Chapter 24: Halloween*

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     I wake up later in the afternoon on Spencer's birthday in the guest bed with Spencer and Ryder asleep at the foot of the bed. Spencer is asleep next to me, shirtless. I lightly move the sheets to see if he's naked under them, but I'm disappointed when I see he's still in his boxers. I, however, am naked as a baby bird. I move just slightly and Spencer groans as he wakes up. His eyes flutter open and he looks at me and smiles. I chuckle "good afternoon, birthday boy." He smiles and says "I think this has been the best birthday I've ever had."
     I feel my heart flutter at the statement and ask "Lila never did anything for you?" Spencer hums "I think she was strategically busy for every one of my birthdays or important holidays for our on again off again long distance relationship." I nod my head in understanding and say "I'm going to be strategically busy, too." I pause and Spencer's face falls slightly and I say "oh my god, Spence, strategically busy celebrating you or with you." He looks relieved and smiles as he grabs my hip and pulls me closer to him. He says "good, because I'm not going anywhere." I giggle as he kisses me and lightly rubs circles on my bare hip.
      He looks at me and says "you think you could go for round 2?" I scoff "you mean round 6?" He gives me a sheepish smile and says "I didn't realize that's what it would be for you," laughing nervously. I smile softly and say "I think I wouldn't be able to walk for days if we continue like we just were in there, but I'm happy to make you feel good." I lightly trail my hand down to his boxers, palming the bulge in his boxers. He groans slightly and tilts his head back. I bite my lip and smile with pride that I did that.
     I move to straddle his legs and focus on him. I ask him "do you want my hands or my mouth?" as I smile sweetly at him. He smiles back "can I have both?" I chuckle "gosh you'd think it was your birthday or something with all the requests." He chuckles at my sarcasm and I move to pull his boxers down just enough, he lifts his hips and helps me remove them. His length is already hard and standing at attention for me. I giggle "wow were you dreaming about me or something?" Spencer chuckles at my question "every night and then I wake up to my dream being real." I chuckle "well I dream about talking ducks that can speak but only speak when they're insulting people's intelligence so I hope those dreams don't become reality."
     Spencer laughs heartily at my comment before stopping abruptly to gasp in surprise when I finally take his hard length in my hand and begin to stroke him up and down. His tip starts leaking precum, I quickly swipe my thumb over the tip causing him to moan out in surprise and attempt to coat the rest of his length in the precum that continues to leak from his tip. I lean down and take only the tip in my mouth as I continue to pump his cock with my hand. He groans in a mix of pleasure and in frustration "please stop teasing me." I chuckle "as you wish, Dr. Reid."
     I take my mouth down and take as much as I can in my mouth. He knows I'm still fairly new at all of this and doesn't pressure me to take more once I stop, I definitely am better than I was a couple weeks ago. I try to take more in my mouth than I have before and I gag a bit before moving back up. His dick twitches in my mouth at that and I know he liked it even though he wouldn't tell me. I do it again intentionally and he moans out loudly. I smile to myself and bob my head faster, still stroking what I can't fit in my mouth. I take his balls in my free hand and massage them while I continue my actions on his cock.
      He's breathing heavy, gasping for air and I can tell he's close. I think back to something I read about externally stimulating the prostate, I smile to myself and take my thumb down and rub a bit harshly on his perineum. His hands grab the sheets in fistfuls and his eyes roll back in his head as he cums in my mouth. I continue to work him through his orgasm and swallow his cum after I remove my mouth from his dick with a loud popping sound. He looks at me breathlessly and in awe "what did you just do?" I bite my bottom lip and giggle "you're not the only one who reads, Dr. Reid."
      He looks at me in shock "where were you reading about that?" I chuckle "probably cosmo magazine or something like that I honestly don't remember." He chuckles "well remind me to send a thank you note to the editor." I pout just slightly "well what about me? Do I get a thank you note?" He chuckles "not if you pout like that. If you continue to be a good girl though I'll reward you." I smile and say "hmm and what will that be?" He smiles "if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" I bite my lip and nod to keep myself from pouting and trying to get more information from him.
      I start to shiver while still straddling Spencer's legs. He lightly pulls me down on top of him so I'm laying on his chest and he pulls the comforter over the both of us. Under the covers he runs his hands over my arms, shoulders, and back trying to warm me up. I smile blissfully at this moment. I never want it to end. I ask him "do you want to go out to dinner or get takeout and stay home, birthday boy?" I feel him smile against the top of my head. He asks "why don't we cook something together? We don't get to do that as often as we used to and I'd love to get to spend more time doing things with you. And it saves money." I giggle "a man after my own heart. You sure you want to cook on your birthday?" He smiles against me again and nods "I've already had such an amazing birthday with you, cooking together will just make it that much better."
     I smile and kiss his chest lightly before saying "whatever you want, birthday boy." He hums "thank you." I chuckle "Spence, you don't have to thank me for doing what you want on your birthday." He hums "I'm thanking you because you actually want to do things with me and you're not doing it because you feel like you have to." I snort "Spencer if I didn't want to do things with you I wouldn't have asked you to officially move in, you dingus." He laughs in shock at my statement and I punctuate my statement with a smile and say "I told you: I don't like to lie, Spencer."
He chuckles "oh I know. I could tell something was bothering you up until the surprise party. I was kinda worried you were freaking out about me officially moving in and you had changed your mind." I look at him in shock "Spence, I would never." He shrugs his shoulders and holds his hands up in defense "how was I supposed to know Garcia told you about my birthday and you were planning a party?" I chuckle "I mean you are a genius."

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