Chapter 28: Hooky

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     The next morning I ask Spencer "what are we supposed to bring to Rossi's for thanksgiving dinner?" Spencer yawns and responds with his eyes still closed "I usually just show up." I scoff "Spence, that's kind of rude!" He chuckles and shakes his head "Rossi is rich from selling all his books. He usually cooks it himself or has somebody professional help him." I shake my head and tell him "well I will call him when we get up and ask him what I can do to help because that's what good guests do." Spencer rolls his eyes and chuckles "you can take the girl out of the south but you can't take the south out of the girl." I chuckle and boop his nose "you're damn right."
      As Spencer is laughing I roll back over to get up and get ready for work and promptly fall on my face because my legs are sore and feel like jello. Spencer scrambles out of bed to help me up while laughing at me. I grumble "this is your fault." He shrugs his shoulders "you said do your worst, so I did." I sigh in exasperation as I get up to sit back down on the bed. Spencer looks up at me and asks "so are you calling in today?" I smile and say "only if you do, too." He starts to protest and I say "come on, Spence, play hooky with me. It will be fun." Spencer shakes his head "what if you come to work with me? We aren't taking any cases until after thanksgiving, so we are just working from the office, catching up on paperwork, and catching up on training we've missed over the past few months."
      I nod "okay, that sounds like fun and I'd get to hang out with you and everybody!" He smiles and nods "okay get ready, I promise I won't make you walk too much." I nod and ask "what time are we leaving?" He hums "it's 6 am now and I have to be there at 8 so why don't we leave by 7:30?" I nod "that'll work. I'm going to take a bath and try to heal the damage you did after I call in to work, so if you need to shower can you use the guest bathroom?" He nods and kisses my forehead "good plan, babe," and he gathers his shower stuff as I send an email calling in to my boss for a mental health day. I've built up quite a few over the last couple years so it wasn't an issue.
I soak in the bath for 45 minutes with my hair up before getting out and putting on some makeup and leggings and an oversized sweater with my hunter booties due to the ice that's frozen to the sidewalks from the recent snow. I'm ready by 7:30 and leave the bedroom to find Spencer drinking coffee. He hands me a thing of yogurt and coffee and tells me to eat. I raise an eyebrow "Spencer if I have to eat breakfast then so do you." He chuckles and shakes his head "I'm not hungry." I cross my arms "I'm not either so put the yogurt up and we can go." He shakes his head "you need to eat so you don't get cranky." I stand my ground "well then I suggest you find something to eat quick."
He rubs his hand down his face with an exasperated sigh "Annie I don't want to fight just let me take care of you." I take a deep breath and grab his hand gently and say "Spencer, I want to take care of you, too. You need to eat and I need to eat so let's eat together." He says "fine," and throws some bread in the toaster. I take that as a sign of good faith and open the yogurt and take a few bites. He gives me a half smile while he waits for the toast. I eat my yogurt and before his toast pops out I say "you need to put peanut butter or cheese or something on that with protein in it because just carbs won't be enough to satisfy you until lunch." He groans in exasperation.
I say with equal exasperation "dude I literally made you a diet plan in the hospital when we first met and you took me telling you no solid foods better than me telling you to add peanut butter or cheese to bread." He huffs "that was when you were my speech therapist and not my girlfriend." I shake my head and say "Spencer, do you think I care more or less about you now that I'm your girlfriend and not your speech therapist?" He sighs "probably more." I scoff "probably? You're moving in with me in like a month and you say probably?"
He shrugs "I'm sorry, I love you very much I shouldn't have said that. I just don't like you policing my food." I nod "okay I understand. I'll back off. You do realize you were just policing my food, too, right?" He nods "I'm sorry." I nod and say "apology accepted. We should both be better about eating breakfast." He nods "you're right," as he quickly scarfs down his toast. I smile and sip on my coffee. Once he's ready I grab my purse and his hand as we go down to his car together.
We get in the car and he places his hand on my knee as he drives. I look at him and say "now that we've gotten our morning fight out of the way, what should I expect from a day in the life as an FBI agent?" He chuckles "you say that like we fight every morning." I smile back "only when I choose to fight with you about you eating breakfast. I pick my battles most days and that doesn't always make the cut." He chuckles "why did it today?" I shrug "I didn't like you telling me to eat yogurt when you were just drinking coffee, quite hypocritical don't you think?"
