Chapter 6: Air & Space

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I wake up on Saturday morning, thankful to have a day off after the craziness of the anthrax cases, to a good morning text from Spencer. The butterflies are running rampant now. I know I could easily be called in to the hospital if one of my patients takes a turn or if we have a new patient brought into the ER and there isn't a speech therapist able to help. Hopefully I won't get called in today because I'm supposed to meet Spencer at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum and I'm so excited. Incredibly nervous, but excited.
I take Ryder on a long walk after waking up. By the time we get home I'm hungry and make myself some breakfast. Spencer told me before to meet him at the museum at 1 pm. I have a lazy morning with Ryder after our walk and get ready to go. I go for a sweater and jeans and my white converse and head out at noon since it's about a 40 minute drive to the museum without any traffic.
Spencer told me before to meet him at the entrance. I get out of my car and begin to make my way towards the entrance as I feel the nerves and insecurities make their way back into my subconscious. I'm excited to see him again, but also terrified. Once I make it inside I spot him immediately. He's so much taller than most of the people in the lobby area. He smiles and waves and approaches me. He hands me a small brochure with information on the exhibits and asks if I'm ready to go? I smile and nod and he takes my hand, lightly leading me in the direction of the "Boeing Milestones of Flight" hall.
He excitedly tells me about the exhibits and he tells me all about Charles Lindbergh and his Spirit of St. Louis air craft in which he flew across the Atlantic by himself. Spencer begins rambling and telling me "Actually Charles Lindbergh wasn't the first to fly across the Atlantic, though he is arguably the most famous to make the trip. He said after his trip he suffered hallucinations and mirages while making the famous journey. That particular trip is what he is most famous for and what made him a millionaire."
He stops abruptly and apologizes to me. I furrow my brow and look at him saying "what are you sorry for?" He let's out a big sigh and says "I shouldn't be rambling so much, you probably don't care about all of this stuff." I smile and squeeze his hand and say "oh on the contrary, Dr. Reid, if we go to any museum and you don't give me all the rambling facts you have, then I don't want it." I lean up and quickly plant a chaste kiss on his cheek so as not to make him too uncomfortable with public displays of affection. I watch the blush creep across his face as he smiles and holds my hand tighter before we continue on through the museum.
We walk through the exhibits and I listen to Spencer tell me all about the different exhibits with information I could have only hoped to learn about in my lifetime. He lets me throw in a few jokes every now and then and again my cheeks are hurting from all the smiling and laughing we are doing. After a few hours we find a coffee cart and he buys me a coffee, despite my protests, and proceeds to drown his in sugar. I giggle and he smiles shyly telling me he hates the taste of black coffee. I laugh in response telling him "me too, but two Splenda and a creamer is enough for me."
We find a bench outside to sit on together and enjoy our coffee. We sit in a comfortable silence for a while and just people watch. After so long I turn to him and say "there actually is something I wanted to talk to you about." He visibly stiffens at my statement and turns his body towards mine, giving me his full attention. I chuckle and tell him "it's probably not as bad as all the scenarios running through your head right now." I see him relax slightly before I say "I'm sure you noticed this already and you seem fine with it but I just wanted to make sure, but I want to take this at a slow pace. If you'd rather end this here and find somebody else who is more fast paced I wouldn't blame you."
I see the tension leave his body as he chuckles briefly saying "I did pick up on that and I'm perfectly fine with taking things at a slow pace. I'd prefer it actually. Is there any particular reason you want to take it slow or is that just your preference?" I let out a nervous laugh and say "Yes and no. If you stick around long enough you'll understand." He grabs my hand, giving it a light squeeze, and says "I fully intend to." Oh goodness the butterflies are back.
I break the comfortable silence we've fallen into after a few minutes and say to Spencer "I should probably get going, my dog is probably missing me." He gets noticeably excited and says "you have a dog?" I laugh lightly and say "Yes, would you like to see a picture?" He nods emphatically and says "absolutely!" I show him pictures of my dog before we stand and start walking back towards the parking lot we both parked in. Once we get to my car he again places his hands on my hips and says "listen I had a great time today, are you free tonight?" I nod in response and he says "How about I take you out to dinner, on a proper date, tonight? I'll pick you up and everything."
I say "That depends," I notice his quizzical expression and continue saying "will there be pasta?" He chuckles and says "if you want there to be pasta I'll make sure there's pasta just for you." I giggle as he leans down and plants a chaste kiss on my lips. Before the kiss can get too deep I pull away and tell him I'll text him my address. He smiles and says "I'll pick you up at 7, sound good?" I nod in agreement as I get in my car. After I watch Spencer get in his car and see it start I start the forty minute drive back home to Quantico.


