Chapter 23: Happy Birthday*

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     Keeping secrets from a profiler is hard. Any change in inflection in my voice receives quizzical expressions and furrowed brows from Spencer. He's going to ruin his own surprise party if he doesn't quit giving me the third degree every time I have to do something to plan for his surprise party. The case Spencer got called on is local so he's still home every night and morning. Hopefully he will still be in town and in the office on his birthday. Penelope is supposed to keep me updated. With any luck the case will be solved and I'll only be interrupting paperwork with my surprise party.
      On Wednesday morning I wake up to get ready for fake work so he doesn't suspect anything about his birthday. Spencer wasn't home when I went to bed but when I roll over he's there, asleep next to me. I try not to wake him as I get ready for "work" but I fail. He sits up a bit and rubs his eyes as he looks at me. I walk over to him "hey baby I'm sorry I woke you. What time did you get home?" Spencer yawns "I think like 3:45. We wrapped up the case late last night so I just have to go in for paper work today around 10 this morning." I nod and try to hide my relieved and excited expression. I tell him "well, I gotta get to work. You go back to sleep. Ha-Have a good day!" I almost wished him a happy birthday, but I caught myself. I hear a muffled "you, too," as I leave the bedroom.
     Once I get in the car I call Penelope and head to her apartment. We get everything ready to take to the BAU to set up what she calls "the round table room" to have a surprise party for Spencer. Pen asks me "so what did you get boy wonder for his birthday, hmm?" I chuckle "um I got him some new clothes because he needed some but he wouldn't want to buy them himself and I also got him a new watch. It's a Rolex engraved with a quote from War and Peace 'we are asleep until we fall in love' and underneath it in my handwriting it says 'thank you for waking me and making my dreams a reality. Love, your Annie.'" I didn't, however, tell Garcia about the lingerie set I got for tonight or the sexy Halloween costume I got to wear for Spencer either. She didn't need that much information.
      I ride with Penelope to the BAU an hour earlier than everybody else so we have time to decorate the room and actually surprise Spencer for his birthday. On the way there we pick up the cake. It's two tiered with the bottom layer being chocolate and the top layer being yellow cake and the whole thing is frosted in butter icing that is dyed purple for his favorite color.  We have a topper that says "Happy Birthday, Spencer" and a 2 candle and an 8 candle so we don't have to actually put 28 candles on the cake. I carefully carry the cake in and Garcia carries the box of decorations and our gifts.
We quickly get inside and put the cake in the middle of the table with the gifts behind it. We hang the "Happy Birthday, Spencer!" banner that Garcia and I made on the wall opposite the door. I get the party plates and cups ready and I snagged some canned drinks and bottles of water from the kitchen in the office here in case somebody wanted one. Everything is all set up and everybody is here 15 minutes early like we planned. All the gifts are gathered together and I stand, bouncing in excitement, waiting for Spencer to arrive so I can surprise him.
Morgan comes up to me and says "you did a great job, Annie, but I'm surprised you didn't dress nicer for this." I chuckle "well I had to make it believable to Spence that I was going to work..and..he's said before that he really likes it when I wear scrubs. Two birds one stone." Morgan chuckles and says "pretty boy has a thing for scrubs. Who knew." I laugh and roll my eyes. Hotch comes in and says the people at the front desk just texted them that Spencer is on the elevator coming up. Everybody piles in the round table room with the blinds closed and Garcia goes to greet Spencer at the elevator pretending to be frantic with a case to present to lure him to the room.
I hear Penelope telling Spencer the case is just awful and the file is on the table before they open the door and we all scream "surprise," and Spencer seems genuinely surprised by the party and especially my being here. His eyes and smile are both wide as he says "oh my god! What are you doing here, Annie? Why aren't you at work?" I chuckle "I took the day off of work to surprise my boyfriend for his birthday even though he tried to hide it from me." He comes over and kisses me and says "I just didn't want you to feel like you had to do something big." I chuckle "oh you mean something like this, Dr. Reid?" His eyes flash dark for a second before saying "yes, like this." I giggle "Spencer I love to plan surprise parties and just parties in general really. I enjoyed all of this. Keeping it from you was hard though. I was sure you knew." Spencer chuckles "I thought you were acting weird but I wondered if you were just stressed or something."