      He sighs and nods "you're right, but we don't fight a lot, Annie. At least not compared to Lila." I nod "Spencer, I fight with you over you eating enough. You forget to eat when you work and we both know that. Lila wouldn't have cared about you eating enough. From what you told me she cared about what she could get from you." He nods "that sounds about right." I take his hand in mine "I love you, Spencer, I didn't mean to pick a fight." He nods "I love you, too, I know you had good intentions," and squeezes my hand.
     We pull up at the security office that lets cars in and out of the parking for the agents. They have a visitor parking lot, but the one where agents come and go has to be more secure for obvious reasons. There are two cars in front of us and Spencer turns to me "you'll need to get your drivers license from your purse so they can document you coming through with me." I'm a bit flustered and say "oh okay," as I release his hand to get my wallet out of my purse. I hand Spencer my ID to hand to the guard and we pull up to the office.
     The guard leans over and asks "name?" Spencer says "SSA Spencer Reid and guest," as he hands over his badge and my ID. The guard holds up his hand to indicate he will be right back and I turn to Spencer "this is really intimidating." He asks "you didn't do this with Penelope?" I shake my head "we parked in visitor parking I think because she didn't want there to be a record of me coming through that could spoil your surprise party." Spencer nods as the guard returns with our identification and he says "have a good day, agent, ma'am." I nod and tell him thank you as we drive into the garage Spencer nearly stripped me in before.
     I bite my lip at the thought as I get out of the car and take Spencer's hand, walking towards the elevator. We get in the elevator and I ask "you never did tell me what to expect. Does the team know I'm coming?" He chuckles "I cleared it with Hotch but it's a surprise to everybody else." I nod before saying "so what should I expect." He chuckles "well we have paperwork and a tactical training thing you can watch. I might have to go to the gun range just to update the score from last year, prove that I'm competent enough to hold a gun. All that." I nod "I'm glad the government takes that so seriously." He nods and chuckles "it's really just Hotch being overly cautious."
      I nod as we exit the elevator and walk into the lobby of the FBI headquarters. It's surprisingly chic. All white. I think to myself that they maybe should've gone with a different color in case somebody's bleeding and this would be a place that should think about that. White cloth couches would stain with blood. I decide to quit arguing with myself as we walk up to the front desk. Spencer hands the lady at the front desk my ID and takes care of everything for me. He hands me a visitor pass that I clip to my sweater and we walk to a different set of elevators to go up to his office.
     I start to feel nervous and I don't know why. Spencer grabs my hand "hey, why are you so nervous?" I shake my head "I was honestly just asking myself that question." He chuckles "well we are here." I nod and follow him up to the double glass doors of his office. We enter and Morgan is the first to notice my presence. He whistles and says "I didn't know it was bring your girlfriend to work day, kid?" Spencer smiles "Annie has the day off and wanted to spend it with me." I nod, that's not technically a lie, and say "well you guys got to see me work before Spencer and I were ever a thing, so I just wanted to see you guys in action, too." 
     Emily laughs "well there won't be any swallow studies here I promise." I think of a million comebacks to that, but keep my mouth shut so I don't embarrass Spencer. I just chuckle and say "that's probably a good thing." JJ stands up and gives me a quick hug "this is going to be so much fun! We need to have girl time with Pen in the bat cave later." She then whispers in my ear "you can tell us all the dirty details about Spencer." Spencer yells from across the room "I heard that. Annie, don't tell them anything!" I look at him shocked "I barely heard that how did you hear that?" He looks at me again and just says "don't," and I cross my fingers behind my back "I won't, Spence."
      Hotch comes out from his office "Annie, good to see you. Reid, I need you to help Morgan catch up on some paperwork before the tactical training." Spencer and Morgan nod before sitting at their desks to work on stuff. I walk over to Spencer and lightly scratch my nails through the hair at the base of his neck "babe, I'm going to go say hi to Penny, I'll be with her if you need me." He hums in pleasure at my nails in his hair and says okay. I leave and he quietly whines in disappointment. I chuckle and go down the hall to Penelope's batcave she had shown me when I came up here for Spencer's birthday.
