Chapter 21: Cocktails & Chicken Nuggets*

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      At my consultation my doctor said it was perfectly fine to switch to an IUD and that I shouldn't need to have a ride after or anything like that. I scheduled my appointment to get the IUD at the point in my cycle that was recommended by my doctor which ended up being while Spencer was on a case. It's totally fine, honestly I'd probably rather spend the day adjusting alone than with Spencer being there. He would treat me like I was made of porcelain all day if he were here when I really just need a day to be lazy and eat takeout alone in bed while watching some tv series he would critique the entire time he watched it with me.
      I doordash the best boneless wings and mac and cheese from a local bar and watch Good Girls while Spence isn't home. He critiqued that show to death the one time I watched it with him. I love his facts usually but not when they're mercilessly tearing apart one of my favorite shows. He also got a real kick out of aggravating me with it. After I've binged the show for a few hours I get a call from Spencer. I answer the phone  "hey, baby, how's the case going?" Spencer answers "hey, Annie, we haven't gotten very far. Still don't have any new leads. I was just calling to see how your...erm...procedure...went today?" I laugh and tell him "it was fine Spence. They even gave me an ultrasound to check and make sure all was good in the hood down there."
      He chuckles "good, I'm glad to hear that. So you're not in any pain?" I hum before saying "um I've been cramping a lot and I've been bleeding. They said that was to be expected though. It'll be okay in a day or two. They said to avoid sex for at least 24 hours, but that won't be a problem since you're in Florida right now." He laughs and says "true. You'll text or call me if you need anything? I hate that you're in even a little bit of pain because of me." I laugh "you think a lot of yourself Dr. Reid if you think I did this for you. I did this so I could have peace of mind during sex and enjoy the moment with you." He scoffs and says "but you wouldn't be doing all of this right now if it weren't for me and this relationship." I chuckle "fair point well made, Dr. Reid."
      He audibly groans before saying "don't do that to me. Remember what happened the last time you teased me on the phone like this?" I laugh just a little bit evilly and say "oh don't tempt me with a good time, baby." He chuckles and says "on that note I should let you go, call me if you need anything?" I smile "of course, baby. Please come back to me safe and sound, unscathed?" Spencer chuckles "I'll do my best, love you." I say "I love you, too, Superman, go save some lives," and then I hang up.
I took the day off of work for this because my doctor recommended this specific day in my cycle to implant the IUD. It's Tuesday and I am thinking of planning a girls night on Friday or Saturday night. We haven't gone out to a bar for a girls night since the one that ended up with Spencer arresting the guy who wouldn't take no for an answer. Which was honestly so hot. I coordinate with Killian and Alison and we decide to plan to go to a local bar on Friday night. We like to go to this particular bar because it doesn't usually do covers and is more for adults to have fun than for college kids and high school kids with fake IDs to get black out wasted.


     The team ends up wrapping up their case late Thursday and they fly back early in the morning. I wake up to Spencer coming in to the bedroom at around 4 am. Ryder starts growling before he realizes it's Spencer and then runs to him to greet him. Spencer shushes Ryder in attempts to not wake me, but he was too late. I roll over and look at him and stretch before saying "hey, baby, how was the flight." He kisses me on the forehead and says "it was fine, I'm going to get ready for bed, go back to sleep, Annie." I nod and roll over to doze off again.
      I wake up again when Spencer climbs into bed probably not long after I fell back asleep. He cuddles up behind me and pulls me against him, kissing the back of my head. He snakes a hand around my waist, grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine.  He pulls me tight, breathes in the smell of my hair deeply, and whispers "I love you, Annie, sweet dreams." I smile "I love you, too, Spence, sweet dreams." I think the case was probably rough, so he's holding me tight. Shortly after that I can hear him lightly snoring behind me. I doze off again shortly after knowing he's asleep.

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