Chapter 11: Just One

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I stir in the morning, still wrapped tightly around Spencer. I look at my alarm clock and see that it's 8:30 am but still pitch dark in my room. Thank God for blackout curtains. I'm still in the process of waking up when I hear Spencer's phone start ringing. He wakes up and haphazardly grabs it from the nightstand and answers it in his gruff morning voice "Reid." His morning voice is so hot he should be arrested for it.
I can't hear what the other person says until he says "okay thanks, Garcia. I'll see you soon." He hangs up the phone and sighs. I look up at him and he gives me a sad smile and says "I have to be in by 10, do you want to go get breakfast somewhere before I have to go?" I nod silently and yawn. I move to get out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready.
I pee and brush my teeth and wash my face before putting my contacts in. I put on my leggings and a sweatshirt and some sneakers and just throw my hair in a messy bun. I come out of the bathroom and go out to the living room to see Spencer coming back inside with Ryder. I smile softly and walk up to him and wrap my arms around him tight. He returns the embrace and kissed the top of my head.
I don't know if I'm having big feelings right now because of the conversation from last night or just knowing that I won't see him for a few days after he leaves for this case. He holds me for a couple minutes before saying "baby, if we want to get breakfast before I have to leave we have to go soon." I release him from the embrace nodding and go to crate Ryder.
Spencer brushes his teeth and hair and changes quickly in my bathroom before he comes out and says "you ready?" I nod and follow him out the door, locking it behind me. He grabs my hand as we make our way down to his car and he says "you okay? You haven't said a word since we got up." I nod and say "yeah. I don't know if I'm just tired or if I'm just having some emotions from our conversation last night or if I'm worried about you going on your case."
I look up at Spencer and he nods in understanding before saying "it's probably a combination. It's okay to have feelings, baby. You don't have to work through them alone," he squeezes my hand in punctuation of his statement. I give him a soft smile and lean my head against him for a brief moment.
We get in his car, Spencer puts his hand on my left thigh as he drives us to our favorite breakfast spot. He has classical music on on the radio which actually calms me down a bit. We go in and are seated in a booth at the back of the restaurant. I don't even look at the menu because I know what I want. The waiter comes over and Spencer orders for us.
Spencer orders saying "I'll have French toast with scrambled eggs and bacon and a cup of coffee and she will have chicken and waffles with Diet Coke." The waiter nods and walks away to put in our order. I smile at him because I didn't realize he had learned my order already. He smiles back and says "I still don't understand how you can drink Diet Coke first thing in the morning. Especially when you can have coffee."
I giggle and say "the first sip, especially from a fountain drink is just divine," as I make a chef's kiss gesture. Spencer chuckles and says "there's that laugh I've been waiting for all morning." I smile bashfully and ask where the team is going this time. Before he can answer his phone is ringing, Spencer apologizes and says "I'm sorry it's Hotch, I'll be right back." I nod in understanding as Spencer leaves and our drinks arrive. I fix Spencer's coffee for him, at this point I know the exact amount of sugar he wants.
He comes back and sits down shortly after leaving. He notices his coffee is already fixed, takes a drink and says "how did you do that better than I can?" I laugh and say "you have your magic tricks, Dr. Reid and I have mine." He laughs and shakes his head. I look at him and say "what did Hotch have to say? Everything okay?"
He gives a serious nod and says "he actually told me to make sure I pack a go bag because I've been cleared to fly now. I actually was before the last case but it was local so it didn't matter. He said we are going to New Mexico and that it looks like it they're going to need all hands on deck." I nod in understanding and grab his hand and just say "please be careful and come back to me." Spencer nods and squeezes my hand as our food arrives.
Spencer changes the subject as we eat and we spend the rest of the meal laughing together. I'm sitting here thinking to myself that I love him, but I can't say it just yet because I don't want to scare him off. We will have to wait just a bit and hopefully the right time will come. As we finish eating and I beat Spencer to paying the bill, much to his dismay, we walk out and he squeezes my hand tightly all the way to the car.
We get into the car and drive to my apartment complex. As Spencer parks in front of it he leans over to kiss me goodbye. I quickly deepen the kiss and he lets me take control of the kiss for once. I place my hands on either side of his face, feeling his scruff underneath my finger tips, lighting a fire within me. His hands are digging into my hips as the kiss deepens; it's not an entirely unpleasant feeling.
