Chapter 66: Rehearsal*

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       After a day with the girls and a much needed nap, we are all getting ready for the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. Our wedding is going to be in a local church and Rossi is hosting the reception at his house. Really having the ceremony in a church is more to appeal to my family more than anything. We are going to the rehearsal around 5 pm. I'm just planning to go dressed in what I'm wearing to the dinner after, same as the rest of the girls. The rehearsal dinner is semi formal but I'm planning to wear a white cocktail dress and I think Spencer is planning to wear black pants and a white button up.
        I'm in the guest bathroom at JJ's with Killian finishing up my makeup for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner now. She smiles at me through the mirror and asks "you excited?" I smile and nod "and a bit nervous." She gives me a tight lipped smile and nods "that's understandable. I'm so happy for you, sweetie." I smile in response, finishing up my makeup before leaving the bathroom to change clothes. Once we are all dressed and ready, we load into different cars to go to the church for the rehearsal and then to Rossi's for the rehearsal dinner.
Ryder rides with us and the crate is coming with me in this car so we can easily have him safely removed from the room if necessary. I may even leave him with Spencer tonight if Spencer wants him to stay. Ryder has a little tuxedo bow matching the wedding colors and he was freshly groomed yesterday. Killian is going to walk him down the aisle with her and hopefully, while leashed, he can stand still for like 10 minutes maximum. We are practicing with him tonight for a reason.
        I put my dress on and my louboutins from Rossi before checking myself in the mirror for the last time. I look at Ryder with his bow tie on and smile as I ask him "what do you think, Ryder? Do I look like a bride?" He cocks his head to the side and sticks his tongue out, panting, and I decide to take that as his form of nodding. I smile and grab his leash, all of his stuff is in the car already anyway, ready to go to Rossi's tonight after the rehearsal. I walk out of the guest room and into the living room at which time I am greeted with appreciative squeals and complimentary cat calls from my friends. I smile and blush before I ask "y'all ready to go?" They all respond with different forms of yes as we pile into two separate cars.
        I'm riding with Killian and Alison to the church, my heart beating faster with every mile that passes out of excitement and nerves. Killian and Alison chat idly while I let my thoughts run wild in the back seat. Alison turns to me at a stop light and says "you look beautiful, sweetie." I smile in response, thanking her, before I respond "I'm excited to see my family." She smiles "I can't wait to meet the family I've been hearing stories about." I chuckle and tell her "just don't hold it against me." They both laugh in response, waving off my concerns.
We park the car and walk towards the church, Ryder happily trotting next to us. We walk into the church, greeted by my family as we enter. I quickly smile and say my hellos before I look towards the altar and see Spencer standing there, waiting for the rehearsal to start. We both smile in excitement upon seeing each other after a short time, but also in excitement about why we are here in the first place. I politely excuse myself from the girls and my family before walking towards Spencer, Ryder pulling us quickly down the aisle. Ryder moves so quickly that before I can make it to Spencer I trip in my heels, falling towards him. He thinks quickly and catches me before I can hit the ground.
I gasp in surprise, but smile and laugh once I realize Spencer caught me. He smiles at me and chuckles while saying "you fell for me." I chuckle and shake my head as I place my hand on his cheek, saying "I did that a long time ago." I chuckle as Spencer pulls me back up to standing, Ryder now trying to climb Spencer like a tree. He smiles and kneels down to pet Ryder. I look up to see my parents and brothers looking at us with amused shock. My dad says "you haven't seen us in months, but 24 hours away from Spencer and you're tripping over yourself to get to him?"
I blush and look down as I say "sorry, ever since everything that happened it's just hard to be away from him." My family quiets at that and my dad says "I was just kidding with you, sweetie." I smile and nod "I know, dad, it's all good." I look at my brothers and ask "how were your flights and, more importantly, how is Dave treating y'all?" They smile and Cole tells me "my flight was fine and Mr. Rossi is treating all of us well." I smile and nod "that's wonderful, he's great at hosting." George nods "my flight was fine as well, Mr. Rossi has a beautiful grand piano that he let me play." I smile and nod "because you needed the ego boost, right?" My brothers chuckle as Rossi joins us.