Morgan says "come on, Annie. Don't hog the birthday boy!" I chuckle and let Spencer go see his friends. As he's greeting and talking to his friends and coworkers, Hotch walks up to me "you did a great job planning this, Annie. I'm so glad he's found someone like you. He deserves it." I am incredibly touched and almost feel like tears will spring to my eyes at the sentiment. I laugh lightly and say "Oh, Aaron, it's the least I can do for him. I love him with my whole heart. I can't imagine doing anything else with anybody else." Hotch smiles briefly and says "good, because I don't think anybody else could make him this happy." I blush and go to start cutting the cake and serving everybody. Spencer, Emily, Morgan, and Garcia wanted chocolate while JJ, Hotch and Rossi wanted the yellow cake. I also opt for chocolate once everybody else has been served.
      They all help themselves to the drinks I brought in and we eat cake and talk for a while. I feel like I've never seen Spencer's eyes so bright. I know when he was a kid his birthday wasn't celebrated quite like this, so I'm happy I can do something special and surprise him. He deserves to feel special every day, especially on his birthday. After everybody is nearly finished eating their cake I say "hey, Spence, why don't you open your presents?" He looks shocked for a second like he thought I was joking. I chuckle and gesture to the presents on the table and he gets excited and goes to open the presents.
      Morgan gave Spencer a nice cologne, Hotch gave Spencer some new ties that looked pretty expensive, Emily gave Spencer some books in Russian that are some of her favorites she thought he would like, JJ gave Spencer a gift set of different luxury hair gels since he recently cut his hair short, Rossi gave him a nice bottle of scotch, and Garcia gave Spencer a decorative Newton's cradle for his desk. Spencer is excited and in awe at all of the gifts given to him by his team. I hand him the final gift, my gift. It's a big gift bag with new vests and cardigans, because he needed them and didn't want to go buy any new ones, and in the bottom of the bag was a separately wrapped box with the watch. Spencer is excited about the new clothes and once he gets to the bottom of the bag his face contorts into a confused but excited expression. He opens the box and sees the watch and he's immediately in awe.
      He doesn't even turn it over to look at the engraving before coming over to me and telling me I spent too much money on him. I chuckle "Spencer, even if I wanted to I couldn't return it, it's engraved." His eyes widen as he turns it over and reads the inscription aloud. His throat catches briefly but he clears it before it can become worse. He turns around and hugs me. I chuckle and say "put it on, Spence!" Morgan chimes in "yeah, pretty boy, let's see it!"
Everybody chimes in with similar sentiments and Spencer concedes, putting on the watch. Everybody cheers. I laugh and smile "and you're all invited to our place on Halloween night to celebrate Halloween, kiddos included!" Spencer turns to me excited "you've been working hard planning all this, haven't you?" I giggle and nod "you deserve to celebrate your birthday and holidays you enjoy with your favorite people, Spence. I'm more than happy to plan and be involved with it." He chuckles and shakes his head before giving me a light kiss and thanking me. I pull from the kiss and whisper in his ear "there's one final present for you under these scrubs that you'll have to unwrap later when you get home from work, baby."
Spencer pulls back and looks at me with dark eyes. His tongue darts out and licks his lips so quick, if you blink you could've missed it. I give him a knowing smile and tell him "I'll see you when you get home tonight, Spence. I hope you have a good birthday," before kissing him lightly on the lips. I go to leave when Penelope reminds me "Annie, you left your car at my apartment, do you need a ride?" Spencer looks at Penelope and then me and then Hotch before saying "hey um Hotch could I take Annie home and just take the rest of the day off? She doesn't have her car and I'd hate for her to have to pay for an Uber." Hotch gives us both a knowing smirk and says "yes, Reid, it's okay for you to use one of your many paid vacation days you have built up to go spend your birthday at home with your girlfriend." I giggle and help him gather his gifts and the rest of his things before we head back home.
Once we get to the car and load up the stuff Spencer surprises me, grabbing me by the waist and pushing me, not in a way that hurts but it definitely knocks the wind out of me briefly, against the car. He kisses me hungrily, like a man who has been starved for days. He pulls back and smiles, he lightly tugs my hair just enough so that I'm looking up and says in my ear "I loved the gifts I unwrapped here, I don't know if I can wait until we get home to unwrap this one." I breathe heavily and say "Spence, as much as I'm enjoying this, there are probably cameras recording us," he kisses my neck lightly and says "they can't see us from this angle, I moved you strategically, sweetheart. Get in the car before I rip these scrubs off your body, princess." I nod shakily and say "yes sir," as I go to get in the car.