I pull away and he says "you know for that little stunt you pulled at the restaurant I should've withheld these lips from you as punishment." I laugh and feel the fire burn in my belly at his statement. I say "for paying for breakfast Dr. Reid? Wouldn't that punish you as well, not just me?" He smiles and says "that's why I didn't withhold these lips from you," as he leans in and we lightly continue the kiss.
I pull away and tell him "you're going to be late if you sit here waiting to get tired of kissing me and I don't want an angry Hotch coming after me. Go to work, super hero. Make good choices and please come back to me unscathed," I punctuate my statement with a final kiss to his lips and move to get out of the car." Spencer chuckles and says "I'll do my best, Annie. If you ever need somebody while I'm gone Garcia is always available, baby, remember that."
I so badly want to tell him I love him, but I'm terrified. Spencer waits until I make it safely into the complex before leaving the parking lot and I make my way up the stairs to my apartment. I feel better than I did last night. Relieved that I finally got that confession off my chest; it had been eating me alive for the past few weeks knowing I had to tell him. He isn't growing impatient with me at all while we continue at a slow pace and I'm so grateful.
It's my day off and I plan to clean up around the apartment and go grocery shopping and go to the gym. After a few hours, all of the things I wanted to get done are complete and I sit in bed watching tv with Ryder, my hair still wet from the shower. As I sit there absentmindedly watching tv, missing Spencer, I hear banging on the door. I go to check my doorbell camera and see that it's my friends from the hospital, Killian and Alison.
I open the door to them and Killian goes "surprise, bitch! We brought wine! Now where's the god child of mine?" Killian walks past me to Ryder and I turn to Alison laughing and say "what are you guys doing here?" Alison hugs me around my neck, holding a bottle of wine in her other hand and says "you've been spending a lot of time with Dr. Bean Pole and we missed you." I then hear Killian add in from the living room "and we want to hear about the sex! He may be a bean pole but I bet he's packing."
I scoff and laugh out of embarrassment as Alison and I go to sit in the living room with Killian and Ryder. I say "we actually haven't done anything yet," to which I'm met with incredibly shocked stares from my friends. Killian just looks at me for a beat and tells me "so you haven't tried out your WWE skills on that beautiful man?" I laugh and say "no, Kil, I haven't. I've never told y'all this before but I'm actually still a virgin." They both scream at me in unison "WHAT?!"
I laugh and say "yep that's the response I was trying to avoid." Killian gets up and goes to the kitchen and says "oh baby we are going to need some wine for this conversation." Alison still looks at me shocked and says "girl how are you almost 26 and still a virgin?" I laugh and say "well once I had waited so long I thought 'I'm not going to waste it now.'" Alison nods and says "I guess that makes sense."
Killian comes in the room carrying three wine glasses and says "now when do you think you and Dr. daddy long legs are going to start being a bit adventurous or have you already started?" I laugh hard at the new nickname and say "we kiss hard and cuddle on the couch a lot. We do spend the night at each other's places sometimes when he's home but he recognizes that I want to move slow and never presses the subject. We talked about some things last night and I feel like I may be ready soon. I have to ease into it though."
Alison laughs and says "yeah no chains and whips any time soon. You need to ease into it at first." Killian says "when you think you are close to fooling around with him we have got to take you to get your first wax because I bet you have a jumanji level jungle down there." I scoff and say "wow are we just going to make fun of the virgin all day?" Alison says "she's probably right. And you can't do it the day of because that can give you an infection." Killian says "it won't kill you, I've done it." I look at her and say "Killian! And you're a nurse?" She laughs and says "clean up well before and after and you're golden."
Alison says "don't listen to her, Luke doesn't care about that when we do it, I think most guys are just happy to be getting some." Luke is Alison's husband and they've been together for like 8 years. Killian said "yeah there is a difference between hookups and sex in a committed relationship." I laugh at her and say "I can't believe you're a nurse and you mainly engage in hookups and one night stands." Killian says "hey, I have an IUD, I use protection every time, and I still get checked for STDs once or twice a month depending on how sexually active I've been. I'm careful." I say "yeah you're careful about that but you could easily be murdered going to strange people's apartments or letting them into yours."