       I smile at him and say "thank you for hosting my family, Dave, I didn't know you were going to do that until yesterday." He smiles and shakes his head as he pulls me into a hug "don't worry about it, kid. I'm more than happy to play host, especially for such a happy occasion." I smile and hug him back, thankful to have such a wonderful and generous man in my life. My family talks with the girls and some of the other members of the team as I walk over to Morgan and ask him "so did you pay for my fiancé to get a lap dance last night?" He chuckles and says "you know I tried my damndest to get him a lap dance, but he was stiff as a board." I raise an eyebrow at that and Morgan chuckles "not like that, don't worry, and he kept talking about wedding facts. I think it really turned off the stripper and she didn't even finish the dance and left without taking the money."
         I gasp and start laughing "you're fucking kidding." Morgan laughs "no, I'm not. The kid only has the hots for you. Don't worry, I got a dance from her later so she got her money's worth." I roll my eyes and tell him "I can't wait until you grow up and find a woman that changes your viewpoint on sex and dating." He chuckles "I would, but in this line of work, I'm afraid to leave behind a wife and kids. Like my old man did." I give a solemn nod of understanding. It all makes sense, of course he's a womanizer in this line of work. He doesn't want to hurt anybody by being hurt. I sigh and tell him "well, one day, to the right girl, your job won't matter. I'd rather die alone than date a man that's not Spencer. Even though his job can make things difficult, I don't want to go a day without him by my side. There is a woman out there that will love you like that. The job won't matter, but you will."
        He smiles and nods "I hope you're right." I wink at him after I say "oh I know I am." I walk away from him over to Spencer and ask him "so should we actually rehearse at the rehearsal?" He smiles and nods before we both start rounding everybody into their starting positions. The pastor and Spencer take their places at the front of the church. Rossi practices walking Diana to her seat while Cole practices walking my mom to her seat. Once both men have been returned to their positions at the back of the church, the bridesmaids and groomsmen start their processional down the aisle.
Alison walks arm in arm with Cole, Penelope walks arm in arm with George, Emily walks arm in arm with Hotch, JJ walks arm in arm with Rossi, and Killian walks arm in arm with Morgan last because they are maid of honor and best man. Killian also has Ryder on his leash as she walks down with him. Then Jack walks down the aisle as ring bearer before my little cousin walks down the aisle as the flower girl. My dad smiles at me and pushes a hair out of my face before he takes my arm. He says "I don't know how I'm going to make it through this tomorrow. You're so grown up." I chuckle "it's me getting married that gets you choked up and not my college or grad school graduation?" He chuckles "this is the final seal I guess that you're all grown up." I smile at him and we start our walk down the aisle to the processional music.
We run through the script once we get to the altar of my father "giving me away" and all that. He goes to sit down by my mother and I stand in front of Spencer. We talk through the motions and everything that will be happening. Spencer and I decided to write our own vows but we will end with the basic "sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part, as long as we both shall live" stuff as well. We even practice the kiss which makes the wedding party hoop and holler in response. Spencer and I laugh as we pull apart from each other. I whisper to him lowly "and to think that you were going to call this off over a lingerie shoot." He chuckles and says "shut up," before capturing my lips with his again, making everybody cheer in excitement. We hear an "ew gross" from our flower girl and ring bearer and pull apart to laugh together at everything that's happening.
Rossi then announces "now that the rehearsal is over, everybody meet back at my place for the rehearsal dinner. Penelope is sending the address to everybody's phones now." On cue, everybody's phones beep, even the members of the team. Penelope shrugs "I like to be thorough, okay?" I chuckle and hold Spencer's hand. He asks me "ride with me?" I smile and nod "absolutely." We walk hand in hand towards his car, Ryder was returned to me in the process of walking through the church so he is now with us, too. I put Ryder in the back seat before hopping in the front with Spencer. Spencer immediately leans forward and captures my lips again which makes me laugh. I ask him "really, one night and you can't keep your hands off of me?" He smiles like he's in a daze "I'm just so excited to marry you tomorrow." I smile back at him "I am excited to marry you, too, Spence."
Spencer sighs and returns to his seat, buckling his seat belt. He tells me "I guess we should get going. If we stopped for a quickie, then everybody would wonder where we were." My jaw drops and I laugh in shock as I ask him "was that your plan? With our dog in the back seat?" He chuckles and shakes his head "honestly I forgot Ryder was a part of the ceremony." I'm in even more shock and say "how dare you forget the closest thing we have to a child." Spencer chuckles "dogs aren't usually a part of wedding ceremonies, Annie." I chuckle and shake my head "what about our relationship has ever been normal, Spence?" He laughs as we drive towards Rossi's to greet our wedding party.

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