Chapter 42: Brutal Brunch

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        Spencer and I cleaned up and are now slowly getting ready for the brunch Penelope is planning. I lay down on the bed, only partly covered by my towel. I ask Spencer "do we have to go to this thing?" He chuckles, toweling dry his hair, and says "unless you want Penelope Garcia banging on our door then I would say yes, Annie, we have to go." I groan and cover my face with a pillow. Spencer chuckles and walks over to sit on the bed next to me. He asks me "what can I do to make this easier for you, hmm?" He gently rubs my arm as he asks.
        I say after removing the pillow "Jurassic Park marathon when we get back?" Spencer closes his eyes and groans. He then says "1 movie." I counter "3 movies." He says "2 movies and playtime after." I narrow my eyes at him and say "what kind of play time?" He chuckles and says "that's for me to know and you to find out. Depends on your behavior today." I hum and bite my lip. Eventually I say "deal." Spencer leans forward, capturing my lips with his, and says "that's my girl. Now get ready so we can go be social and then come back for horrible movies followed by amazing sex." I giggle and nod, standing to get ready with a bit more pep in my step now that I have something to look forward to.
         I settle on a white sweater that has little pom poms on it with black leggings. The louboutins are too dressy for this so I put on a pair of white high heeled boots that match the sweater. I complete the look with the tourmaline necklace, my watch, and of course my engagement ring. My hair is still curly from last night and I just brush it out and clip half of it up. I put on some very basic makeup, just enough to not look so tired after sleeping on top of Spencer on the couch all night.
        Spencer is wearing black pants and a black button up that has the top few buttons unbuttoned. He also has on his trademarked mismatched socks and black converse. He looks adorable. He's fastening his watch on his wrist as he asks me "ready to go?" I smile and nod, grabbing my clutch from last night that also goes well with this outfit I've picked. I smile and nod as I run my fingers through his hair. He giggles and says "hey you're messing up my hair!" I giggle back and say "that's the point, babe, you look hot with your hair ruffled up a bit." He laughs and shakes his head. We get everything squared away at the apartment before heading out the door to the brunch that Penelope is throwing us.