      Spencer drives to the apartment while lightly running his hand up and down my thigh. He runs his hand up until he's about to touch where I want him most, and then he slowly runs his hand back down. It has me ridiculously on edge and I try not to let it show. Spencer can tell despite my efforts and keeps up his torture as he sports a smug smile. I breathe shakily and Spencer chuckles "you know, baby, if you're going to act like my hands aren't affecting you, then you should let go of the handle above the window." I nod my head and breathe out shakily as he just barely picks up the pace.
      Spencer gets to my, our, apartment complex and pulls me in for a bruising kiss. When we pull away I ask "what about my car?" Spencer chuckles "that can wait until after I'm done with you," as he lightly caresses my cheek. I nod and say "what if I can't walk?" He laughs harder "then I've done my job and we will worry about your car tonight or in the morning. Now go in the apartment and strip to this new set you mentioned and wait for me in the bedroom, princess." I nod my head "yes sir," and make my way up to the apartment.
     Once I get in I let Ryder out and briefly pet him before taking off my shoes and stripping off my scrubs. I put my clothes in the hamper and my shoes in the closet and sit on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed and my hands together in my lap. I wait for Spencer and after what feels like an eternity I hear him come through the front door. Ryder also hears Spencer's arrival and goes to greet him. Spencer pets Ryder and talks to him briefly before they both come back to the bedroom. Spencer enters the bedroom and shuts the door behind him. He looks at me and smiles "I'm happy to see you followed directions. Now I can officially reward you." I furrow my brow "but, Spence, I want to focus on you for your birthday?" Spencer chuckles and shakes his head "all I want for my birthday is to make you come as many times as possible." My breath catches in my throat "are you sure?" He chuckles "and I want us to play with a new toy.." I cock an eyebrow at him as he goes to the closet to retrieve the new toy I'm guessing.
     He comes out with a bag. I look at him in amusement "did you buy yourself something for your birthday?" He chuckles "I bought you something for my birthday, Annie." I look at him in shock "Spencer that's not how birthdays work." He smiles "it's my birthday I make the rules today." I shake my head and smile "whatever you want today, Dr. Reid." He comes over and kisses my forehead and says "you can still say no to anything you're uncomfortable with. I don't want you to feel any obligation to say yes because you know it's my birthday. It's only fun for me if you're enjoying yourself." I nod my head "I understand, Spence. Thank you for the reassurance," and kiss him lightly.
      He hands me the bag and I pull out something in a long box. It looks like a long retractable pole with leather cuffs on either side. I don't understand what it is and look at him confused. He smiles cheekily at my cluelessness and says "it's called a spreader bar." My eyes widen as he continues to explain the device and its intended purpose. "You put your feet in each cuff and it holds your legs apart." I gulp and nod. He says "if you don't want to try it then we don't have to." I shake my head and say "no, Spence, let's give it a shot. I'm still new and learning what I do and don't like. If I really don't like it and am not enjoying myself I will color out." Spencer looks at me hard and says "you promise?" I smile lightly "I promise to color out if I'm uncomfortable or feel unsafe." Spencer nods "good girl."
     He tells me to lay down on the bed. He chuckles "before I put any restraints on you, let's get this pretty little purple set off of you." I smile "I got it for you, purple is your favorite color." Spencer smiles and kisses along my jaw to my ear before saying "it is my favorite color, but I still think this set would look better on the floor, princess." He bites my ear and I gasp. As I arch my back Spencer reaches under me to unhook the purple lace bra. He licks his lips briefly while staring at my bare chest and kisses down my chest to my underwear. I lift my hips and he pulls the underwear down my legs and off my body. He licks his lips again "much better. You ready?" I nod my head "yes, Dr. Reid, I'm ready." His eyes darken as he attaches my legs to each side. It doesn't feel too wide until he takes the bar and twists it, unlocking it, spreading the bar even further.
      He spreads the bar until it gets uncomfortable and then notices my facial expression and dials it back to a more comfortable width before locking it in place. He smiles and leans down to kiss my neck before saying "you comfortable?" I smile and say "yes, sir." He chuckles before moving back down my body. I look at him and say "Spence?" He hums in response. I ask "do you want to use the cuffs again, too." He lightly caresses my hip and chuckles before saying "that depends, do you want to, Annie?" I bite my lip and nod "yes, sir." He chuckles again "as you wish my dear. You know the words if you change your mind." I nod my head "yes, sir, thank you." He chuckles as he whips his cuffs from seemingly nowhere and says "you're welcome, baby."
