Chapter 13: All About You*

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     Spencer has been on the case in Nashville for about 3 days. He can't give me many details, but he did tell me he didn't think any of my family was in any danger. Well, at least not any more danger than normal. The longer our relationship goes, the more I fall for him. What this also means is that every case where we go days apart gets harder and harder. I know it's hard work and it's very important work so I don't expect multiple texts and phone calls a day.
     We agreed early on that we would at least text once in the morning when we wake up and once at night before bed. We decided to do this if nothing else to make sure that we are both okay every day, but also just to check in with each other. We try to call at least once every case he's on, especially the long ones that last over a week, but we both know we can't expect that every time.
      So far, the partial long distance is going as well as can be expected, especially in a new relationship. I work long and weird hours sometimes, too, but I love my job as much as Spencer loves his. We both understand the demands of each job and what that means for both of us in the relationship.
     We try to have weekly check ins to make sure things are okay. What can be a blessing and a curse is the fact that I'm friends with Spencer's colleagues and he's friends with mine. When I lose a patient, it's sadly very common in my older patients who have had strokes or terminal diseases like Parkinson's, I don't always want to ask Spencer for help. I don't want to be needy and I definitely don't want to bother him during cases.
      Not too long ago, Killian reached out to Spencer when I lost a patient that was especially near and dear to my heart. I had been working with her for 6 months before she coded one day and they weren't able to resuscitate her. The pain and loss of that hit me hard. I didn't want to reach out to Spencer. I just wanted to be alone. After doing as much work as I could, my boss told me I could head home early because she knew I was having a hard time. I didn't say much besides thank you and I went home.
      I curled up in my big sweatpants and a big sweatshirt and fluffy socks and laid down on the couch with Ryder to watch Harry Potter, my comfort movies. I had received a text from Spencer checking in with me and just didn't even feel like texting him. We had talked that morning so I figured he wouldn't think much of me being MIA for a few hours. I just wanted some alone time because I didn't want him to see me like this.
      After about an hour Spencer showed up with ice cream and taco bell. I was shocked as I checked the doorbell camera. I opened the door and said "Spence? What are you doing here?" He gave me a tight lipped smile and said "Killian called me," as he held up the ice cream and Taco Bell. I just nodded and led him into the living room. He didn't say anything as I curled back up into the couch in the nest I had made. He looked around, not knowing where to sit, as I opened one arm with a blanket wing to grant him entrance into the nest.
      He chuckled as he joined me. I leaned into his side as he wrapped an arm around me and leaned into the couch, watching Harry Potter with me as I ate my chicken quesadilla and soft shell taco. His eidetic memory definitely comes in handy; I ordered Taco Bell with him once weeks ago and boom he has my order memorized.
      A few minutes after I had finished my food and was finally curled up and comfy on Spencer's chest he said "do you wanna talk about it?" I said "No, I'm okay. Just need some time to process. Thank you for being here even though I didn't know I needed you." He smiles and says "always," as he kissed the top of my head. We spent the day watching Harry Potter, curled up on the couch. Just having his presence in that moment made me feel so much better.
      Now, as I wait for Spencer to tell me they caught the bad guy in Nashville and he's about to get on the fancy private jet home, all I want is for him to be here. I wait all evening with hope rising in my chest that he will be home soon. By about 9 pm D.C. time I decide it's probably too late and they'll be home tomorrow at the earliest. I get up to get ready for bed in my pink silk pj set with a long sleeve button up shirt and shorts. As I'm fixing myself a glass of water to take to bed with me I hear a knock on the door.
       I check the peephole and see Spencer. I swing the door open with such force and attack the man with a bear hug. I look at him with wild eyes and say "I thought you were still in Tennessee!" He chuckles saying "I wanted to surprise you, it looks like my plan worked." I nod my head as I giggle and take his hand leading him in to the living room. The tv is still turned on, an old rerun of Full House playing in the background.
      As we sit and catch up we start to get closer. He tells me a little about the case, but, as usual, he doesn't want me to know too much. Not long into the conversation he leans forward and kisses me, hands gripping my waist as if he even loosens his grip in the slightest I'll slip from his finger tips. I kiss him back with ferocity, my hands in his hair, tugging lightly.
      He pulls me into his lap so I'm straddling him. He stops his actions, looking into my eyes saying "is this okay?" I smile and say "yes, this is fine." I continue the kiss, enjoying myself immensely. Spencer takes his lips and kisses down my neck, finding the junction between my neck and shoulder. I let out a surprised gasp and feel Spencer smile against me. At the same time, I start to feel him harden beneath me, which scares and excites me all at the same time.
