Chapter 41: The Proposal*

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Spencer and I have been on good terms following the hostility and emotions Saturday night. It's Wednesday, my birthday spa day. Spencer is on another case, but it is local at least. He was very excited for me when I told him what the girls had planned for my birthday, he said it was really thoughtful. He's right, but I don't want my friends spending so much money on me for my birthday. Spencer told me if they offered then don't worry about it. I choose to listen to him and plan to enjoy the day. He had left excruciatingly early in the morning, leaving me a note to wake up to that explained his absence. He calls me in the morning after I've woken up and he says "hey how'd you sleep?" I smile like an idiot and say "not so great without you, bubs, after you left so early but alright considering you were there for part of it."
Spencer chuckles "same here. Listen, I wanted to remind you to drink a lot of water before and after your spa day. A lot of people get headaches after getting a massage because of dehydration. This happens because during a massage, your muscles become looser. As your massage therapist applies pressure to your muscles, blood flow to the area increases. Metabolic waste that was previously trapped in the muscle now moves to leave the body through your lymphatic system. This means the kidneys have to work harder, meaning they use more water than usual."
I giggle "Spencer, I would've believed you without the anatomy and physiology lesson." Spencer laughs back "well I have to divulge all of this knowledge to the one person who always listens to me ramble." I hum in agreement "your rambling is my favorite sound in the world, Spence." He goes to respond but is interrupted by a female voice. I feel my blood boil at the thought that it could be Seaver. I haven't even met her and I don't like her. Spencer says "yeah, Prentiss, I'll be there in a second." I'm relieved that it was Prentiss and not Seaver. He continues "I gotta go, we are going to talk to somebody and try to solve this case." I tell him "go save some lives, Superman, I love you!" He chuckles "go have a relaxing spa day, I love you, too."
We hang up and I start to get ready. I choose to not wear makeup since I'm getting a facial anyway. I just get Ryder taken care of and I opt to wear leggings, a nicer sweater, and ugg boots so I look cute and cozy for the spa, but not homeless. Alison texts me that she's downstairs and I head out to her car. I hop in the back seat and greet both girls with an excited smile and say "hey guys, y'all ready to relax?" Killian says "hell yes. I love Jack with my whole heart but I think he gave me a knot in my back or something." Alison and I chuckle. Alison says "I have to tell my massage therapist I'm pregnant because there's certain pressure points she should avoid. Other than that I'm excited." I give her a big smile and say "oh hey I brought water bottles for y'all. Spencer said massages can dehydrate you and give you a headache so be sure to drink one before we go in." They both nod and start drinking the water.
Alison goes "so how's life, Annie? Are the guys on a case right now?" I hum and say "yeah they're on a case, but it's local so at least Spencer comes home and sleeps beside me at night even if I don't see him when he gets there or when he leaves." Alison gives me a questioning look in the rear view mirror and Killian interjects "oh I know exactly what you mean. Aaron sometimes doesn't even come home when working local cases and will just sleep for like an hour on his couch in his office." My heart breaks to hear that. I tell her "we need to do something nice for the BAU team. Like an appreciation party or something." Alison smiles and says "that would be really sweet. Those guys work so hard and I bet they rarely get the recognition they deserve. But right now we are celebrating your birthday so stop appreciating other people and let us appreciate you!"
With that we pull up to the spa and file out of Alison's car. They start all three of us off with our full body massages in separate rooms. I opt to just stay quiet and enjoy the massage. Usually I would feel the need to talk all through the massage, but today I just decided to do what I wanted to do. She applies the perfect amount of pressure, getting rid of every knot and tense area with her magical hands. She tells me at the end of the massage that she will also be doing my facial later. After the massage, she tells me I can take my time getting up and our provided lunch will be waiting for me outside as will Killian and Alison's.
I take my time getting redressed and simply savor the moment of quiet and calm before rejoining my friends. We eat together and have similar conversations to what we would at work or at home. After our lunch it's time for our mani pedi. I can't decide on a color or shape but the girls help me decide on short oval white nails. Alison said it was very classy and would go with anything I decided to wear for dinner for my birthday. I get my pedicure done to match my toes with white polish. It truly is such a relaxing and happy day. I am so glad we did this, but I'm still worried about what this must be costing my friends.
After our nails and toes are done it's time for us to each go back for a facial. I nearly fall asleep during the facial and my aesthetician tells me she has more people fall asleep during facials than massages. The facial is extremely relaxing and satisfying. She moves right in to the lash lift and tint from the facial. It's not too bad of a process. We talk the whole time because I have to have my eyes closed the whole time. I learn more about her and why she became an aesthetician. I know now that I will be requesting her if and when I come back for more spa services. Knowing Spencer, I'll have more spa services eventually.
After my lash lift and tint is done I'm in awe that these are my real lashes. She praises me for handling the process so well and she instructs me not to get them wet or wear makeup for 24 hours and to be careful when rubbing my eyes. I take in all the information, I'll be sure to tell Spencer as soon as I can so he can help me remember. We finish up the services and I meet back up with my friends. Killian and Alison ooh and ahh over my lashes. I'm confused and ask "did y'all not get a lash lift and tint?" They smile and shake their heads "no, that was actually a gift from the BAU girls to you." I'm in shock and ask "so is everything already paid for?" Alison smiles and says "yep it's done you can't change it. Now let's find you a new dress! I know a great place!"
