Chapter 47: Flep

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~ Spencer's POV ~

I promised Annie that I would be home this afternoon so we could leave for our Valentine's trip we'd been planning. The team and I are on the flight back home from Montana and I'm just barely going to make it home by 6 pm so we can drive in to New York tonight and keep our reservations. Of course Rossi knows the owner of a nice hotel in New York that will be flexible with our reservations due to the fact that I work for the FBI and am friends with Rossi. Emily gives me a soft smile from across the table and grabs my hand gently, giving it a squeeze.
"Annie will understand, Spencer. She knows you have no control over how fast we solve the case or how fast the plane flies home." I give her a tight lipped smile and nod. Seaver decides to speak up at this time and tells me "well if she doesn't understand then that's probably a red flag." It's in this moment the entire plane goes silent. I ask her "excuse me?" She just shrugs and says "well a partner who won't compromise or be understanding when unpredictable circumstances arise isn't very healthy for the relationship." Morgan speaks up from the couch on the jet and says "Annie is one of the most understanding people I know. She handles his job well. She knows if he's not there that something has happened out of his control."
Seaver nods and says "well that's good then. I hope I'm proven wrong." I lock my jaw and try to hide my micro expressions from everybody on the plane. I decide to bury my nose in a book so I don't go off on this girl who constantly talks down directly to me about my fiancée. Hotch speaks up from the other side of the plane, asking Seaver to come go over details of the case. Seaver does so quietly and I'm grateful that Hotch knows me so well. Rossi slides into Seaver's seat she just vacated and Morgan slides into the seat next to me, effectively building a barrier between Seaver and myself. However, I'm not sure if it's meant to protect me from her or her from me.
Morgan speaks up "don't let her affect you, kid. She's just trying to get under your skin because you haven't responded to her advances." I look at him confused "of course I haven't responded to her advances - I have a fiancée at home that I love very much. A fiancée that Seaver intentionally offended at our engagement party. Nothing she does now can fix that." Everybody nods, not having any words to fight back with on Seaver's behalf. Rossi decides to change the subject. He asks "so kid, how are you two love birds spending your weekend in NYC?" Rossi knows this will cheer me up.
I smile and tell him "well originally tonight we were planning to see a show or do something but since we will be getting in so late I think we will settle in for room service in the hotel room. On Saturday I've planned for us to go see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway because it's one of her favorite musicals. We will spend the day before that sight seeing in Times Square, Empire State Building, Central Park, and anywhere her heart desires. She wanted to have Sunday to plan for us before the drive back so I have no idea what she has planned."
Emily and Morgan share a glance and I roll my eyes. Emily says through a few laughs "I'm sure both of you are planning more than sight seeing for this Valentine's Day weekend." Morgan chuckles "maybe it's just some sights in the hotel room." Morgan and Emily high five while I roll my eyes. Seaver walks back and notices her seat has been taken. She paints on a very frustrated face and sits down on the couch. Morgan, Emily, Rossi, and I all exchange glances and try not to laugh as we return the conversation back to our normal topics of conversation until the plane lands.