       In that moment I know I'm ready to go farther, maybe not all the way, but farther. As he continues his assault on my neck I say "Spence?" I hear him "hmm?" in response, not stopping his actions. I take a deep breath and say "do you want to fool around a bit?" He stops in his tracks looking at me "are you sure?" I say yes and nod my head. His eyes search mine for any sign of uncertainty. Before he says anything else I say "I mean I'm not ready to like 'go all the way' but I definitely think we can try some new things," and wiggle my eyebrows at him a little bit.
      Before I can protest, he picks me up and carries me to my bedroom. I hold on tightly as I giggle for the whole trip. He lays me down gently on the center of the bed, crawling over to hover above me. In an instant I start to get anxious, he picks up on this and says "If this is too much, if you've changed your mind, baby, I won't be upset or mad or disappointed. We don't have to do this if you don't want to, I can wait as long as you need me to." I shake my head and say "no, the last few make out sessions we've had I wanted to go further, but I wanted to give it time and think about it to be sure before telling you," as I run my fingers through his hair.
       He nods his head before leaning down to kiss me, he doesn't linger on my lips long before he moves down to my jaw and neck. His free hand lightly moves under the fabric of my shirt, lightly drawing circles and other patterns on my bare skin. I shiver slightly at the new sensation. He smiles against my neck and lightly trails his hand up my stomach, slowly getting closer to my breasts.
      He stops and whispers in my ear "are you still doing okay, baby?" I nod as my breath catches in my throat "I'm okay." He nods and his hand continues its journey finally touching my breast with a feather light graze. After the initial contact went unopposed by me, he lightly trails his thumb over my left nipple, my breath shuddering at the contact.
       He then leans back and says "can I take this off?" gesturing to my shirt. I nod and then I lean up as he pulls it over my head. I am instantly cold and self conscious, instinctively moving to cover myself with my arms. Spencer looks down at me with soft eyes, caressing my cheek with his hand and says "I know this is scary for you. Please don't hide from me, baby, I've got you."
       I take in a deep breath and exhale shakily as I nod and move my hands back to a relaxed position. Spencer leans up and takes his shirt off, instantly distracting me and making me feel more comfortable. I trace my hands down his chest and to his stomach, feeling his muscles tense as I do so. He leans back down, kisses me, leans back up and looks me in the eyes saying "feel better?" I bite my lip and nod, his eyes darken a bit at my action before saying "you can stop me at any time, baby, and I won't be upset with you or disappointed. Tonight is about you, okay?" I nod and say "I'm okay right now, but I'll keep that in mind," as I push his hair out of his eyes.
        He keeps eye contact with me until he moves to kiss down my body. My breathing hitches as I feel his mouth move down my sternum before taking my left nipple in his mouth and moving his hand to lightly caress my right nipple before tugging on it. My body is already overcome with sensations in the best way.  After some time he switches to sucking on my right nipple and playing with my left. As I start to feel like I can't take any more he moves to kiss down my stomach.
         He moves his fingers into the waistband of my shorts, looking to me as I nod my permission. He pulls the shorts down, surprised to see I'm not wearing underwear. I giggle at the shock and awe expression on his face and say "I don't usually wear underwear to sleep, babe." He nods with wide eyes and gulps before saying "yeah I gathered that just now." He leans down, coming closer to my heat, spreading my legs more as I had already closed them out of nervousness.
       He doesn't touch me yet as he says "baby, before I do anything here I want you to show me how you touch yourself." I look at him with a deer in the headlights expression. He chuckles a bit and says "baby I'm not going to judge you for it, I just want to see a bit of what you like before I intervene."
       It's my turn to gulp and nod as I lightly trail my hand down to play with my clit, rubbing it in circular motions. My breathing hitches and my heart starts to beat faster. I feel the heat of Spencer's gaze on me. After a minute, while still watching me, Spencer rubs my inner thighs a bit and says "is there anything more that you like to do?" I shake my head and he hums in acknowledgment before saying "Are you ready for me to intervene, baby?" I moan and say "God, yes, please Spence. Touch me."
       He chuckles as he takes his hands from caressing my inner thigh to lightly rubbing his fingers down my heat. He takes his thumb up to my clit, moving in the same direction I was just minutes earlier. My breathing is becoming more erratic as I grab fistfuls of the sheets. After a bit he says "still doing okay baby?" I nod my head as I say "Oh my God, yes." He smiles and I watch as he moves back down to my heat licking a thick stripe from my folds to my clit.
        I let out a shaky breath as I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head at the pleasure Spencer is giving me. After seeing my initial response he increases his intensity slightly and my legs instinctively try to close on him. He moves his arms to wrap around my hips and hold my legs open as he continues his actions, increasing the intensity from a light touch to ravenous lapping as if he's been starved for days. My legs start to shake around him as the pleasure becomes almost too much to bear.
       I feel myself growing close to my impending orgasm, Spencer senses this and moves his hand to rub my clit while his arms still try to hold my legs in place and says "let go, baby, I've got you." I feel the band snap within me as I have the most intense and longest orgasm of my life rip through my body. I let out moans that probably woke my neighbors as Spencer works me through my orgasm.
