Chapter 67: I Do

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I wake up to the alarm I had set for 6 am, getting up and clumsily getting everything together so I can get back to JJ's and sneak in without alerting anybody to the fact that I didn't come back last night. Spencer hums and asks "what are you doing?" I tell him "getting ready to head back to JJ's, don't want to suffer the wrath of Penelope if I can help it." He chuckles and nods, getting up and putting on a shirt and some shoes. He tells me "I'll drive you, I'm ready when you are." This man is too good to me. Ryder is still fast asleep in the crate, so I shut the door of it so we can leave him resting for a bit, it's a big day for him, too.
We get all of my stuff together and Spencer carries my bag for me as we walk down the stairs. We go down the back stairway to avoid seeing anybody in the hallway on the second floor and walk into the kitchen once we reach the ground floor. We are greeted by Hotch and Rossi in the kitchen with mugs of coffee in front of them at the kitchen table. Spencer and I both stop in our tracks, like deer in the headlights. Rossi asks as he sips his coffee "you kids have fun?" Neither of us respond, both of us gulping in response. Hotch chuckles "Haley and I couldn't spend the night apart before our wedding day either." I look between the two of them and say "please don't tell anybody, especially not my family or Penelope." They both smile and chuckle "we won't. Better get back to JJ's quick." We nod, and quickly exit the kitchen, going out the garage door to avoid any more surprises.
Spencer and I get in his car and head towards JJ's. Once on the road, we both start laughing at what just happened. Spencer grabs my hand and kisses my fingers before returning our intertwined hands to the center console. He chuckles and says "I can't wait to marry you today, Annie." I smile "same here, Spencer." The ride is only about 20 minutes and once we are five minutes away I call Killian so she can open the door for me. Luckily she answers on the first try and is ready when we pull up the driveway. I lean over and kiss Spencer goodbye. I tell him "love you." He smiles "love you, too, see you at the altar." I chuckle "I'll be the one in white." He chuckles and kisses me again before I have to force myself out of the car. Grabbing my bag from the back seat and running up to the door. Killian smiles and shuts the door behind us.
We quietly tip toe back to our shared guest room and she asks "so how was the last round as a non married couple?" I chuckle "we were both pretty tired so it was just one round before we went to sleep." She chuckles in response "you didn't answer my question, how was it?" I blush and smile, looking away as I say "it was amazing." She smiles "I bet the honeymoon will be better." I chuckle "me, too." We both crawl back in bed and slowly fall back asleep, thankfully. Trying to get our beauty rest before the wedding this afternoon.


I wake up to Penelope excitedly shaking me. She tells me "wake up my beautiful bride! It's wedding day!" I stir, groaning as my body shakes while I stretch my limbs out. She tells me "I let you sleep as long as I possibly could, but it's 9 am and we need to start getting ready and all that jazz. I had Morgan steal of shirt of Spencer's for you to wear today so your hair and makeup won't get messed up when you change into your dress at the church." She leaves after saying this, leaving me to get ready. I yawn and get out of bed, now noticing Killian is gone. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and say to myself "I'm getting married today." I just can't believe this day has finally come, especially after everything we've been through.
I finish getting ready, which really is just a basic skin care and hygiene routine, before walking out to greet my bridesmaids. They all make some rendition of a squealing sound and do a little dance when they see me. I smile and greet everybody, scanning the room when I realize my mother is there. My face breaks out into a wide smile as I immediately rush to envelop her in a hug. She smiles and tells me in my ear "it's your big day. Let's get you ready. Eat! You'll need your energy."
I notice the spread in JJ's kitchen, pastries and eggs and sausage and bacon and pancakes and waffles and juice and milk and on and on and on, it's just a smorgasbord of breakfast food. I look around the room and ask "who paid for all of this?" The bridesmaids look between the two of them and Killian says "it was a group effort. There's a similar spread at Rossi's. The wedding party all chipped in so you and Spencer wouldn't forget to eat." My heart flutters at that, they're all too sweet. I notice the photographer is here, they had told me she would be starting at the beginning of the day and her partner would be with the guys while they get ready, capturing every seemingly mundane moment of this wondrous day.
I begin to make my plate, they had all been waiting for me. I make a fair plate, but I didn't want to gorge and make my dress feel tighter or feel bloated today. My mom sits next to me and says in a quiet whisper so nobody else can hear "you look like you've gained a little weight since you were in the hospital, I'm glad. You were so tiny then, you look healthy now." Mom is right, I had lost an unhealthy amount of weight from struggling to eat after the attack. I know she means well, she has always been supportive of my body and never said anything to make me hate my body. In fact, this is the first time she's said anything about me gaining weight that I can remember.
I give her a sad smile and tell her "it just took a healthy recovery. The dress fits last I checked. It wouldn't have when I was still in recovery." She gives me a sad smile and says "I'm so happy you're here with us, happy and healthy. I wouldn't change a single thing about you, my baby." I smile and try to fight tears. My mom reaches over and hugs me, everything feels right with the world in that moment. When we break apart, I realize everybody carried on and I'm so glad we didn't have an audience for that exchange.
We all eat and talk, enjoying each others' company and basking in the happy occasion of the day. Once my mom finishes she gets up and cleans her plate before coming to stand behind me. She tells me "is it still okay if I do your hair?" My mom did my hair for every special event when I was in middle and high school. She curled my hair and styled it and it always looked better than any style money could buy at the most expensive hair salon. I look up at her and smile "of course it is, mom." My bridesmaids look at me when JJ says "and we are all going to help with your makeup." Penelope smiles and nods "but first! Mani pedis!" I smile and nod, standing to get dressed to go with them for our nail appointment.

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