We land at the tarmac and as soon as I can I stand up and try to get out of there until Hotch calls out to me. I internally groan, expecting him to scold me for trying to leave so fast. Hotch catches up to me and tells me "don't go back to the BAU. Go home to Annie, get on the road, enjoy your valentines weekend. We will take care of your paperwork." I'm speechless snd surprised. I sit there silent for a minute before nodding and saying "okay...thank you..thank you so much!" And running as fast as I can to my car.
I break a few traffic laws, pulling into the parking lot of our complex and rush inside at 6:17 pm. I sigh and prepare myself for the possibly angry fiancée I may encounter when I walk in the apartment. I unlock the door and call out to Annie as I walk back to the bedroom "Annie, baby, I'm so sorry that I'm late! We should get on the road as soon as possible." I hear her voice, sounding a bit peculiar, say "okay, I'm almost done packing, Spence!" Immediately I think that she doesn't sound like herself and why on earth is she still packing?
I walk in the bedroom and see her try to zip up her suitcase. She looks like she feels awful. Her face is flushed and pale, she's clammy, her nose looks red and raw, her voice sounds scratchy, she is having a harder time packing than she normally does. It doesn't take being a genius to deduce that she is very sick. I drop everything and ask her "baby, you don't look like you feel so good, let's lay down, okay?" She shakes her head and says "I just need to zip this up and then I'm ready to roll." I sigh and shake my head, knowing she isn't going to budge on this. I walk into the bathroom and grab the thermometer.
I ask her "have you had anything to drink in the last 30 minutes?" She responds with a confused tone "I don't think so?" She turns around and I give her a tight lipped smile, holding up the thermometer. She rolls her eyes and says "Spence I'm not sick. Put that away." I hum and say "okay I'll make a deal with you?" She raises an eyebrow at me and says "yes?" I tell her "if your temperature is 98 degrees or below we will leave right now. If it's above that we will stay home and reschedule our valentines weekend." She groans and says "fine" opening her mouth. She keeps the thermometer in her mouth while I start moving things off the bed so she can lay down after I win this deal.
The thermometer beeps and I turn around to take it from her. "And the lucky number is...101.5. Lay down, baby, and we will reschedule our trip when you're feeling better." Annie begins to protest "no Spence you rushed home just to..." she trails off and I'm about to ask her to continue her thought before she runs to the bathroom. I follow her and watch her kneel before the toilet and throw up what little stomach contents she has. I kneel down and hold her hair back. I tie her hair with the hair tie I keep on my wrist for when she inevitably forgets one at least half the time we go out. I stand up and wet a washcloth with cold water, taking it back to put on her forehead.
She tells me, not looking at me, "just go away Spencer. I don't want you to see me when I'm disgusting like this." I kneel down next to her, gently applying the wet wash cloth to her forehead. I ask her with a soft smile "would you leave me alone in here if I was sick?" She looks down and shakes her head. I nod and tell her "I know we aren't married yet, but I mean it when I say in sickness and in health. I know you do, too. You definitely proved that a few weeks ago. It's my turn to take care of you now, okay?" She sniffles and nods.
She goes to stand up and I help her. She refuses to let me carry her. I help her get out of her jeans and sweater, putting her in some pajama pants and a sweat shirt. I also help her rinse her mouth to get the taste of vomit out of her mouth. She's shivering as I lead her to get under the covers. I tuck her in and place the wash cloth on her head. I ask her "did you take any medicine today?" She shakes her head. I hum and tell her "okay well I'm going to get you some medication and some water. Do you want anything else?" She nods and responds weakly "ginger ale." I give her a soft smile and nod.
After I get to the kitchen I call the diner down the street and place an order of two large soups to go, one chicken noodle soup and one tomato basil soup, and two grilled cheeses. While I'm waiting for the food to be delivered I call Rossi and give him the details and apologize that we are having to cancel on his friend on such short notice. Of course Rossi understands and says he will take care of all of it for us. I get together some medication for Annie, some ibuprofen and some cold medicine. I also make her some green tea to try to help boost her immune system. I take the medicine back to her with a bottle of water.
She's shivering under the covers and my heart breaks just a little. I sit on the edge of the bed and hand her the pills she needs to take with the already opened water. She takes the medicine wordlessly and then burrows back in to the bed. I pick up the remote and ask her "what do you want me to turn on, hmm?" She shivers and says "I don't care." She usually has very strong opinions about what we watch so that's not a good sign for sure. I end up picking out 101 Dalmatians on her Disney+ account because I know it's one of her favorite Disney movies. She smiles softly when she recognizes the intro music.
I leave the bedroom and return with her now cooled tea. I bring it in and set it on her night stand. I tell her "I made you some green tea for your throat, baby. It'll also probably warm you up, too." She nods, leaning up to take a sip and she gives a few good gulps before leaning back down into the bed. She tells me "Spencer please get me some ginger ale soon, I'm very nauseous." I nod and tell her "I just thought you would want to warm up first." She nods and says quietly "thank you." I give her a soft smile before leaving the room to answer the front door. I pay the delivery guy in cash and take the bag from him, thanking him. I lock the door behind me and get everything set up in the kitchen. I put the food in the microwave so it will stay warm until she's ready for it. I grab a can of ginger ale from the fridge and pour it into one of her favorite thermoses so it will stay cold.
        I walk back to the bedroom and find her sleeping soundly. I set the ginger ale down on her nightstand and gently place my hand to her forehead. She's still burning up. She groans and says "I'm still awake, Spence." I hum and tell her "I brought you some ginger ale. I also had some soup and grilled cheese delivered. We probably need to get some food in your system soon." She groans and rolls over away from me, saying "the last thing I want to do right now is eat." I hum and tell her "I know, baby. Do you want me to stay with you or do you want to be alone?" She hums and says "I don't want to get you sick, Spencer. You should probably sleep in the guest room." I hum and tell her "that's not what I asked, princess. If you want me to stay with you I will."
        She rolls over and looks at me with a shy expression. She says quietly "will you stay with me?" I nod and give her a soft smile before climbing into bed next to her in my work clothes and all. I hold her as the little spoon against me and she hums happily before I feel her breathing even out as she falls asleep. I lay there holding her and watching 101 Dalmatians for the  38th time. Yes that's how many times she's watched it while I've been home since we've been together. It's seriously one of her favorites.

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