      After about 30 seconds I feel Spencer's finger tips at my entrance again and my hips buck involuntarily. He looks at me and says "have you ever given yourself more than one orgasm in a night?" I nod my head and breathe out shakily. He makes eye contact with me and says "are you ready for that now, or are you ready to be done for the night?" I give him a weak smile with half lidded eyes and say "we can keep going." He looks at me and says "that's my girl," before moving his focus from my eyes back to my folds. God what he just said was so hot.
        He attaches his mouth to my clit, very much startling me, and sucks on it while lightly trailing a finger up and down my folds before gingerly pushing it in to my heat. My body naturally resists a bit as this is my first sexual escapade. Ever. Spencer expected this and continues sucking on my clit as he lightly moves his finger in and out. He flips it around and rubs his fingertip against my g spot and my hips jerk up involuntarily as I let out a pornographic moan I had no control over.
      After a bit he slowly pushes in a second finger. He pushes his fingers in and out of me for a minute before scissoring his fingers lightly, stretching me out before rubbing his finger tips against my g spot repeatedly. The sensations rippling through my body from Spencer's fingers and his mouth quickly push me over the edge a second time. He works me through the orgasm until I almost can't take the overstimulation.
       He moves up my body and kisses me lightly before saying "stay right here, I'm going to clean you up." I sit there and think that I probably couldn't move if I wanted to. I hear Spencer go to the bathroom and I also hear the bathtub faucet being turned. The water doesn't stop as Spencer comes back with a warm wet wash cloth to clean me up.
       He gingerly runs the wash cloth over my lower body with care giving me a light smile and another quick kiss before throwing the wet washcloth in the hamper. He leans down close to me again, kissing me, and says "you did such a great job baby, I'm so proud of you, I love you so much." I smile at him and run my hands through his hair and say "I love you, too, Spence," punctuating my statement with a kiss. I look down and see his hard on straining against his sweat pants. I look back up to his eyes and tell him "do you want me to help you with that?"
      His eyes grow soft as he says "no baby, like I said, tonight is about you." I argue "are you sure? Because that looks like it might be painful?" He chuckles and says "it'll go down in a minute, don't worry. Okay, do you think you can walk or do you need me to carry you?" I look at him quizzically "walk where?" He smiles and says "I drew a bath for you so you won't feel so sore tomorrow," as he reaches down to help me up.
      I try to walk as my legs wobble a bit and I need Spencer to help stabilize me. He tells me "you should go pee. I know we didn't have sex, but you should still do what you can to avoid a UTI. I'll be right back." I laugh to myself thinking there's my man with his analytical side. Then he leaves the bathroom and shuts the door. I honestly really appreciate the privacy even though that was the most intimate thing I've ever done.
      I pee and wash my hands and Spencer knocks before I tell him he can come in. He checks the bath temperature and pours some of my Epsom salts in there. He also lights the candle I have in my bathroom and helps me into it. It feels so much better than I expected.
      He kneels next to the bathtub after I get situated. He smiles softly at me as he caresses my cheek asking "you doing okay?" I nod sleepily and say "I'm perfect, Spence. Thank you." He chuckles and says "not a problem, babe. I'm going to go take care of some things, you relax." I nod as he exits the bathroom.
     I sit there and think to myself that that was amazing. However, I don't regret waiting this long; I have a feeling if I hadn't waited that my first encounter like that wouldn't have been near as good. And it wouldn't have been with Spencer. Which is probably what made it such a positive experience.
      After about 20 minutes Spencer knocks on the door and I tell him he can come in. He comes in and kneels by the tub again "you still doing okay?" I giggle and say "yes, Spencer, I'm great. And it's all thanks to you." He chuckles and looks at me "you ready to get out now?" I nod and move to get out of the tub as helps me.
      He hands me his shirt he came here in, some panties and a pair of Nike shorts. He leaves the bathroom, but I can still see him through the open doorway in the bedroom as I get dressed. I brush my hair and teeth and wash my face before leaving the bathroom. Spencer is sitting on the end of my bed with a full glass of water.
      As I make my way over to him I realize he changed the sheets and turned my bed down again. I shake my head and take the water from him, sitting in his lap and say "Well, Dr. Reid, you have really outdone yourself tonight. I'll have to repay the favor soon." He chuckles and says "not tonight, but maybe soon I'll let you," he winks at me "ready for bed?" I nod my head as I get up from his lap and move to get in bed.
      He gets in to bed, spooning me from behind, and kisses my temple. I cherish this feeling for a moment before saying "I love you, Spencer" I can feel him smile behind me as he says "I love you, too, Annie." With that, we both drift off to a deep sleep easier than we have in days.

AN: okay I finally added spice! There were just a lot of things that I wanted to be established before we made that but jump for Annie. Hope you guys liked it!

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