     He attaches the cuffs above me to the headboard, like before, and removes his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his boxers. He makes himself comfortable between my legs, his body weight pressing against the bar, making it impossible for me to move my legs or buck my hips. I'm almost completely immobile. Spencer chuckles at the sight of my bare, vulnerable body before him. He smiles at me "how did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful and thoughtful girlfriend?" I blush and smile, unable to hide behind my hands or arms. All I say is "you deserve it, Spence. You deserve to be happy and feel special." He takes a finger and lightly caresses my folds as he says "so do you, princess."
       He continues to lightly caress my core and my breathing picks up. He can see my increased breathing by the rise and fall of my chest. He smiles "are you enjoying this?" I swallow before saying "yes, sir." He chuckles "do you want me to go faster?" I nod my head and he says "that's not how you are supposed to tell me what you want, Annie." He moves one finger to my clit and moves it in slow circles, at the same slow pace. I take in a large gasp of air and say "I'm sorry, please go faster." He clicks his tongue "you had your chance, I'm going to do this until you come." I shake my head and try to thrash around before ultimately failing.
      He chuckles "are you afraid you won't come at this pace, princess?" I nod my head. He chuckles "you'll probably have an intense orgasm from me keeping a slow pace and you not being able to move. Trust me." I nod my head "yes sir." He plants a light kiss to my inner thigh "good girl." He continues his slow pace as I feel the tension building. As he keeps his pace I feel the tension building stronger, faster than normal, and I have no way to control it, but still I ask "please can I come." Spencer smiles "yes, you don't have to ask permission tonight, baby." I nod as I feel my orgasm crash into me with burning intensity. Spencer keeps the light circles through my orgasm which stirs it on, making it last longer than normal until I'm almost hurting from the overstimulation. He chuckles "did you enjoy that." I nod and take a breath before saying "yes, sir." He smiles and gives a quick kiss to my clit, making me jump from the sensitivity.
      He chuckles before taking his fingers down to my heat, spreading my folds open for him. He licks a flat stripe up my core to my clit, making me shudder from the sensations. He takes my involuntary actions as encouragement and dives into my heat with his tongue. I grab on to the bars of the metal headboard as he continually eats me out like he hasn't had a proper meal in days. I feel my legs shaking slightly from the sensation and the tension building within me again. I gasp "fuck, Spence, I'm going to come again. Please don't stop." He hums against me "come for me baby." At his words, I feel myself give in to the sensations and come again.
      Spencer doesn't stop his actions. He pulls a vibrator out that I hadn't noticed before and attaches it to my clit without missing a beat with his tongue. Within about a minute I feel the tension building again and I scream out in pleasure as I feel the band snap within me and I come for the third time in about 15 minutes. Spencer works me through my orgasm and doesn't slow down until I can't take the overstimulation anymore "Spence, please stop, I can't take it, please." He hums "one more and then you can take a break." I nod and hold on to the bars of the headboard and try to breathe. He removes his mouth from my core and replaces it with two fingers. He thrusts his fingers in and out, his fingertips rubbing against my g spot with every thrust as he starts to circle the vibrator against my clit.
     The tension builds within me and I see stars as I breathe heavily and can't control the volume of the moans leaving my body without my permission. The band snaps within me for a fourth time as I feel more fluid than normal leave my body. I cry out loudly at the most recent climax and Spencer removes all stimulation from my aching core. I try to catch my breath as he sits back on his heels and looks at me with admiration. As I catch my breath and say "oh my god did I just pee on you?" Spencer laughs heartily and shakes his head "no, princess, squirted." I look at him in confusion "what does that mean?" He chuckles and smiles smugly "it means I'm doing a very good job at pleasuring you." I shake my head and say "Spence, I couldn't control it."
     He nods his head as he lightly caresses my hip "I know that baby. It's hot. God it's so hot." I look at him a little funny and laugh "I don't feel hot right now I feel like I just peed on my boyfriend which is not hot." He chuckles "you didn't pee, it's female ejaculation. Not every girl does it, but a lot of girls do. It's natural and so hot so don't worry about it." I still smile sheepishly and say "I'm glad we put a towel down before we did all of this." He chuckles "oh we are not done, let's see if  I can get you to do that again." My eyes widen at his words. He looks at me softly "if you want to color out, you can." I consider it before deciding to keep going and shake my head "no we can continue, Spence." He kisses me before he unlocks the cuffs. He moves off of me and stands at the foot of my bed and says "don't worry we aren't done with those yet either."