       Spencer and I walk into the restaurant, following the directions Penelope texted me to a private room the restaurant has for large parties. We walk in and the first thing I see is Penelope excitedly walking over to us in her insanely high heels. She squeals "I'm so happy you guys are here! Let me see the rock! Let me see, let me see, let me SEE!" I laugh and hold up my left hand for her to look at and inspect. She turns to Spencer and high fives him "you did a spectacular job picking it out, boy wonder!" Spencer blushes and thanks her. We walk further into the room to find our seats before a tall blonde woman I've never met in a white sweater dress walks over to us.
        I feel my blood start boiling and Spencer tenses up. Why on earth was she invited? She's been on the team for what a week? She smiles a big - fake - smile and says "wow Spencer she really is as beautiful as everyone says!" Spencer beams and I thank her for the compliment. She asks to see the ring and I hold it out for her. She gushes to Spencer, not to me, "ugh it's gorgeous. So jealous." I fucking bet you are, bitch. Spencer can feel the anger radiating off of me, I'm sure, and excuses us to take our seats.
      Thankfully, we are seated nowhere near her. As I go to take our seats I hear a small voice scream my name and the anger I previously had coursing through my veins melts away. I squeal back lightly and say "hi Jack! How's it going buddy!" I pick him up and he giggles. He says excitedly "daddy and LiLi told me you and uncle Spencer are getting married!" I smile and nod "yeah buddy we are! Are you excited?" He nods his head so fast I'm afraid he will give himself whiplash. Just then Killian walks up and hugs me saying "congratulations, sweetie! It was so hard to keep this secret from you!" I laugh and say "well thank you for making sure I was fully prepared." She laughs "of course, you would do the same for me!"
       Hotch walks in and congratulates us. I'm smiling big and forget I was ever even mad about the blonde bimbo at the other side of the room. We sit down finally, Jack sits next to me with Killian and Hotch on the other side of him and Spencer sits on the other side of me, Derek and Penelope on the other side of him. JJ couldn't make it because of something with her new work placement, but that's okay. We of all people understand. Rossi is sitting on the opposite side of the table with Emily and the bimbo.
       We order our brunch, Spencer orders for me as usual and I catch up with Jack and enjoy seeing him interact with Killian. Everybody asks about the details of the night and Spencer and I describe it together. It turns out the BAU girls had helped decorate the private room where we ate our dinner. Penelope also pulls a small projector out of her bag, of course she would have a small projector in her bag. She sets it up and points it to a small portion of the wall that's bare. She turns to us and smiles "I took the liberty of hiring photographers to make sure we got the best pictures possible." I turn to Spencer, confused, and he says "I may have known about this. Our waitress was one of them."
I look up to the wall and see wonderful photos of us projected on it. I have no idea how the other photographer got such great shots from outside the balcony, but they're absolutely beautiful. I don't know how our waitress snuck such beautiful pictures of us either, but I'm happy they did this because they are beautifully candid. I ask Penelope "are we going to get copies of this?" Penelope beams and nods "of course my sweet!" I thank her and say "they're absolutely beautiful. They couldn't have been better even if I was posing for them."
Eventually we all return to talking with each other in multiple small conversations. Spencer is now on the other side of the room talking to Derek and Aaron and Dave. I'm sitting with Killian, Jack and Penelope. Emily is talking to Seaver, but I catch that they are heading this way. I think Killian can tell I tense up, but doesn't understand why. Emily and Penelope begin talking to each other and Killian is talking to Jack when Seaver sits in Spencer's old seat next to me. She holds out her hand and says "I'm Ashley Seaver. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, you must think I'm incredibly rude." I just laugh nervously and say "oh it's okay there's a lot of excitement happening today." She asks me "so what is it you do? Are you in the bureau, too?"
I shake my head and say "no I'm a speech language pathologist at the hospital in Quantico." I see her face turn into an almost delighted expression at the fact that I'm not part of the bureau. She says "oh so you fix stutters all day? Why would you need to be in the hospital for that?" I swallow before speaking to try to calm myself down. She's really trying to get under my skin and she's succeeding. I tell her "actually there's quite a bit more to speech language pathology than just fixing stutters. I help people who have had strokes or different kinds of traumatic accidents learn how to talk and eat again. That's actually how I met Spencer. He was my patient. He asked me out on a date while he was my patient but I told him he would have to be discharged from my care before I said yes. He tracked me down after he got discharged and asked me out to drinks and the rest is history."
She nods and doesn't say anything for a minute. I lean forward and grab my mimosa and take a sip. Seaver gasps and says "should you be drinking that?" I raise an eyebrow and say with an awkward laugh "I am an adult, I'm pretty sure it's okay." She says "no I mean should be drinking that in" she lowers her voice to a whisper "your condition?" I know exactly what she's implying and I just say "and what condition would that be?" She says "well you two are engaged after only a few months and you're wearing a loose sweater to the engagement brunch. I just assumed you two were getting married because there's a bun in the oven." My jaw drops and I tell her "we've been together for almost a year and I'm wearing a sweater because it is January in Virginia. I am not pregnant and I don't appreciate what you're implying."
She shrugs her shoulders and says "an honest mistake." I tell her "no, it's really not, excuse me." I stand up and grab my clutch and leave the room, looking to be anywhere else but there. I go into the ladies' restroom and thankfully there's a little sitting area in the bathroom of this fancy restaurant. I pace slightly and pick up a throw pillow and scream into it. I don't want to cause a scene and ruin the party for anybody else. I knew that girl was going to be trouble. She wants Spencer, I can tell.
I feel my eyes filling up with angry tears. Just then Killian comes into the bathroom, looking for me. She says "Annie are you okay?" I ask her "No, did you hear?" Killian looks confused and shakes her head. She says "no but I saw you leave after talking to Ashley." I laugh humorlessly and say "she asked me if I should be drinking my mimosa in my 'condition'." Killian looks confused. She asks "what condition?" I tell her "she was implying that I'm pregnant because I look like it and she couldn't fathom any other reason that Spencer and I would get engaged after 'only a few months.'" Killian stands and says "what a fucking bitch! Why would she say that to you?"
I shake my head "I think she likes Spencer. He and I have already had one fight about her because she picked up his phone one time when I FaceTimed him while they were on the way back from a case." Killian nods "well Aaron said that she won't be around much longer. I don't think she was meant to be invited today but Penelope didn't want her to feel left out." I nod, sounds like Penelope. Just then there's a knock on the bathroom door and Spencer slowly opens it, peeking his head in. Once he sees I've been crying he abandons all concern that he's now in the women's restroom.
He looks at me with worry and says "Annie, what's wrong?" I just shake my head and say "I don't want to talk about it here. Can we go home now?" Spencer nods "of course, here take the keys and go to the car and I'll say our goodbyes to everybody." I nod "tell them I wasn't feeling well or something." He nods and kisses my forehead "of course, baby, I'll see you out there."

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