I decide to wear a dress and heels for dinner tonight. Ryder sits on my bed as I show him the dress options. I ask him "what do you think Ryder, red or black?" He cocks his head to the right towards the black dress. I nod and say "you're right you can never go wrong with a little black dress." I know he doesn't know what I'm saying but it's more fun to pretend he does.
After I pick out the dress and shoes I start on my hair and makeup before changing clothes. Every time I change before doing makeup I always spill makeup or toothpaste on the outfit I picked out. At 6:55 I'm ready and I hear the buzzer. I hear Spencer's voice through the buzzer as he says "hey it's me, Spencer," I say "come on up!" As buzz him into the building. About two minutes later there's a knock on the door and Ryder starts to go crazy. I pick him up as he's only about 20 pounds - and if I don't he bolts out the door - and let Spencer in. I see Spencer's face light up when he sees me, but I'm not sure if it's for me or for the dog. My face lights up when I see Ryder, too, so I decide to not be upset by the thought.
I invite him in and he says to me "you look beautiful," as he leans in to peck me on the lips. As soon as Spencer gets close enough, Ryder leans up and licks Spencer on the face. Spencer laughs as I apologize profusely, knowing he has issues with germs. He laughs lightly and tells me it's fine, then asks "can you just point me in the direction of your bathroom and I'll wash up a bit first." I smile lightly and say "yes, first door on the right is the guest bathroom. There's some face wash in the medicine cabinet you can use." He thanks me and heads in the direction of the bathroom. God, he looks so good when he walks away.
I turn my attention to Ryder who is still in my arms and tell him "Look bubs, I know you love people, but you can't just go around kissing strangers. It's not polite. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but one day you'll kiss the wrong human who has a problem with it." I set him down on the ground as I hear soft laughing coming from across the room. My face turns bright red and I say "you didn't hear any of that." He gives me a brief pouty expression and says "but it was so cute." I blush and say "okay you did hear it, but if you tell anybody about that I'll deny it." He laughs and says "I have a feeling that most people who know you won't believe your denial." I scoff and am speechless for a moment before saying "yeah you're probably right."
I turn to Ryder and grab a treat and tell him to "kennel up." Ryder quickly turns and runs in the direction of his crate in my room. I squat down and crate him, making sure he has chew toys so he doesn't chew on his paws out of boredom or anxiety, then turn around and make sure the tv is playing loud enough to drown out any outside noises that might cause him to bark and annoy the neighbors. I turn to see Spencer standing in my bedroom doorway saying "I'm actually quite impressed you've trained him so well and I also really like your apartment. It's nice." I blush and thank him for his kind words and say in addition "he's only trained well when he knows he can get a treat out of it. The rest of the time he's a sneaky little terror." Spencer laughs as I grab my purse and keys with one hand and his hand with the other. As we leave my apartment I lock the door and check that my security system is armed.
Spencer says "it's a good thing you have a security system and a dog, you're probably less of a target that way." I giggle and say "that's the hope anyway." Spencer turns quiet for a minute, for what reason I don't know. We continue to walk to his car in the visitor parking lot of my apartment complex and he opens the passenger side door for me. I smile and thank him for his chivalry. He runs around the car and gets in the drivers seat.
He turns on the Bluetooth in the car and Taylor Swift starts playing. I turn to him with an incredulous look and say "how did you know to play Taylor Swift?" He says in response "a magician never reveals his secrets." I pout a little bit and he says "I noticed you would lightly hum a different Taylor Swift song every time you would wash your hands and put your gloves on when I was your patient. So I easily deduced she was one of your favorites if not your most favorite." I look at him in shock and awe, partly because he was able to figure me out so easily, but also partly because he cared enough to play music he knows I would like. Another point in favor of Spencer Reid.

AN: yay don't hate me the real date is coming next chapter. As I said before this is a slow burn but we will get there I promise. Thanks for reading! :)

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