     I look at him in confusion, but before I can fully comprehend what he just said he grabs tight to the spreader bar and flips it over, also flipping my body over in the process, surprising me. He chuckles "hands, baby." I put my hands behind my back and cuffs them again. He lightly pulls my hips off the bed and puts a pillow underneath my body, at the bend of my hips. He caresses my ass lightly before saying "comfortable?" I nod my head "yes sir" he says "color?" I say "green."  He smacks my ass and says "good girl."
He lightly rubs the red skin he just smacked and asks "do you want me to wear a condom?" I shake my head "no, the IUD should be functional now, happy birthday, Spence." He chuckles "as much as I would love cumming inside of your pretty little pussy, are you sure that's what you want? Don't just say so because you think I'd like it." I smile shyly at the crudeness of his words "Spencer, the Skyla IUD is over 99% effective. If I still get pregnant then it was meant to be." He chuckles "you're sure?" I nod my head "yes, I'm sure."
     He chuckles "last chance to change your mind, Annie," as I feel him line the tip of his cock up with my entrance. I turn back as much as I can and smile at him "do it." He smiles "gladly," and slams into me. I let out a high pitched moan at the feeling as I breathe heavily trying to catch my breath. It feels so different without a condom, but in a good way. He lightly caresses my hip and says "you ready?" I moan and say "yes, please move." He lightly starts to thrust his cock in and out before quickening his pace shortly after. He holds me by my hips as he pushes himself in to the hilt before nearly removing himself every time. He groans "god, Annie, you feel so good." He continues his thrusts and I feel myself clench around him and he lets out a moan "please do that again," I do as he asks and he smacks my ass again, making me clench again, he groans and says "fuck, such a good girl for me."
     I start to feel the tension build within me again he reaches underneath me and starts to rub circles on my clit and my legs start shaking from the overstimulation. He says in my ear "come for me, Annie. Be a good girl and come on my cock." I lose control and feel myself giving in to the tension. I also feel a flood warm liquid once again that covers Spencer's and my thighs. Spencer says "oh fuck yes, princess," and I feel his thrusts become sloppy before I feel him cum inside me. He continues slow thrusts before he pulls out of me and I feel the mixture of fluids start to spill out of me. After he releases my hands from the cuffs and my legs from the spreader bar, Spencer leans forward and pulls some hair behind my ear as he kisses my cheek. He says "I'm going to get some stuff to clean you up, I'll be right back." I nod my head because I don't have the energy to say anything. I close my eyes briefly before Spencer comes back.
He comes back with a warm wash cloth and gently cleans the mess of fluids that's gathered between my thighs. He's very gentle with his actions, but I'm still so sensitive from the five orgasms he just gave me in quick succession. I wince slightly and jerk at the sensation of the wash cloth. Spencer apologizes "I'm sorry, I'll be quick." I nod my head again and make no noise. After he's done cleaning me up he gently moves me to pick me up. He wraps me up in a blanket and holds me in his arms as he gently sways.
He takes his thumb and lightly wipes away the tears that have fallen that I didn't even notice. He looks at me softly "are you okay baby? You haven't said anything." I nod my head and sniffle "yes I'm okay. That was just a lot." Spencer nods "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so carried away." I shake my head "no, Spence, I enjoyed it. A lot. I'm just tired." Spencer gives me a light kiss and says "I love you, you know." I giggle at his words "I love you, too, Spence." He hums "you did so well for me, I'm so proud of you." I blush at his praise. He chuckles "I know you have a praise kink, you don't have to be shy about it." My jaw drops and he laughs "baby, it was obvious before we ever did anything sexual. You always loved words of encouragement and reassurance. I just knew it would transfer into our sex life when you were ready."
I nod and feel myself wanting to sleep. He takes me to the bathroom and sets me on the toilet and I whine in protest. He looks at me with a serious yet soft face "you need to pee so you don't get a UTI especially since we didn't use a condom. Then you can take a nap." I nod my head and listen. After I pee I try to get up and I clutch on to the counter as I go to wash my hands on wobbly legs. After I've washed my hands Spencer wraps me in the blanket again and carries me into my guest room. He leaves me naked and wrapped in the blanket as he pulls the comforter up and tucks me in. He kisses me on the forehead and says "I'm going to start the laundry and put fresh sheets on the bed and then I'll join you in here, okay?" I nod, not having the energy to argue "okay, I love you, Spence. Happy birthday." He chuckles "I love you, too, baby. We can celebrate more after we both have a nap." I nod and quickly drift off to sleep as he leaves the room.

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