Chapter 9: Nurse Annie

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I get home, completely forgetting about Prentiss and Garcia, and walk in the door to an excited Ryder and concerned looking women. I pick up Ryder and try to avoid his face kisses. Emily speaks up first and says "hey, how did everything go? Also this is Penelope Garcia, you haven't met yet but I'm sure you've both heard of each other." I smile lightly and nod. Penelope then stands and hugs me and says "oh sweet cheeks I hate that this is how we ended up meeting, but you do have the cutest little doggy so I'm not entirely unhappy with it."
I smile and say "well, thank you. This wasn't how I thought I would meet you either, but it could've been worse." She nods and says "chocolate thunder texted me and told me you and Spencer are now official though! Something good came out of a gun shot wound, yay!" I give Emily a confused look and she mouths "Morgan" to me. I lightly laugh and say "yeah I guess if you stick around after a gun shot wound that's pretty indicative of a relationship. I'm happy to take care of him. Would y'all mind staying just a bit longer so I can take a shower and not worry about Ryder for just a few minutes longer?" Emily and Garcia nod in agreement, Emily says "of course, take your time. We have the day off any way."
I go into my room and shut the door, then walk through my room and shut the bathroom door. I strip out of my scrubs that I've been in for over 24 hours and turn the shower on to a scalding hot temperature. I get on the shower and let the water hit me. I finally let my guard down and let myself cry. I feel my body become wracked with sobs and try not to be too loud. I'd rather not discuss my feelings with the girls outside. I just need a few minutes to feel my feelings in privacy and I'll be okay.
God, it was so terrifying finding out he was shot. I had to keep my cool for his sake, but now all the feelings I suppressed are coming back with a vengeance. I'm scared and I'm angry. I feel the full force of the fear when I found out he was shot and I feel the full force of the anger I had when I found out he did it protecting a victim. I know he was only doing his job and doing the right thing. I just wish those weren't part of his job. I finish my shower and feel 10x better. I get dressed in a pajama set and go out to the living room.
"Thanks for helping me out. It really means a lot," I say to Penelope and Emily. Penelope smiles and says "any time, my sweet. I might just have to steal that sweet pupper of yours, he's just so precious." I laugh and say "he's a home devil sweet angel, you haven't seen his sneaky side yet." She laughs and says "still cute, sneaky or not. I've already remotely programmed all of our numbers into your phone, don't be afraid to call any of us for anything, okay?" I smile and nod, Emily adds "we mean it. If there's anything we can do to help all you have to do is ask." I thank them for their help and for their time and they make their way out of the apartment. I'm thankful for their help but I'm also thankful for the alone time.
It's 2 pm now. My plan is to sleep for a few hours and go back over to Spencer's. I call my neighbor, Emma, a 17 year old girl who usually babysits and dog sits in the building for extra cash and ask her if she can stay overnight with Ryder tonight in my apartment for me because something personal has come up. I make arrangements with her. She's going to get here at 8 and take care of Ryder for me. I text Morgan and tell him my plan.

Anneliese Winters

Hey Morgan, I'm home and I've showered and I'm about to get some rest. I'm going to come back over for the night afterwards if that's okay with Spence and help take care of him. I'm also going to pick up some groceries for him on my way especially since he's going to be stuck in D.C. longer than he's used to. Let me know if I need to change any of my plans.

Derek Morgan

Okay sounds good. Thanks, baby girl. I'm sure he will appreciate it. Get some rest and I'll hold down the fort until you get here.

And with that I close my blackout curtains, turn on the fan and the tv to a random Netflix show, and get into bed with Ryder. I fall asleep very quickly due to how physically and emotionally exhausted I am.

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