Chapter 37: Office Christmas Party

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       For the rest of the night Spencer and I rested at home and had some take out delivered. We don't have any food in the apartment at the moment obviously because we have been out of town and haven't been to the grocery yet. We rested after being worn out from traveling and just enjoyed time to ourselves in our apartment that we hadn't had in a while. It's now the next morning and I'm awake earlier than normal because I slept so much while traveling home and after our surprise adult activities the night before. Spencer was wonderful last night, in and out of the bedroom, unpacking most of the stuff and getting the laundry started.
       I lay awake just briefly, looking over at shirtless Spencer, asleep flat on his stomach on the mattress. I don't know how that's comfortable because he has moved down the bed and is laying on the mattress with no pillow under his head. He's snoring softly and twitching a bit in his sleep. I decide to move for the first time this morning. I look at the alarm clock on the night stand and see that it is 7:30 am. I slowly get out of bed, trying not to disturb Spencer. I go to the bathroom and quietly shut the door to do my morning routine. I quietly get dressed in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and ugg boots, throwing my hair up in a messy bun.
       I decide to start another load of laundry and leave a note on the counter for Spencer that I've gone to get breakfast in case he wakes up before I get back. I then get ready to run down the block to the local diner and coffee shop to get us some breakfast. Spencer usually wakes up between 8 and 9 on his days off so I try to hurry. I call in our breakfast order at the diner while I wait for our normal lattes at the coffee shop. I pick up everything and make my way back to the apartment.
        As I unlock the door and open it I'm disappointed to see Spencer sitting at the island with a cup of coffee. He must've found a lone k cup somewhere in the kitchen. I pout my lip and Spencer chuckles. "You were supposed to still be asleep, Spence. I wanted to surprise you." I say disappointedly. Spencer chuckles again "well I just don't sleep as well without you next to me and I guess it woke me up." I continue pouting and he just gives me a soft yet stern look "quit pouting, princess." The use of my bedroom nickname with his dominating tone causes me to immediately obey without a second thought. Spencer nods and smiles "good girl. Now what did you get for breakfast on your super secret mission?"
        I blush shyly as I pull out his normal order of French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon in addition to my normal order of chicken and waffles. I also hand him his coffee even though he already made some, he just needs a constant caffeine drip, honestly. We sit and eat together, talking and laughing like normal. I look at Spencer and say "I had a great time on our trip, but I'm really happy to be home and getting back to normal." Spencer hums in acknowledgment before saying "speaking of getting back to normal, when do you want to pick up Ryder?" I swallow my bite of food before responding. "Let's get all the laundry done and everything around the apartment done first and then we can give him our full attention when we pick him up." Spencer nods in agreement.
We finish our breakfast before dividing and conquering the chores of the apartment. We work on the laundry together while also finishing up unpacking and cleaning up a few things we didn't get to before we left. We finish getting everything done by 11 am and head out to go pick up Ryder. Spencer drives with his hand on my leg. After a bit I look at him and say "Spencer, you should let me pay for this because it's not going to be cheap and he technically is my dog." Spencer gasps in horror "after all this time he isn't even a little bit mine, too?" I chuckle and say "Well...I do call you 'dad' to him when you aren't around." Spencer's cheeks turn a bit red and he chuckles nervously. He asks "really?" I nod before continuing "I'll say stuff like 'your dad is on the way home' when you're about to come home and he will get excited and wait at the door for you."
Spencer awes and says "and you still think he's not even a little bit mine now, too?" I look down and say in a small voice "maybe just a little bit. He's been my baby all through college and grad school. It's weird to share him." Spencer hums in agreement. We sit in silence for a minute before he says "let me pay for half since I am, in your words, his dad." I chuckle and shake my head "fine, you win this round." Spencer shakes his head "no it's a compromise." I nod in agreement. We pull up to the pet lodge, it's cutely named "District of Columbia Pawlitician Pet Lodge." We walk inside and tell them we are there to pick up Ryder Winters. The lady nods and goes to get Ryder from wherever he stays in the back.
The other woman smiles and tells us "would you like to pay in cash, card or charge it to your payment method on file for the account?" Spencer looks at me and I nod to him. Spencer says "actually can I pay half with a card and charge the rest to her account?" The woman nods and begins setting it up for Spencer to pay. She says "okay the total is $458, making your half $229, because he stayed a week, got groomed while he was here, and participated in day care every day." I see Spencer's eyes go wide as he counts out his cash. I chuckle to myself and say quietly to Spencer "still want to claim some ownership of him?" Spencer gulps and nods "it's a small price to pay for the woman I love and our dog."
I feel butterflies in my stomach at the sentiment as Ryder comes running out to see me, skidding across the floor on his claws. I hold my arms out and scoop him up when he gets close. He's so excited and just covering me in kisses. Spencer pets Ryder from the side, out of the splash zone. We head back home, Ryder has his head out the window while he's sitting in my lap. I'm perfectly content in this moment with the two loves of my life. Spencer asks after a comfortable silence "what are you wearing to Rossi's tomorrow?" I let out a gasp of shock and say "oh man I forgot about that already. What does everybody usually wear to it?" Spencer chuckles at my memory, or lack thereof, before responding. "The women usually wear dresses and the men usually dress nice. In work attire, but not like suits. More like nice pants and a button up or something."
I hum in acknowledgment "do you want me to pick out your outfit?" Spencer gives me a side eye and says "I think you like picking out my outfits and buying me clothes." I giggle "yes, yes I do. You're like my own personal ken doll." Spencer scrunches up his face and laughs "please don't ever call me that again." I giggle and nod "okay, bubs." Spencer and I make small talk on the way home, happily reunited with our fur baby.

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