Chapter 51: Lovely Lady Liberty*

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I wake up the next morning to blinding light streaming in through the hotel windows and Spencer passed out on his stomach, halfway down the bed. I don't know how that position can be comfortable, but this is how I find him sometimes when he's really tired. Well, when he's more tired than normal. His messy mop of curls is splayed out around his head and he's breathing in a peaceful slow rhythm. I smile warmly at the sight, never taking for granted anymore the mornings I get to spend lazily in bed with him. I grab my phone and start searching the maps for nearby options for breakfast. If we aren't careful, we will spend our entire budget for this trip on room service alone.
I see that there's a Starbucks and a bodega just around the corner from the hotel and I decide to walk down there and get us breakfast and get back before Spencer wakes up. I slowly move to get out of the bed, thankfully Spencer doesn't budge. I quickly freshen up in the bathroom before piling my hair in a top knot and throwing on a sweatshirt, some sweat pants, and my uggs to go down to the bodega. It's 10 am so it should all be pretty calm by now, everybody going to work or going to school should be there and not in line to get coffee or a bagel. I write a note out for Spencer on the hotel stationary and leave it on my pillow in case he wakes up before I can get back.
I grab just my lanyard wallet and put it around my neck, under my sweatshirt. It only has one card and a couple dollars in it in case I lose it or if I get mugged, again. I also grab a thing of pepper spray from my purse to keep in my pocket, just in case. I grab my phone and a room key and quietly exit the room. I quickly follow the directions on my phone around the corner to the bodega and fix myself a large Diet Coke from the fountain drink area and order two bacon, egg, and cheese bagels to go. After I've finished paying and I'm waiting for my order I hear a voice speak up behind me "Lise? Is that you?" I turn, cautiously and nearly scream with excitement when I recognize who is standing behind me - it's my brother, George .
I hug him and say "oh my God, George, what the fuck?! What are you doing here?" He chuckles and says "I'm just getting a bagel before going to work in the city I live in. More importantly, what the fuck are you doing here, getting a bagel in a city you don't live in?" I release him from the hug and smile broadly at him. I tell him "Spencer and I are here on a trip. This is actually our valentines slash anniversary trip because our valentines kept getting postponed and our anniversary, well of when we first met, was the 12th." George smiles and nods broadly and asks "where is Spencer?" I tell him "oh I left him asleep in the room. He doesn't get enough sleep usually and I didn't have the heart to wake him."
         George nods in understanding and says "hey, congratulations on your engagement! Let me see the ring!" I giggle and nod, holding up my left hand for him to see the ring I never take off. He lets out a low whistle at the sight and says "wow he did a good job picking this out. It's blinding." I giggle shyly and nod "the proposal and everything was beautiful, I had no idea." George nods and says "yeah, mom told me it was on your birthday? I didn't think you'd like that, to be honest." I shake my head and tell him "no, I loved it! And it was the perfect way for Spencer to mask me getting ready for a proposal like getting my nails done and stuff."
George chuckles and nods. He then tells me "hey, listen, I would love to chat some more but I've gotta get going. If y'all wanna see a show while you're in town, hit me up and I can try to get you some tickets for free, or at least discounted!" I grin and say "thanks that sounds great! I'll bring it up to him when he wakes up." George nods and leaves, saying "okay, it was good seeing you, love you." I smile "love you, too, George, have a good day at work!" I leave the bodega with our breakfast and quickly stop by the Starbucks on the way back to get Spencer his normal order.
I make my way back into the hotel, finger waving at the concierge, and hopping on the elevator to go back to our room. I have to juggle the food and drinks a bit as I maneuver the key card into the door and open it. I expect to see Spencer still asleep in his starfished position, but instead he's sitting on the edge of the bed. I pout a bit as I enter the room and close the door. I say "Aw, bubs, I wanted to have breakfast here before you woke up." Spencer looks up at me and he doesn't look happy. At all. I'm shocked by his expression and he says "why did you do that?" I look at him with confusion "do what?" He sighs and says "why did you leave by yourself? You could've been hurt." I try not to laugh as I say "Spencer, I walked around the corner to a bodega and a Starbucks. It's 10 am on a Friday. It was fine, I'm fine. I'm safe."