      I knock on the door and I hear her say "enter at your own risk." I chuckle and open the door not saying anything until she turns around from her keyboard and exclaims in excitement "Annie! You're here! It's so good to see you!" I chuckle "yeah it's been a minute." She nods and says "since truth or dare. I thought you were mad at me." I laugh and shake my head "no I was mad at Spencer for his choices not at you." I hear Emily and JJ walk in and Emily says "oh pretty boy was in the dog house?" I chuckle and nod "he slept in the guest room halloween night." JJ looks surprised "I thought he was going to go missing you were so pissed." I chuckle lightly before saying "huh well um I did kinda knee him in the balls later that night."
     Emily laughs "you didn't!" I shake my head "it wasn't intentional. I was having a nightmare and screaming in my sleep and he tried to wake me up but my body woke up before my mind did and I thought I was still in danger." Penelope asks "oh my goodness, sweetie. What was the nightmare about?" I struggle to find the right words before I say "I don't really want to talk about it if that's okay?" JJ rubs my shoulder lightly "that's perfectly fine, Annie." Emily sits down and says "now for the real reason we are here: seriously, how is Spencer in bed?" I check the hallway and shut the door as the girls look excited.
     I sit down and say "he's definitely a lot of things. He makes sure I'm comfortable and safe at all times. Sometimes he's rough. Sometimes he's gentle. Sometimes he's both of those things in the same 5 minutes." They nod in understanding and Emily asks "okay scale of 1-10 how kinky is he?" I mentally think about everything and decide "probably like a 7." Penelope nearly screams "no, he isn't. Is he, really?" I chuckle and say "well, I think his cuffs are used more on me than on criminals." The girls laugh in shock at this. I say "it's nothing I don't consent to every time. He checks in with me a lot."
      Emily raises a brow "don't think we didn't notice your little limp you have going on." I blush and look down "yeah, that's why I'm not at work today. I couldn't do rounds for hours at the hospital after last night." JJ asks "what happened last night?" I ask "short version or long version?" Penelope says "always the long version!" I chuckle "okay, I was very tired after working late and we were just going to watch Game of Thrones and go to bed. Well, that show is very sexual and during one of the scenes I felt him he tried to deny it. I offered to help him out which he initially declined. After a while he changed his mind and we actually had some very sweet normal vanilla sex."
     Emily looks down and says "well this was not what I expected." I chuckle "well, the second time around was a bit rougher." JJ chuckles "damn, I didn't know Spence had it in him." I shake my head "that's all I should probably tell you. He will be pissed if he finds out I told you this much." I give a pointed look to each of them separately and say "if you ever want any more dirty details then I suggest you keep this all between us and in this room." They all nod somberly before we change the subject to the thanksgiving plans that are in two days.
     I ask "so what should I bring to Rossi's for thanksgiving? I need to ask him about that." JJ thinks for a second "Rossi usually just cooks himself or has it catered. He can be picky about other people's cooking." I hum and say "well, I'm going to bring some anyway, and if it doesn't get eaten I'll take it home and eat it myself." Penelope goes "miss girl can you tell us what you will be making?" I chuckle "probably homemade dinner rolls and mac and cheese." Emily nods "I approve. I'll bring the tequila and we will be good to go with whatever else Rossi has for us." I nod "sounds like a plan! It's a good thing I have tomorrow and Thursday off, too. Spencer didn't know what when I called in to work today."
     I hear Spencer's voice from behind me "Spencer didn't know what when you called in to work today?" I chuckle "just that I have the next two days off, too." Spencer chuckles "oh, well, then I guess you're getting a nice little break from work then huh?" I hum and nod "and I will be cooking up a storm in my apartment tomorrow, bubs." He chuckles "and I will be sure to check it all to make sure it's not poisoned." I look at Spencer in shock "do you really think I would poison the food?" He shakes his head no "I just need a reason to sample it all." I laugh "Spence, all you have to do is ask and you can sample it all. Just don't double dip."
