I'm sorry I fell asleep in the car. I guess I'm still not fully recovered from being sick." My mom gently rubs his shoulder and says "don't be sorry, sweetie, we all understand."
Spencer gives a soft smile and we all file out of the elevator and into the apartment. I tell my parents "so for fast takeout options we can get the diner down the street, pizza, or Indian food delivered here. What sounds good to you guys?" My dad says "let's do the diner. It'll probably give me the smallest amount of stomach problems to travel home on tonight." I nod and say "good plan. I'll text you both the menu now. Let me know what you want and I'll order it online." My parents nod and go to do just that. While they're busy I walk over to Spencer and whisper to him "you should go lie down. I'd like some quality time with my parents anyway so don't feel bad at all. You need your rest right now."
      I can tell Spencer wants to argue but he's so tired he gives in to me. I gently walk him back to our room and after I shut the door he strips down to his boxers and practically falls into bed. I help make sure he's covered up enough with the comforter and sheets, close the curtains, turn on the fan, and head towards the door. I hear Spencer quietly say "wait." I turn and ask him "yes?" He gives me a pout and says "no kiss?" I chuckle at how sweet he is being and walk back over to him, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead, and walk towards the door. He says "love you," quietly as he readjusts in bed and I respond quietly saying "I love you, too, Spence. Get some rest." He hums something incoherent and I'm pretty sure he falls asleep immediately.
       I walk back out to my parents in the living room where they give me their orders for the diner. I order and pay online. I ordered Spencer's favorite as well and just plan to leave it in the microwave until he's ready to eat later. My parents and I eat at the kitchen island, enjoying each other's company. I ask my parents "what would y'all have done if I ended up not going to the surprise yesterday morning?" My mom shrugs and says "I guess we would've gone sight seeing and if we thought you'd want to see us we would've called or surprised you here." I nod and say "that's a solid answer." I then tell them "I'm really glad you both were there. It definitely perfected the experience. The only person missing was Spencer, for obvious reasons." My mom smiles and nods. She tells me "he is going to fall out when he sees how beautiful you look in that dress." I blush and look down "I hope not, my fiancé fainting would really put a damper on the wedding."


After driving my parents to the airport and coming back home, I walk in to find Spencer in the kitchen still in his underwear. I shut the door and chuckle under my breath. I say "well if my parents were still here they'd sure be getting a show right now." Spencer turns and blushes. He says "I found your note when I woke up so I got up to get something to drink and maybe something to eat." I nod and tell him "I ordered your regular order from the diner earlier. It's in the microwave." Spencer's face lights up as he goes to the microwave and finds that I was indeed telling the truth. I smile at how happy this made him as he reheats the food and watches the food turn in the microwave with intense focus.
        After his food is ready Spencer sits down at the island to eat and tells me "so I talked to Hotch earlier." I raise an eyebrow as I sit next to him at the island, concerned for where this might be going. Spencer says "he's giving me a few days off whenever you can get off so we can finally go on our Valentine's trip. I think keeping Jack really helped grease the wheels on that one." I giggle and nod "I think so, too. I'll go to work tomorrow and find out what our options are with my job." Spencer nods happily "that sounds great." We sit in silence for a bit before he says "I hate that I didn't get to spend more time with your parents while they were here. I also wish I could've said goodbye."
         I tell him "Spencer, you were sleeping so soundly I couldn't bring myself to wake you. They really enjoyed you at the museums today so I'm sure they were happy to have the time with you that they had. They'll also have a life time with you now. They knew this trip was going to be fast, they understand." Spencer nods, continuing to eat his food. I take this opportunity to tell him "you know, when everybody else was trying on dresses my dad told me that you asked for their blessing when we visited over Christmas." Spencer turns a shade of pink at this and I can't hold back the giggle.
        Spencer says "I was pretty positive that I wanted to propose when my mom asked me when we were getting engaged, but what sealed the deal for me was how scared I was when I thought you had been hurt in the restaurant. I knew for sure then that I never wanted anybody else. My life would've been over if something happened to you. It didn't feel right to not ask them, especially if I knew that's what I wanted. I didn't have a ring at the time but your parents more than understood." I didn't expect this confession from Spencer and it really warms my heart. I tell him "I knew I really wanted to be your girlfriend when you had been shot in the knee. That is a bit of a different circumstance, though, as we had just begun dating."
       Spencer chuckles softly "that is slightly different." I tell Spencer "I love you so much. You make me happier than I ever could have imagined." Spencer smiles brightly "you do the same for me, Annie. I love you so much." We share a brief passionate kiss, the first real kiss we've shared after being so sick the last week or so. Spencer and I chuckle lightly "that was a quite a way to break our physical touch fast." He smiles and nods "I've missed you." My hands snake into his hair and I say quietly "I've missed you, too." We kiss passionately for about a minute. I pull back and ask him "do you want to go back to bed so we can sleep together without having sex?" He says "that might be the hottest thing you've ever asked me." I giggle and we clean up the kitchen from Spencer's dinner before we go back to the bedroom for the night.

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