Spencer says "something could've happened and I would've just been in here asleep, none the wiser to it." I sit down next to Spencer and I tell him "I know what happened in Vegas has really stuck with you. What did we learn from that experience?" Spencer sighs and says "not to let you go to the bathroom alone?" I scoff and shake my head "no, we learned that I'm not going out without a fight. Remember? Nobody is going to grab my crazy ass on a Friday morning in a big city without me causing a scene, okay? I know your concern is just because you love me, but good lord, Spence, I'm a grown woman and can walk down the street by myself." Spencer nods solemnly "I know, I just can't lose you." I give him a soft smile and tell him "you're not going to, not on my watch. Now, coffee and bagel time?" Spencer gives me a small half smile and nods "coffee and bagel time."
        While we are eating in the hotel bed, I tell Spencer "hey guess who I ran into at the bodega?" Spencer furrows his brow and shakes his head "no idea?" I smile and say "I ran into my older brother, George. He offered us free tickets to a show when he found out we were here for fun and not for like a murder investigation." Spencer chuckles and shakes his head "why would I bring you with me to a murder investigation?" I scoff and say "I'm pretty sure I could help more than you think."  Spencer nods and says "one day, if I get the okay from Hotch, maybe I'll bring you along. No promises, though." I beam and tell him "that's good enough for me, bubs." He looks at me seriously and says "and you will stay at the hotel or at the station. No crime scenes." I pout just slightly and tell him "boo, you're no fun." He says seriously "I'd rather be no fun and keep you alive." I know I'm not going to win this argument anymore so I change the subject and we finish our breakfast together.
We soon slowly start to get ready so we can go do some touristy sight seeing things in New York City together. Today we are planning to go to the Statue of Liberty and we are going to reach out to my brother to see what options for shows we have later. As I'm putting my contacts in in the bathroom, Spencer asks "what show would you want to see? You have a lot more interest in Broadway than I ever have. I'll love anything you pick. I promise." I give him a soft smile and tell him "well if we can go somewhere for free let's do that. Hamilton would be well over a thousand dollars per ticket and I doubt he can get us any free tickets or discounts to it. I'd rather just wait and watch it live when the tickets aren't more than my bills. Phantom is a popular one but it's like the longest running Broadway musical so the demand won't be near as high."
Spencer asks me "but haven't you seen that one already?" I nod as I apply my makeup "yeah, the traveling production one, years ago. It was really good." Spencer asks "what's a musical you love that you want to see, babe? I'm with you on waiting on Hamilton because we have a wedding to pay for and hopefully a house to buy and move into soon, but where do you want to go?" I sit and think about it for a minute until an idea comes to mind. I tell him "what about Chicago? It's one of my favorites!" Spencer smiles at my excitement and nods "call your brother and see if he can get us free tickets or a discount, if not we will just pay full price, it's no big deal." I give him a sweet smile and nod, thankful to have a fiancé who tries to put my interests first.
I turn to him and say "we can do that if, and only if, we go somewhere and do something of your choice tomorrow. Any ideas?" Spencer blushes slightly and says "how about the Museum of Natural History?" I grin at him and ask "is that what you want to do?" Spencer nods and says "I've always wanted to go, but I've never made the time to come to New York long enough to visit it." I smile and nod "that sounds great. I've wanted to visit there, too, but mainly because of the Night at the Museum movies." Spencer's brow furrows and he asks "what are those?" My jaw drops and I ask him "you've never seen Night at the Museum?" Spencer shakes his head innocently. I smile and tell him "it was one of my favorite movies growing up. It's about the Museum of Natural History and everything in it, all the exhibits, come to life at night when the museum closes."
Spencer smiles at my excitement and says "that sounds like a good movie." I smile and nod "yep, if we aren't too tired let's watch it this afternoon or tonight?" Spencer smiles and nods "deal, now are you ready to go?" I grin with excitement and nod as I get my stuff together so we can head to New Jersey to catch the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. We considered trying to figure out the subways, but just decided to Uber so we didn't risk getting lost or anything else. Today is going to be a great day.

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