I hand everybody more water in the car and we chug it so we don't get headaches. We go in this boutique that Alison recommended and it's actually really beautiful. The woman walks over and hugs Alison. She turns between Killian and me and asks "so who is the birthday girl?" I raise my hand shyly "it's me, hi." She smiles and nods "well let's find you the dress of your dreams!" I chuckle and say "uhh okay." The woman says "now, there is something important to note. Do not look at price tags today. We want you to find the best dress for your birthday. The cost is already covered by somebody who wishes to remain anonymous." I internally roll my eyes, knowing its probably Spencer. Externally I just say "oh wow that's so nice. I really don't mind paying for my own dress." The woman waves her hands and says "not this time. Now what are you thinking?"
        I end up browsing for a bit because I have no idea what I want. I try on a number of dresses, both long and short, in different colors. I eventually land on a champagne colored dress with some embroidered beaded flowers in white and silver beads. It's honestly just breathtaking and I fall in love with it as soon as I try it on. My friends and even the store owner are in awe of the dress and tell me that this one is definitely it. I'm blushing out of excitement and shyness as they all just gush over the dress. I decide that it's the one and tell the girls my nude pumps will be great with it and I don't need new shoes. They try to fight me on it and I quite literally put my foot down at this point.
They let me make this decision, thankfully, and I can honestly feel a headache coming on. I don't know if it's from the massage or just from all the action today, or my hormones or what. The store owner writes down the details of the dress for the "anonymous donor" to pay for later and wraps it up and even puts it in a garment bag to take it home in. I am a bit in shock there's so much care going into one dress. It's just my birthday, hopefully there will be many more. I kinda hate that it's turned into such a big deal, but I am happy my friends care enough to do all of this for me.
Alison drives me home and I say my goodbyes to the girls and make my way upstairs with the dress. I walk inside and immediately see Spencer in the kitchen and am so happy to see him. I run over to him and hug him as I say "Spence, you're home! I feel like I haven't seen you in days!" He just holds me tight and gives me a quick kiss before saying "I know I feel like I haven't seen you in days either." He then asks "how was your birthday spa day?" I smile and say "pretty great! I do have a bit of a headache right now, though."
Spencer frowns and pushes some hair behind my ear "did you drink more water like I told you to?" I smile softly and nod "I drank almost three bottles of water before during and after, Spence. Maybe I was just already dehydrated." Spencer hums "could be. Go lie down and I'll whip us up something for dinner." I smile and nod. When we first started dating he could only cook breakfast foods and even then those could be touch and go and now he's going to fix dinner. He's so sweet.
I go to the bedroom to lie down for a bit, Ryder follows at my heels and hops into bed with me after I hang up the dress in the closet. I doze off pretty quickly; I have no idea for how long. I wake up to something smelling really good in the kitchen. Spencer has made grilled cheese and tomato soup, one of my favorite sick meals. I know he has an eidetic memory but it still warms my heart when he does remember things. Spencer smiles when he sees me and says "perfect timing, dinner is ready." I smile and take a seat at the island, Spencer makes our plates and hands me mine before sitting next to me. We sit and chat and I notice Spencer is looking at me weirdly. I furrow my brow and ask him "what is it Spence?" He says "hmm?...oh! I was just noticing how nice your eye lashes look. Is that something they did today at the spa?" I nod and tell him about the process, of which he seemed horrified.
All of a sudden there's a knock at the door. Spencer gives me a knowing smile and goes to answer it. I furrow my brows in confusion once again. Spencer opens the door to reveal Rossi with a gift sack. I get up and go to greet him. I say "hey, Dave, what are you doing here?" He smiles and says "well, kid, I have a birthday present for you. The genius here let it slip that you liked one of the gifts I had given him previously?" I'm confused, still not following. He hands me the sack and I say "but, Dave, my birthday isn't until Friday?" Dave chuckles "I thought you might want to break them in before Friday." Then it all clicks. I just look between the two men and say "no," in shock.
I open the gift sack to reveal a box that says Christian Louboutin. I look at Rossi and screech "YOU DID NOT!" He chuckles and nods "they're nonrefundable so don't even try. Go on, open it!" Spencer just watches from his stance, like a parent happily watching their child ask for their most coveted Christmas present on Christmas morning. I open the box to reveal a beautiful pair of nude heels. The heel part is sparkly but the part around the toe is transparent with small diamonds. They are so classy. Rossi says "I've noticed you often wear nude colored heels when you dress up for events, so I got you a nicer pair for your birthday." I'm in shock and get up to hug him and thank him profusely. He just chuckles and tells me to try them on.
I slip them on and walk around. They're a little slippery on the hardwood like most heels are when they're brand new, but they're absolutely gorgeous and fit like a glove. I hug Rossi again and thank him profusely. He just chuckles and says "the best way you can thank me is by honoring me and wearing them for your birthday dinner. Deal?" I smile wide and nod quickly "deal!" He turns to head out and says "I'll let you kids get back to your dinner. Happy early birthday, Annie!" I call out one final thank you and start doing a little dance in my new shoes. Spencer chuckles and asks "are you happy, Annie?" I nod "I've wanted a pair of red bottoms since I was in like high school! This is so surreal!" Spencer chuckles "I'm happy you're happy. Let's finish up dinner and head to bed. Sound good?" I nod and follow Spencer so we can eat dinner.

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