Killian laughs and says "Hey, if the good lord wants to take me after getting some good dick then he can have me." All 3 of us laugh hysterically at that until our sides hurt. After a while Alison looks at me and says "seriously though, Annie, does he make you happy?" I smile as I blush and nod "I haven't been happier in years. Anthrax and gun shot wound and all. I just hope it lasts." Alison and Killian nod before Alison nods and says "I think it will. You guys are good for each other."
We spend the day drinking wine and watching movies. I haven't checked my phone all day so I missed texts from Spencer after he's landed in New Mexico. Alison and Killian cannot drive after all the alcohol they've consumed today so I set them up in my guest room. By set them up I mean make sure they're both in the bed before heading to my bedroom with Ryder. As I'm getting into bed I hear my phone ring.
"Hello?" I say with slightly slurred speech. I hear Spencer's voice on the other end say "Annie? Are you okay?" I nod my head, forgetting he can't see me and say "I'm absutely womerful," into the phone. Spencer says "Annie, you're drunk, where are you?" I gasp and say "am no runk, I m at home in ma bed doc genius man," and end the sentence with a hiccpp.
Spencer says "are you alone, Annie?" I say "no, Alison and Killi are in the guest room." "How much did you drink, Annie?" I sit for a minute mentally counting and say "only one!" Spencer says "one drink?" I cackle in response and say "no silly one bottle" Spencer says "okay Annie I'm going to have Garcia check in on you soon. Please stay at home and drink water."
I giggle and hiccup on the phone before saying "okay dr. daddy long legs, I'll do that." Spencer laughs at the nickname and says "please let me know in the morning that you're alive, okay baby?" I giggle and hiccup again and say "okay luv you Spencie nighty night" and hang up without a care in the world and fall asleep within minutes.

~Spencer's POV~

Annie is really drunk. Is it because of me, because I left? And she said I love you before she hung up! Was that just habit from saying it when she hangs up with her family and friends or was she just saying it because she was drunk or did she mean it? I sit on my bed in the hotel room, my head spinning. Morgan looks at me and says "everything okay, kid?"
I rub my eyes hard and say "Annie is just really drunk and I'm worried about her. I'm afraid she got drunk because I left." Morgan looks at me with a furrowed brow and said "was she drinking alone?" I shake my head no and say "no she said two of her friends from the hospital were there with her at her apartment." Morgan laughs and says "kid, it was just a girls night. She will probably do that a lot when you're gone either to not think about missing you or worrying about you or just because she genuinely wants to see her friends."
I nod my head still deep in thought. I say without looking to Morgan "she said she loves me before she hung up." Morgan cocks his head to the side and says "wait how did she say it?" She said "'okay love you Spencie nighty night' and hung up." Morgan laughs and says "she probably just said it because she's drunk. She might have meant it subconsciously, but I wouldn't worry about it. Do you not love her?"
I nod my head and say "I think I do. I've never felt like this before. I'm honestly more worried she's going to choke on her own vomit in her sleep than I am worried about her saying she loves me. I guess that means I love her." Morgan laughs and nods and says "it sounds like it but you don't have to figure it out tonight. She probably won't remember that conversation in the morning. Just keep doing what you're doing and everything will work out." I nod my head and say "I'm going to call Garcia and see if she can check in on her."
I walk out into the hall and call Garcia. She answers saying "why hello boy wonder what can I do you for?" After I hear her answer I say "Hey Garcia I was just wondering if you could track Annie's phone for me? She sounded drunk on the phone and she said that she was at home but I just want to make sure." She says "okay lemme see here," I hear her typing away before she says "uh huh yep it says she's at her apartment right now."
After Garcia hears me sigh a breath of relief she says "want me to hack into her phone and see if I can check her heart rate on her Apple Watch?" I am utterly shocked "can you do that?" Garcia laughs and says "oh you're not the only genius on this team. It says her heart rate is at 72 beats per minute which is normal for her sleeping heart rate. She has a sleep app on her watch and it says she's asleep. Do you want me to check on her in the morning?" I sigh with relief and say "yes please if you don't mind." I hear her laugh and say "of course, Spencer, let me know if I can do anything else for ya." I smile and say "thanks Garcia," and hang up.

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