      Penelope is smiling big and wide as are the other two girls. I ask "what?" Penelope just goes "oh you two babies are just so cute. Your banter, your nicknames. It's just overflowing with cuteness." I chuckle and feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Spencer goes "well whatever cuteness you see all comes from her," as he kisses my cheek gently, "anyway I came over here because it's time for the tactical training guys." Emily and JJ get up and Spencer grabs my hand as he guides me to follow along with them. We go through a few doors that Spencer has to scan us through. I'm honestly so lost and am going to have to hold on to Spence or somebody else on the team to get back.
We get to this big room that has what looks like a maze in half of it. Hotch is standing outside of the maze at a small camera station showing the different angles of the mazes. Hotch tells everybody to gear up and motions to me to come to him. I squeeze Spencer's hand before letting go so I can talk to Hotch and Spencer can gear up. Hotch tells me "Annie, I'm happy for you to be here and observe, but you have to know this is made to look as real as possible. It might be a bit overwhelming for you to see all of this." I nod "I understand, thank you for warning me." He nods "if you need to step out, there's a bathroom through those doors." I nod again "okay, thank you. Just don't forget about me if I do step in there." Hotch gives me a rare smile "the last thing I expect is for Reid to forget you."
Penelope comes to sit at the computers and record the data. I turn around and see Spencer in his FBI bulletproof vest. His hair is slick back and he's just so gorgeous it's not fair. I walk over to him and stand on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear "is there any way you can bring the vest home with you sometime?" He looks shocked "is the vest really doing it for you?" I chuckle "well, it being on your body helps a lot." He chuckles and shakes his head "I'll see what I can do to sneak one home at some point."
I giggle and nod "good deal. Now, are you in real danger of getting shot?" He shakes his head "no, it's paint guns." I groan "Spencer if you get shot today I'm not doing your laundry for you." He shakes his head "wow I remember when I got shot last time you hardly left my side because you were so worried." I look at him "that was with a real bullet. This is with a paint pellet. I'll take care of the aftermath of the real ones, I hope I never do again, and you take care of the paint pellet wounds." He grins in response "deal."
Hotch is now geared up and calls out orders in a code I don't understand as I go to sit with Garcia and watch the monitors. I watch them split up in the maze out of the formation they had created and expertly check corners and rooms. They call out different code words throughout the activity until I see a man in a mask come out from behind a door near Spencer and I grab Garcia's arm and she just chuckles. Spencer hears the footsteps and immediately turns and shoots the fake unsub with purple paint just in time before the man could fake hurt Spencer. I sigh in relief and Garcia laughs "oh sweet baby, they're used to this. They do this all the time out in the field."
I shake my head "Penelope, that doesn't make me feel better knowing real criminals go after Spence on a regular basis." She nods in understanding and pats my knee "oh sweetie, they're all pros and they protect each other with their lives. This is the hardest the simulation gets, too, and they pass it with flying colors every time." I nod as I sigh out a deep breath and say "it was kinda hot watching him shoot somebody, I hate to say it." Garcia giggles like a schoolgirl and says "I could collect the data remotely but then I don't get to watch my chocolate thunder all geared up in real time, so I totally get it." I look at her quizzically "I thought you two were just friends?" She chuckles "we are. I can look but I can't touch. Thems the rules." I scoff and shake my head "you are a sneaky thing!" She giggles "I know, it's the best isn't it?"
They run the simulation for a couple of hours. It's different every time and they do well every single time. Hotch says after the three hours have passed "okay guys, you did really well. Go get some lunch and then we will debrief the results of the sim in the round table room. Good work." Everybody nods and they go to remove their gear. Spencer comes up to me and asks "so? What did you think?" I give him a half smile "is this what it's like in real life for you Spence, every case?" He gives me a tight lipped smile and nods "yeah but with the team having my back, you don't have to worry, Annie."
I chuckle "Spencer, I worry every time you step outside the apartment. I love you too much to not worry about you." He gives me a soft smile "I understand. I love you, too. I worry about you every time you leave me, too, you know." I chuckle "Spencer, there are little to no risks of getting shot at my job. The biggest risk I have is accidentally getting bit during an oral mechanism exam." Spencer laughs "and I worry about that possibility every day." I shake my head "you do not!" He chuckles back "well now I will. Every day." He kisses me lightly before grabbing my hand and leading me back to the BAU office with the team.
We get back and there is a nice big spread of food in the kitchenette of their office. Rossi said "I thought it would be nice if we all ate here for lunch so Annie could have a real BAU experience." Spencer smiles warmly at Rossi "thanks, Rossi, that's very thoughtful of you." Everybody insists I get my food first as their guest and I chuckle awkwardly and decline at first but they won't let me. I quickly make a plate and wait for Spencer before choosing anywhere to sit down. Spencer says "hey guys why don't we eat in the round table room so we can all see and talk to each other while we eat."
     Everybody agrees and I follow Spencer to the round table room. We sit and eat as everybody slowly files in and sits down to eat for lunch. Rossi sits across from me and I ask him "so, Dave, I was thinking I would bring homemade dinner rolls and Mac and cheese to Thanksgiving if that won't get in the way of your plans?" Rossi smiles warmly "if they taste anywhere near as good as your banana pudding and brownies taste then absolutely bring them!" I blush and smile as I nod my approval. We eat our lunch and mingle as a group, enjoying the time together.
      Morgan says after a while "so, a little birdie told me that Pretty Boy is no longer going to be living in a one bedroom apartment come the New Year." I turn to look at Garcia and she gives me a guilty, but shocked face. JJ smiles and asks "does this mean what I think it means?" I look at Spencer, wanting to let him have control of the situation, and he nods as he smiles proudly. He says "yes, I'm officially moving in with Annie. I mean technically we've been living together for months and I just use my apartment as storage, really." Everybody either claps or cheers their approval.
     I chuckle "my family just acts disappointed I'm living with him while we aren't married because they call this 'living in sin' back home, but I honestly don't care. Spencer makes me happy and I want to be with him as much as possible when he's home." I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back. Emily says "oh so your family is that kind of Christian? I completely understand why you left." I chuckle "my parents are much more understanding than my extended family. I do have a gay brother who is a musician so that just kind of greased the wheels of acceptance in the family."
      Everybody laughs at my joke and we continue eating. Hotch comes in with files and a plate of food and sits down to join in on the conversation before he has to debrief the team. Morgan asks Hotch "what about you, Hotch? You still getting action?" Hotch looks up from his plate with a raised eyebrow and stern expression before saying "I'm not going to condone that question with a response." Morgan chuckles "so that's a yes!" Hotch doesn't look up or say anything else, just continues eating and looking at the files he's about to debrief everybody on in just a minute.
     Morgan says in a sing song voice "he's not denying it..." I hide my knowing laugh that is desperately trying to claw its way to the surface and squeeze Spencer's hand and he squeezes back. Hotch says "okay guys it's time to debrief, Annie you don't have to stay for this, but you can if you would like." I nod and tell him I think I'll stay. I watch Hotch look at the data sheets documenting the agents' performances and statistics while also showing the footage from the cameras in the simulation.
      I don't understand what exactly they're saying but I can tell when there's something they did well and something that could use work. Hotch actually said Spencer was a bit too hesitant to shoot his gun when the situation called for it and he got on to Morgan for kicking down all the doors. He's just such a show off. I didn't really understand what was going but there were notes for everybody. At the end of the debriefing Hotch showed the simulation statistics for all the different divisions in the bureau and the BAU was leaps and bounds ahead of all the other divisions.
     Hotch says "I know I can be hard on you all, but it's only because I believe in you and this team. Yes our stats are the best in the bureau and you all needed to know that. However, you don't need to let it get to your heads. There are things all of you can improve on, separately and together, being the best doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Good work today, go home and I'll see you guys at Dave's on Thursday. Rest up and enjoy your friends and family this holiday." Everybody says their versions of thanks or praises and gets up to leave unexpectedly early from the work day.
      Spencer grabs my hand and says "I still need to go to the shooting range and update my stats for the year. Do you want to come with me or do you want to go home?" I smile and shake my head "I want to go with you!" I lean in closer and whisper in his ear "I think you look really hot when you wear your gun." He chuckles "really? Don't tell me that, I'll use it against you." I giggle "you could shoot me and I would thank you, Dr. Reid."

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